Second Collection next weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Solemnity of All Saints Monday 1st November Masses at 10am in both Parishes and 7pm only in St John’s. Feast of All Souls Tuesday 2nd November, St John’s 9am, 10am (Funeral of Elizabeth Sim) and 7pm. No Mass in St Thomas’s. November Month of the Holy Souls Mass each day in November is offered for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, assured of Heaven but judged at the moment of death in need of purification for sins committed and to make adequate reparation for them. Catechism no 1054 “Those who die in God’s grace and friendship imperfectly purified, although they are assured of their eternal salvation, undergo a purification after death, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of God”. You can collect November Lists and return with offering for Holy Masses as soon as possible. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John will celebrate Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in St Conval’s on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Later date due to COP26. Aid to the Church in Need Petition We call on the UK Government and the United Nations to take more effective steps to address the double jeopardy faced by women and girls from religious minorities in certain countries suffering sexual violence and persecution, please follow the link: Aid to the Church in Need | #REDWEDNESDAY PETITION ( Evening of Reflection An Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm – 10pm. Men on a mission: Learning from St. Joseph (Thursday 11th November) In St. Mirin's Cathedral hall, learn from the example of his life and be inspired to fulfil our mission as Catholic men, whether single/married, fathers/spiritual fathers, sons, brothers or husbands. Find, encouragement and refreshment by socialising over a drink! To register please sign up at (7pm-9pm) St John’s: Readers & Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist New rota in the Sacristy to view. 200 Club St Thomas’s October Winner Lynn Murdoch No 133 £60 2nd John Stevenson No 73 £30 Children’s Liturgy St Thomas’s Volunteers needed. PVG required. Please see Fr Jonathan. We pray for those who have died recently, especially Joan Dorrian, Peter Keenan, James O’Donnell, Elizabeth Sim, Marie Scott, Florence Stewart, and Michael Reilly; the 1st month’s mind of Margaret D’Arcy; and for the Anniversaries of Canon Luke Brady, Francis Carlton, Joe Collins, Jim Connolly, Bill Forbes, Joe Foy, Anna Nana Docherty, Eric Hickey, Theresa & Willie Irwin, Peggy Martin, Edward & Helen Monaghan, Annie & John McGowan, Noreen McGowan, Ian Pennie, Martha Sproul, and Charlie Taylor.
Missio Scotland Annual Collection - This Weekend
Please support the work of the Missionary Church. Paisley Diocesan Mass for the Opening of Process of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality 2023 Holy Mass in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Sunday 31 October at 12:00 noon to inaugurate in our Diocese a consultation with the People of God, which will conclude in our diocesan pre-Synodal Gathering around March 2022. The Synodal process is a journey of the whole Church, listening to the Holy Spirit. Annual Mass at St Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John will celebrate Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in St Conval’s on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Later date due to COP26. Sunday Mass for COP26 St Aloysius’ Church, Rose St on 7 November at 1pm. Book with the link Pastoral Formation of Young Adults (18-30) Fr Jonathan will speak about the Eucharist as 'the pearl of great price this Wednesday at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. Afterwards, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction concluding with get together over drinks. Connect @DoPYoungAdults (Facebook and Twitter); @rcdopya (Instagram). Annual Torchlight Procession Thursday 28th October. Please be at George Square, Glasgow, from 6pm, with Rosary at 6:30pm followed by the procession at 7pm to St Andrew's Cathedral, for Mass at 7:30pm. Evening of Reflection An Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm – 10pm. Men on a mission: Learning from St. Joseph (Thursday 11th November) In St Mirin's Cathedral Hall, learn from the example of his life and be inspired to fulfil our mission as Catholic men, whether single/married, fathers/spiritual fathers, sons, brothers, or husbands. Find encouragement and refreshment by socialising over a drink! To register please sign up at (7pm-9pm) Funerals this week Mon: Isabella Fleming (St Thomas’s) Wed: Marie Tylerleigh (St John’s) Fri: Marion Malaney (St John’s) Masses all at 10am. Following week Tues (2nd Nov): Elizabeth Sim. We pray for those who have died recently, especially Michael Fitzmorris, Isabella Fleming, Stephen Harrigan, James Kane, Marion Malaney, Mary MacAfee, James O’Donnell, Michael Reilly, Elizabeth Sim, Pat Smith, Marie Tylerleigh ; and 1st months mind of Tony McLachlan; and for the Anniversaries of Chrissie & Frank Beck, Mary & Patrick Campbell, Neil Crossan, Nellie Curran, Edward Gillan, Ethna & Peter Herbert, Teresa & Willie Irwin, Stephen Lafferty, Elspeth & William McFadyen, Edward McGuire Snr, Michael McQuade, Mary O’Neill, Harry & Sadie Quinn. All notices and anniversaries for the bulletin must be handed in by 7pm on Thursday
Missio Scotland Annual Collection (24th October)
Missio Scotland enables missionaries to help communities in need through grassroots projects. They build and maintain hospitals, schools and seminaries, care for people in need and act for justice in the developing world. In 2020 this collection was affected by the Covid-19 restrictions raising £15,305 (2019: £30,705) Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John will celebrate Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in St Conval’s on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Later date due to COP26. Mass for COP26 The Bishops of Scotland will host a Mass during COP26 at St Aloysius’ Church, Rose Street, on Sunday 7th November at 1pm. The Mass is for Official Delegates, Visitors to Glasgow and for the Faithful of Scotland. Places must be booked on Eventbrite in order to attend by following the link to Adoration St John’s: Daily from 9am-9:55am with Rosary at 9:25am. St John’s Oratory: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30am-9pm. You can still sign up for a weekly hour. St Thomas’s: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9am-9:55am with Rosary at 9:25am. ACN’s ‘1 Million Children Praying the Rosary’ Campaign - 18th October 2021 The worldwide campaign is an invitation to remember the words of Our Lady of Fatima that the childlike and trusting prayer of the Rosary can truly change the world and bring peace. Pastoral Formation of Young Adults (18-30) Thursday 28th October Fr Jonathan Whitworth will speak about the Eucharist as 'the pearl of great price' with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction of the Church. Finally, we will get together over drinks. @DoPYoungAdults (Facebook and Twitter); @rcdopya (Instagram). Annual Torchlight Procession The Annual Torchlight Procession to remember the lives lost from abortion will be on Thu 28 Oct. Please at George Square, Glasgow, from 6pm, with Rosary at 6:30pm followed by the procession at 7pm to St Andrew's Cathedral, for Mass beginning at 7:30pm. East Renfrewshire Faith Forum An Inter-Faith Pandemic Healing & Reflection Service on Sunday 17th October at 3pm in the United Reform Church, Lowndes St, Barrhead. All Welcome! Evening of Reflection An Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm-10pm. We pray for those who have died recently: Sarah Connolly, Evelyn Gadd, Catherine Mackenzie, Alison McMaster, Marion Mulaney, and Anna Wilson; and for the anniversaries of Michael Conafray, Anne Donnelly, Charles Duffin, Johnny Farrell, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Jimmy Fleming, Joseph Foy, Mary Goldie, James McAllister, Angus McEachen, Alice McGrory, Johnny MacMillan, Fr James Murray, Fr James O’Connell, Katie & Patrick Reilly, Kenny and Patricia Ross. All notices and anniversaries for the bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursday please. ![]()
ACN Scotland
Aid to Church in Need would like to invite our parishes, schools and families to join ACN’s ‘1 Million Children Praying the Rosary’ campaign on 18th October 2021. The worldwide campaign is an invitation to remember the words of Our Lady of Fatima that the childlike and trusting prayer of the Rosary can truly change the world and bring peace. Pastoral Formation of Young Adults (18-30) Join us on Wednesday 27th October when Fr Jonathan Whitworth will speak about the Eucharist as 'the pearl of great price'. Afterwards there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction of the Church. Finally, we will get together over drinks. Connect with us on social media: @DoPYoungAdults (Facebook and Twitter); @rcdopya (Instagram). Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start this Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. St Thomas 200 Club: T. Cloherty No 150 (£50) Kathleen Dunn No 62 (£25) St John’s 100 Club: R. Meechan No 87 (£140) John J Reilly No 100 (£70) Pat Devenny No 16 (£35) Maureen Davidson No 102 (£20) Maureen Mc Guire No 1 (£20) Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting in Tea Room on Tues 12th Oct from 1pm-2pm. Stop the latest Holyrood Parliament Assisted Suicide Efforts An Assisted Suicide Bill will be published in the Scottish Parliament this month which we urge you to actively oppose. East Renfrewshire Faith Forum An Inter-Faith Pandemic Healing & Reflection Service on Sunday 17th Oct at 3pm in the United Reform Church, Lowndes St, Barrhead. All Welcome! Evening of Reflection There will be an Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm – 10pm. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October (157 miles) to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations via Thank you! Those who have died recently, especially Mother Mary Benedict, Mary Bowden, Margaret D’Arcy, Evelyn Gadd, Harry Hughes, Jim McNairney, Terry McNulty; the 1st month’s mind of Jimmy Docherty, Fr Terry Donnelly; the 6 months’ mind of Jonathan Gilmour; and the anniversaries of Maggie Boylan, Anna & Peter Hughes, John Cleary, John Dickson, Mary Dickson, Catherine & John Fearon, Matthew Fearon, Frank Gallacher, Joseph Hughes, Mary Lunday, John McGuire Snr, Patricia Milton, Rena Mooney, John McMillan, Gerry & Mary McQueenie, Catherine Quinn, and Jim Reilly. All notices and anniversaries for the bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays ![]()
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Monies to be used to upgrade parking spaces in both Parishes and, looking ahead, resurfacIng the pedestrian walkway in front of St John’s Church. Annual Safeguarding Announcement To be read at all Masses 2nd & 3rd October. October Evening for the Year of St Joseph in St Mirin’s: Wednesday 13th October at 7:00pm This month, we pray and celebrate the work of those involved in the Arts and Professions. There will be Adoration, Benediction and Evening Prayer of the Church. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start this Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From this Monday, 4th October, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in St John’s Oratory after the 10:00am Mass until 9:00 pm on Mon/Wed/Fri. Sign-up as an Adorer willing to commit to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the first Friday of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. One Million Children Praying the Rosary Please find below a link to our webpage for 'One Million Children Praying the Rosary' outlining our ask of schools and parishes in the UK. onemillionchildrenprayingtherosary Stop the latest Holyrood Parliament Assisted Suicide Efforts An Assisted Suicide Bill will be published in the Scottish Parliament this month which we urge you to actively oppose. It will outline details of a public consultation with which we urge all Catholics to engage. We will be working in tandem with Care Not Killing and encourage you also to sign up to their messages. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7’s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October, a total of 157 miles, to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations via Thank you! Blessed Carlo Acutis International Exhibition: The Miracles of the Eucharist at Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy 4th-6th November and St. Columba’s Church, Glasgow 7th-9th November. See the Poster in the porch for viewing times and talks and Adoration. Please pray for those who have died recently Agnes Brady, Peter Lavery, Helen Morran, Michael McBride, Mary McDermott, Anthony McLachlan, Bolek Pajak, Marie Tytherleigh, Jim Wall ; the 1st month’s mind of Jane Devenny, Michelle McCormick; the 6 months mind of Agnes O’Donnell; and the anniversaries of Helen Burns, Eileen Cameron, Robert Cheney, Patrick Collins, Eamon Duggan, Steven Ingram, Gordon King, John McCool, Agnes & Willie McHugh, Fr Brian Rice, Margaret Stewart, John & Rena Weldon, Catherine White. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the bulletin by 7pm on Thursday. |