First Sunday of Advent: 27th November
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First C GA £484.00 NGA £877. 79 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £100.00 St Anthony £34.73 Next weekend Second Collection: Monthly Building Fund Mass of Commitment for Sacrament of Confirmation: The Primary 7 Pupils of St Johns and St Marks will make their promise of Commitment to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation through Prayer and attending Holy Mass, this Sunday 27th November at the 10am Mass. Advent Family Gathering – Sunday 27th November: You are warmly invited to come along to this event for families at St. John’s Barrhead from 2pm on Sunday 27th November. The event will include light refreshments, a family Advent wreath activity and Rosary, concluding with the celebration of Mass at 4pm." No 5pm Mass on 27th Nov Annual Mass for Parishoners/ Family who have died this Year (2022). This will take place on Tuesday the 29th Nov at 7pm. No Tuesday Morning Mass at 10am. Funerals this week: Christina Stewart Walker Thurs 1st Dec 10am Mass. Elizabeth Docherty Fri 2nd 1pm Hurlet only Rorate Masses during the Wednesdays of Advent (7am) The Rorate Mass takes its name from the opening words of the Entrance Antiphon. which come from the Prophet Isaiah 45:8: “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum, aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.”“Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour.” This Mass is a Votive Mass in honour of Our Blessed Mother Mary. The Rorate Mass begins in the darkness of early morning and lit only by candlelight As the church becomes progressively brighter with the sunrise, so the coming of the Eternal Light, Jesus, whom we await during the Advent season, illuminates our faith in him as Saviour and Light of the World. Young Adults (18-30): The Diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next and final talk of the series will be on ‘Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints’ by Fr Ryan Black. This will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. First Friday Children’s Rosary in St John's (2nd Dec) This Friday at 6:30pm. All families are invited to attend and pre-school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 and up to 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information [email protected] or call 07910266821). First Friday Evening Devotion (2nd Dec). Begins with Mass at 7pm followed by Adoration, Rosary, Benediction and Night Prayer. The New Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Readers Rota’s: The New Rotas are now available on the in the Sacristy noticeboard. If you wish to be sent an electronic copy, email Mary Hallan. [email protected] Cinema Arts and Literature Club: Are you interested in discussing Christian themes in film, novels, poetry, music and more? Are you interested in conversations about faith in the arts? Then come to our inaugural event where we will be discussing the film Gran Torino (USA 2008). Tuesday 29th November, 7:30pm to 9pm at Dunreath (Glasgow Men's Opus Dei Centre), 231 Nithsdale Road, G41 5HA. Text INFO to 07957644546 for full details. All welcome. Knights of St. Columba National Young People’s Competition: The Knights of St. Columba have organised a National competition for young people. All details can be found by clicking on the following link We pray for those who have died recently: Marion Collins, Elizabeth Docherty, Elizabeth Bessie Mc Donald, Christina Stewart Walker and for the Anniversaries of Kathryn Devlin, Kevin Fitzgerald, John & Tommy Logue, James & Noreen Mc Gowan, Annie & John Mc Gowan, Jane Sloan, Jim Watt.
Solemnity of Christ the King : 20th November
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First C GA £484.00 NGA £877. 79 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £100.00 St Anthony £34.73 This weekend Second Collection – 19th/20th November: This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. Sces supports three employees and Diocese employ four part-time staff. . St Luke’s Cluster: Mass for Education Week. This will be celebrated in St Johns this Mon 21st Nov at 6pm. No 10am Mass Change to Daily Mass schedule this week: No 10am Mass on Thursday 24th November. Annual Mass Attendance Census: This takes place again at all Masses this weekend. The New Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Readers Rota’s: It would assist us if you indicated any dates, which are unsuitable for you. Please contact Mary Hallan by email at [email protected] or leave a message for her in the sacristy. Please ensure that if you cannot come, you ask another minister or let us know in advance of your absence. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of the rota, please contact Mary. Annual Mass for Parishoners/ Family who have died this Year (2022). This will take place on Mon 28th Nov at 7pm. Event for young Catholic Adults aged 20-40: Join us for a game of mini golf at Soar Braehead on Sat 26th Nov at 7:30pm. Our events are a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other young adults. For more info and tickets email: [email protected] Young Adults (18-30): The Diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next and final talk of the series will be on ‘Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints’ by Fr Ryan Black. This will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Mass for Marriage (Rescheduled) : Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 11am this Sunday 20th November in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall to follow. Details of those celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison at the Marriage and Family Office ([email protected]) Celebration of World Day: The Diocese of Paisley will celebrate World Youth Day Sunday 20th November at the Diocesan Offices in Paisley. Open to young people presently in S3-6, the day will begin with a brief meeting regarding the Youth to Lourdes pilgrimage at 2pm and conclude with Mass at 4.30pm and some dinner. The day will conclude at 6pm. All attendees must bring a completed Parental Consent form. These are available from your parish, school or by -emailing [email protected] Advent Family Gathering – Sunday 27th November: You are warmly invited to come along to this event for families at St. John’s Barrhead from 2pm on Sunday 27th November. The event will include light refreshments, a family Advent wreath activity and Rosary, concluding with the celebration of Mass at 4pm." No 5pm Mass on 27th Nov Cinema Arts and Literature Club: Are you interested in discussing Christian themes in film, novels, poetry, music and more? Are you interested in conversations about faith in the arts? Then come to our inaugural event where we will be discussing the film Gran Torino (USA 2008). Tuesday 29th November, 7:30pm to 9pm at Dunreath (Glasgow Men's Opus Dei Centre), 231 Nithsdale Road, G41 5HA. Text INFO to 07957644546 for full details. All welcome. We pray for those who have died recently: George Anderson, Marion Collins, Elizabeth Docherty, Veronica Duffy, Moira Newlands, Christina Stewart Walker, and the 6 Months Mind of Edna Byrne, Mary Hughes, and for the Anniversary of James Connolly, Annetta Furie, Kitty Hester, Bernard & May Lafferty, Margaret Mc Girr, Marie Mc Guire, Gerry O’Sullivan, Frank Stewart, Mary Watson. 33rd Sunday Year C 13th November
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First C GA £300.00 NGA £818.31 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £378.46 NGA £412.18 St Anthony £49.96 Next weekend Second Collection – 19th/20th November: This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. The national office supports three employees and we, as a Diocese, also employ four part-time local members of staff to work in our schools and on the RE curriculum. Remembrance Day: This Sunday we Remember and Pray for all the souls lost through World Wars and other conflicts. After the 10am Mass you are invited to gather at the Parish Garden of Remembrance to do so. Annual Hawkhead Cemetery Mass: This Sunday, 13th November at 2pm. Please follow the instruction of the volunteer stewards. Scottish Interfaith Week 13th – 20th November: “Interreligious dialogue is a sign of the times. It is a providential sign, in the sense that God Himself, in His wise plan, has inspired, in religious leaders and in many others, the desire to encounter and come to know one another in a way respectful of religious differences.” (Pope Francis, Kazakhstan, Sept. 2022) Annual Mass Attendance Census: This takes place at all Masses this weekend and next weekend. Annual Mass for Deceased Members of Legion: Sat 19th November at 10am. Annual Mass for Parishoners/ Family who have died this Year (2022). This will take place on Mon 28th Nov at 7pm. Event for young Catholic Adults aged 20-40: Join us for a game of mini golf at Soar Braehead on Sat 26th Nov at 7:30pm. Our events are a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other young adults. For more info and tickets email: [email protected] Young Adults (18-30): The Diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next and final talk of the series will be on ‘Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints’ by Fr Ryan Black. This will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Mass for Marriage (Rescheduled) : Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 11am on Sunday 20th November 2022 in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall to follow. Details of those celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison at the Marriage and Family Office ([email protected]) Celebration of World Day: The Diocese of Paisley will celebrate World Youth Day Sunday 20th November at the Diocesan Offices in Paisley. Open to young people presently in s3-6, the day will begin with a brief meeting regarding the Youth to Lourdes pilgrimage at 2pm and conclude with Mass at 4.30pm and some dinner. The day will conclude at 6pm. All attendees must bring a completed Parental Consent form. These are available from your parish, school or by -emailing [email protected]. For more information, please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or email [email protected]. Also follow paisleyvocations on twitter, instagram and facebook. Advent Family Gathering – Sunday 27th November: You are warmly invited to come along to this event for families at St. John’s Barrhead from 2pm on Sunday 27th November. The event will include light refreshments, a family Advent wreath activity and Rosary, concluding with the celebration of Mass at 4pm." No 5pm Mass on 27th Nov We pray for those who have died recently: Archbishop Mario Conti, Terry Capaldi, Blair Elliot, Stephen Mc Gregor, Morag & Roddy MacInnes, Mairi MacInnes, and for the Anniversary of Bill & Sheila Anderson, Kathleen Byrne, Helena Carlin, Cela & Jim Clarke, Billy Geddes, Ellen Longwill, Helen Markey, Harry Mc Gunnigle, Alex Taylor, Fr Richard Veasey, Click here to 32nd Sunday Year C 6th November
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First CGA £416.00 NGA £761.19 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £120.00 St Anthony £44.40 Marys Meals: £2000. Temporary Phone Number until Tuesday: 0141 428 3391. This weekend: Monthly Building Fund Second Collection – 19th/20th November: This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. The national office supports three employees and we, as a Diocese, also employ four part-time local members of staff to work in our schools and on the RE curriculum. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery: Bishop John will celebrate the Annual Cemetery Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in our cemetery today the Sunday 6th November at 2.00pm. The Mass will also be livestreamed for people unable to travel – Please check website prior for the link. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group: This Tuesday 8th November in the Tea Room from 1pm-2pm. 100 Club October Winners: 1st R & S Young No 59. 2nd Janice Mc Kenzie No 97. 3rd M & I Campbell N0 26. 4th Senga Capaldi No 88. 5th Winifred Hood No 18. SVDP Deceased Members Mass: The Annual Mass for the Souls of the Vincent de Paul Society who served in St John’s Barrhead will be this Saturday 5th of November at 10.00am. Funeral this week: Anna Breslin on Tuesday 8th Nov at 10am. Vigil Mon 7th Sept at 6pm. Young Adults (18-30): The Diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next and final talk of the series will be on ‘Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints’ by Father Ryan Black. This will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. St John's Primary School Shoppers Night. This takes place on 11th November at 7pm in St John's Church Hall. Entry £2, pay on door. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support. Stall: The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, give details at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Mass for Marriage (Rescheduled) : Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 11am on Sunday 20th November 2022 in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall to follow. Details of those celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison at the Marriage and Family Office ([email protected]) Celebration of World Day: The Diocese of Paisley will celebrate World Youth Day Sunday 20th November at the Diocesan Offices in Paisley. Open to young people presently in s3-6, the day will begin with a brief meeting regarding the Youth to Lourdes pilgrimage at 2pm and conclude with Mass at 4.30pm and some dinner. The day will conclude at 6pm. All attendees must bring a completed Parental Consent form. These are available from your parish, school or by -emailing [email protected]. For more information, please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or email [email protected]. Also follow paisleyvocations on twitter, instagram and facebook. We pray for those who have died recently: Anna Breslin, Jean Cardwell, Keith Fergus, John Mullaney, Mary Smith, Ginella Mary Stone and for the Anniversaries of James Bell, Leo Burns, Jean Carberry, Charles & Mary Carlton, Ann & Vincent Costello, Billy Geddes, George Harris, Garry Larkin, Jenny Monahan, Mary Monaghan, Maureen Monaghan, Bill Munn, Martha Mc Kenna, Isobel Mc Guire, Martha Sproul, edit. |