31st Sunday Year C 30th October
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First CGA £416.00 NGA £761.19 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £120.00 St Anthony £44.40 Mission Sunday Collection: GA £100.00 NGA £951.49 Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions: Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm. The Annual Safeguarding Announcement: This will be read out at all Masses this weekend 29th/30th October. Marys Meals: They will give a short talk and there will be a retiral collection. Please note they no longer collect for the rags to riches as in previous years. Solemnity of All Saints. Holy Day of Obligation: Vigil 7pm (31st Oct) & 8.am & 10.00am (1st Nov) All Souls Mass 2nd Nov: 7am & 10.00am First Fridays for Life - 4th November: Bishop John invites you to fast and pray on the First Friday of each month to protect the unborn child and the flourishing of the Pro-Life movement so that our society will build an authentic culture of life. Join your priests throughout the Diocese over the next 9 months for a Novena of Masses on the First Fridays as we pray for life! The next First Fridays for Life Mass will be offered in St Joseph's in Clarkston on Friday, the 4th of November, at 7 PM. First Friday Children’s Rosary in St John's: This Friday at 6:30pm. All families are invited to attend and pre-school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 and up to 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information [email protected] or call 07910266821). First Friday Evening Devotion: Begins with Mass at 7pm followed by Adoration, Rosary, Benediction and Night Prayer. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery: Bishop John will celebrate the Annual Cemetery Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in our cemetery on Sunday 6th November at 2.00pm. The mass will also be livestreamed for people unable to travel – Please check website prior for the link. Eucharistic Adoration: We still have some unfilled hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Details and sign-up forms are at the back of the Church. Young Adults (18-30): The Diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next and final talk of the series will be on ‘Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints’ by Father Ryan Black. This will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. St John's Primary School Shoppers Night. This takes place on 11th November at 7pm in St John's Church Hall. Entry £2, pay on door. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support. Stall: The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, give details at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Think Vocation.31st Sunday in Ordinary Time: Zacchaeus wanted to catch a glimpse of Jesus, but was too short. Could you be a “sycamore” for others, helping them to reach up to see and meet Jesus? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison, about priesthood e-mail: [email protected] or tel: 0141 889 5056. We pray for those who have died recently: Anna Breslin, Donald Campbell, Joanna Coskery, Mary Flora Macmillan, Margaret Smith and for the 6 months mind of Alec Young and for the Anniversaries of Dr Gerald Boyle, Canon Luke Brady, Mary Campbell, Patrick Campbell, Frances Carlton, Gerard Connelly, Jim Connolly, Catherine Duffy, James Duffy, Eric Hickey, Frankie Mc Cann, Edward Mc Guire Snr, Charlie Taylor.
30th Sunday Year C 23rd October
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First CGA £332.00 NGA £897.49 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £9.00 St Anthony £49.00 Mission Sunday 23rd October: 2nd Collection: The World Mission Sunday Collection ensures the work and service of the Mission Church, as it supports Priests, Religious and Lay leaders who offer the Lord’s Mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s Missions. Gift Aid Envelopes for those who pay tax only are available in the porch and side benches. Please complete all details requested. Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions: Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm.Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. St Luke’s Teachers Cluster Mass: Mon 24th Oct at 8am. St Luke’s Feast Day Mass: Bishop John will celebrate Mass on Fri 28th Oct at 9am for Staff & Pupils for their School Patron. No 10.00am Mass on Friday. Eucharistic Adoration: We still have some unfilled hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Details and sign-up forms are at the back of the Church. Lourdes 2023: An information evening for anyone interested in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes next year, from June 30th to July 7th 2023, will take place in St. Ninian’s Church Hall, Gourock on Monday 24 October at 7 pm. All welcome. Monthly Divine Mercy Devotion & Holy Mass: This takes place on Wednesday 26th of October at 7pm in St Mary’s Church, Paisley. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows Holy Mass. All welcome. Glasgow Torchlight Procession: To mark the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, on Thursday 27th October, the actual day on which the Act was passed, there will be Rosary at 6:30pm at George Square followed by a Procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for Holy Mass at 7:30pm. National SPUC Prayer Campaign Oct 27th to 2022 April 27th 2023: 10 Million Prayers for 10 Million Lost Lives. Join SPUC and the Knights of St Columba for online Rosary on Thursday 27th of October at 7pm. Access via Microsoft Teams. www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting. Meeting ID:342 458 317 637. Passcode: pYePXx Funeral this week: Joe Lunday on Thursday 27th October at 10.am. The Annual Safeguarding Announcement: This will be read out at all Masses next weekend 29th/30th October. Reconciliation & Healing Service: St Columkille’s Hall on Sunday 30th October at 2.30pm. Speakers Fr Joe Balmer and Joe Livingstone. Theme: Praising God in our Desolation. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery: Bishop John will celebrate the Annual Cemetery Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in our cemetery on Sunday 6th November 2022 at 2.00pm. The mass will also be livestreamed for people unable to travel – Please check website prior for the link. St John's Primary School Shoppers Night. This takes place on 11th November at 7pm in St John's Church Hall. Entry £2, pay on door. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support. Stall: The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, give details at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. We pray for those who have died recently: Joe Lunday, Mary Flora Macmillan, Anna Breslin and for the Anniversaries of Wallace Burns, Neil Crossan, Patrick Cunningham, Nellie Curran, Anne Donnelly, Ursula Glancy, Edward Gillan, Theresa & William Irwin, Edward & Helen Monaghan, Rev James Murray, Isobel Mc Creadie, Elspeth Mc Fadyen, William Mc Fadyen, Allison Mc Master, Mary O’Neil. Patsy Stevenson. 29th Sunday Year C 16th October
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First CGA £420.50 NGA £795.43 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £466. NGA £417.00 Vocations GA £10.00 St Anthony £65.77 Mission Sunday 23rd October: 2nd Collection. Gift Aid Envelopes for those who pay tax only are available in the porch and side benches. Please complete all details requested. Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions: Each Sunday of October at 3pm, there will be Rosary & Benediction. Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. Community Money Advice (CMA) This is a UK wide Christian Charity that supports Churches and Community Groups to offer a Free Debt Advice Service to those who are struggling financially. Personal debt is on the increase in the UK and this is having devastating effects on people's lives.1 in 8 Homes across the UK are struggling with unaffordable Debt. The rise in inflation is having a massive impact as well High Utility costs, forcing people to choose to Eat or Heat Many people are experiencing stress, anxiety, anger and fear about their finances More people than ever are looking for help. You can call 07990 892873 or [email protected] www.communitymoneyadvice.com National SPUC Prayer Campaign Oct 27th to 2022 April 27th 2023: 10 Million Prayers for 10 Million Lost Lives. Join SPUC and the Knights of St Columba for online Rosary on Thursday 20th & 27th of October at 7pm. Access via Microsoft Teams. www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting. Meeting ID:342 458 317 637. Passcode: pYePXx Reflection Time for Primary School Pupils: The Diocese of Paisley will be holding a Reflection afternoon for Primary School Pupils in p4-p7 (inclusive) at St. James’, 50 Greenock Road, Paisley on Sunday 23rd October 2-6pm.The day will include activities, Mass and dinner. No pre-registration is necessary, but your child will be required to bring a completed consent form. Consent forms are available from our parish communities or can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. If you require any further information please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or e-mail [email protected]. Eucharistic Adoration: We are hoping to extend Adoration in the Oratory to include Tuesdays and Thursdays. To do so we need more people to commit to one hour before the Blessed Sacrament at the same time each week. Sign-up forms are available at the entrance to the church and can be returned to the box at the Sacred Heart altar; please give this all-important devotion your serious consideration as many graces will flow to both you, your family, and the parish. St John's Primary School Shoppers Night. This takes place on 11th November at 7pm in St John's Church Hall. Entry £2, pay on door. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support. Stall: The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. It is now located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church House. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, please give details to one of the ladies at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Glasgow Torchlight Procession: To mark the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, on Thursday 27th October, the actual day on which the Act was passed, there will be Rosary at 6:30pm at George Square followed by a Procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for Holy Mass at 7:30pm. Lourdes 2023: An information evening for anyone interested in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes next year, from June 30th to July 7th 2023, will take place in St. Ninian’s Church Hall, Gourock on Monday 24 October at 7 pm. All welcome. We pray for those who have died recently Tom Currie, Cyril Crane, Joseph Finn, Mary Greenan, Adrian Higgins, Catherine Mc Cool, Anne Mc Leish, Stephen Reilly and the Anniversaries of Francis Beck, Joan Bell, Sarah Currie, John& Mary Dickson, Joseph Foy, Mary Goldie, Joseph Hughes, Bernard & Susan Mc Allister, James Mc Allister, Alison Mc Master, Canon James O’Connell, Michael Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patsy Stevenson. Collections
First: GA £420.50, NGA £795.43 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund: GA £466, NGA £417.00 Vocations: GA £10.00 St Anthony: £65.77 Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions Each Sunday of October at 3pm, there will be Rosary & Benediction. Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group This Tuesday 11th October from 1pm-2pm, in the Tea Room. Bishop Mone RIP To commemorate the 6th Anniversary of the death of Bishop Mone, Bishop Keenan will celebrate a Requiem Mass in St Mirin’s Cathedral at 10am this Friday 14th October. Requiescat in pace. Funeral this week Ann McCartney on Friday 14th October at 10am. Altar Servers Training Training for Altar Servers at 6:30pm this Friday 14th October (not the Adults who have previously had training). New Altar Servers welcome. You have to have made your First Holy Communion. Eucharistic Adoration We are hoping to extend Adoration in the Oratory to include Tuesdays & Thursdays. To do so we need more people to commit to One hour with the Blessed Sacrament at the same time each week. Many graces and favours come to us through this time spent with Lord. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life increase where there is Adoration as well as conversions and people returning to their faith. You can pick up a signing up form this weekend to return and place in the box beside the Sacred Heart Statue. No need for those already signed up to re-sign unless you also wish to sign for more hours on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Stall The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. It is now located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church House. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, please give details to one of the ladies at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Cost of Living Crisis: Government Website The Scottish Government has launched a campaign promoting a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. Visit gov.scot/costoflivingsupport Say No to Assisted Suicide Liam Mc Arthur MSP (Lib Dem) is proposing a Bill in the Scottish Parliament to legalise Assisted Suicide. This will undermine the right to life and put vulnerable people at risk of coming under pressure to end their lives prematurely. The Bishop’s Conference of Scotland are encouraging us to sign the petition available in the porch and at the side benches in the Church. Glasgow Torchlight Procession To mark the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, on Thursday 27th October, the actual day on which the Act was passed, there will be Rosary at 6:30pm at George Square followed by a Procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for Holy Mass at 7:30pm. SPUC Conference Glasgow A recent BBC poll revealed that 15% of British women have experienced pressure or coercion to have an abortion that they did not want. It is vital to understand the reasons why women have abortions so that we can campaign for protections for vulnerable women and their children. You are invited on Saturday 29 October to a conference. The Cost £30/£20 concessions. The conferencecan be booked online here: https://www.spuc.org.uk/national-conferences-2022. You can also contact Katherine Hampton on [email protected], or call: 01892 542 616. National Divine Mercy Conference St Augustine’s Church in Coatbridge Saturday 29th October 9am-6pm. For further details and how to register please go to: www.divinemercy.scot/conference2022 We pray for those who have died recently Frances Burke, and Ann McCartney; and for the 6 Months’ Mind of Nancy Wilson; and the Anniversaries of Thomas Armstrong, Margaret Dillon, Mary Dickson, Matthew Fearon, Mary Finnigan, Ethna Herbert, Joseph Hughes, Steven Ingram, Mary Lunday, John McGuire Snr, and James Watson. Collections
First: GA £376.50, NGA £917.18 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund: GA £32.00 Vocations: GA £79.00 St Anthony £66.96 Monthly Building Fund: This weekend. St Anthony’s Box September: £321.04 (to Benedictine Monastery, Largs) Weekday Masses Monday to Saturday at 10am and an extra Mass each Wednesday at 7am. Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions Each Sunday of October at 3pm, there will be Rosary & Benediction. Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. First Friday Children’s Rosary in St John's This Friday at 6:30pm. This is an opportunity, for children of all ages to gather together to pray the rosary. All families are invited to attend and pre-school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 or 5 and up to around 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information ([email protected] or call 07910266821). First Friday Devotions 7pm-9pm Begins with Mass at 7pm, followed by Adoration, Rosary, Benediction & Night Prayer. Eucharistic Adoration We are hoping to extend Adoration in the Oratory to include Tuesdays & Thursdays. To do so we need more people to commit to one hour with the Blessed Sacrament at the same time each week. Many graces and favours come to us through this time spent with Lord. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life increase where there is Adoration as well as conversions and people returning to their faith. You can pick up a sign up form this weekend to return and place in the box beside the Sacred Heart Statue. No need for those already signed up to re-submit unless you also wish to sign for more hours on Tuesdays/Thursdays. World Youth Day 2023 Lisbon Information Evening Come along to this information evening at the Diocese of Paisley Offices (just opposite the Cathedral) at 7pm on Thursday 6th October to find out more about the pilgrimage! No commitment necessary. Come and hear more about our plans and what it’s like to attend World Youth Day. Cost £799. Our provisional dates for travel 30th July – 8th August 2023. We welcome those who are 18 (as of 29th July 2023) through to 35 from across the Diocese. For more information please contact Fr John Morrison e-mail: [email protected] or phone 01418895056. Surviving as a Catholic in 21st Century Healthcare Dr Mike Delaney, President of the Catholic Medical Association UK, bioethicist. and retired GP. Sunday 9th October 4-4:30pm: Hazelwood House, 52 First Gardens, Pollokshields, G41 5NB. On street parking available. RSVP (e-mail: [email protected]) by Tuesday 4 October (numbers needed for catering & preparations). SPUC Conference Glasgow A recent BBC poll revealed that 15% of British women have experienced pressure or coercion to have an abortion that they did not want. This is a shocking reality, that the pro-abortion narrative seeks to suppress. It is vital to understand the reasons why women have abortions so that we can campaign for protections for vulnerable women and their children. You are invited on Saturday 29th October to a conference. Cost £30/£20 concessions. The conference can be booked online here: https://www.spuc.org.uk/national-conferences-2022. You can also contact Katherine Hampton on [email protected], or call: 01892 542 616. SSVP Limited copies of the Special Edition of Ozanam News Sept 22 available in the porch. Take a copy & pass on. 100 Club Draw Sept 1st - Margaret M Donnelly No 33 2nd - Maureen Mc Cready No 45 3rd - J & M Bell No 105 4th - E. Casey No 113 5th - Eileen Capaldi No 68 Please collect winnings from the Sacristy. We pray for those who have died recently Ian Wilkinson; and for the Anniversaries of Robert Cheney, Patrick Collins, Margaret D’Arcy, John Kelly, Bill & Marion Malaney, Jim McNairney, Margaret Stewart, and Catherine White. |