St Peter’s Glenburn, Paisley Of your charity, please pray for Fr Andrew Coleman who is seriously ill at this time and for his parishioners. Bishop Keenan has asked Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan to cover all Funeral Masses in St Peter’s, Glenburn in the meantime. This may cause an occasional change to our own schedules in St John's & St Thomas. Our Lady, Mother of the Clergy, pray for our priests. Stations of the Cross Today in St Johns at 3pm. Holy Week Services & Masses Monday 11th April to Easter Sunday 17th April Please find details of all our services by clicking the button below. Confessions during Holy Week
St Johns Mon-Fri 9:15am - 9:45am Mon 7pm - 8pm Holy Saturday 10:15am - 11am. St Thomas Mon & Wed, 10:30am – 10:50am Fri & Sat 10:15am - 10:45am. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting this Tuesday 12th April from 1pm-2pm in Tea-room. All welcome. Adoration in Oratory this Holy Week Adoration will finish at 6pm on Monday and 5pm on Wednesday and there will be no Adoration on Good Friday. Walk of Witness – Good Friday, 15th April The procession starts at St John’s around 10:30am and finishes at ASDA. Booklets have been prepared and there will be readings and a hymn at each of the stations. The stations after St John’s are the Council Offices, Salvation Army, Bourock Church, St Andrew’s Church, former South & Levern Church and finally ASDA. Soup, teas and coffees will then be offered in United Reform Church Hall. All welcome! 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil Today, Palm Sunday, the 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil outside of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Hardgate Road will draw to a close. The Vigil will end with its traditional Silent Candle Lit hour from 7pm till 8pm. Please consider joining the Vigil’s final hour to commemorate those whose lives have been taken or affected by abortion since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. For information email: [email protected] New Envelopes for those who pay tax (Gift Aid) Envelopes are available now to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house. For those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope, included are 12 x Building Fund and the 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes. Those who pay their First Collection by Standing Order, have envelopes for their Second Collection only (12 x Building Fund/ 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes). If you pay tax and would like to start a Gift Aid contribution, you can speak to Fr Joe/Jonathan about how to set this up. (For every £1 you contribute, the Parish can claim 25p on your donation). Unveiling a statue of St Gianna Beretta Molla, Patron Saint of Unborn Children Join the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children as we ask for St Gianna’s intercession for the pro-life movement in the UK. St Gianna was a 20th century wife, mother, and doctor, most often remembered for her sacrificial love for her unborn daughter. She is a patron for mothers, physicians, and unborn children. The unveiling of statue will take place on Thursday 28 April at 7pm followed by Holy Mass at 7:30pm, at Carfin Grotto. We pray for those who have died recently, especially June Cooper, Gill Hughes, Jean Meanan, Kevin McGinn, Tommy Montgomery, and Margaret Walters; and for the Anniversaries of John Donnelly, Owen Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Gilmour, Theresa Haggerty, Hugh Lynch, Andrew McLaughlin, Danny McLaughlin, and Ann Miller.
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund.
Stations of the Cross This Friday after the 10am in both Parishes and in St John's on Sundays 3rd & 10th April at 3pm. St John's Additional Confessions this week Each morning (Mon-Fri) from 9:15am to 9:45am, in the Oratory. Thursday this week Additional Mass at 7:30am (in St John's only). Funerals St Thomas: Bill Strain Wednesday 6th April at 10am. St Johns: William Thomas Sandford on Thursday 7th April at 10am. St Thomas 200 Club Winners March Kathleen Cameron No. 134 (£60) Anne Banks No. 122 (£30) St John's 100 Club March E. Mc Quade No. 138 (£140) Frances O’Neil No. 90 (£70) J & J Carlton No. 27 (£35) Bernadette Rocks No. 27 (£20) Thos Reilly No. 13 (£20) 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil Next Sunday, Palm Sunday 10th April, the 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil outside of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Hardgate Road will draw to a close. The Vigil will end with its traditional Silent Candle Lit hour from 7pm till 8pm. Please consider joining the Vigil’s final hour to commemorate those whose lives have been taken or affected by abortion since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. For information email: [email protected] New Gift Aid Envelopes 1. For those who pay tax, Gift Aid envelopes are available now to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house. 2. For those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope, also included are 12 x Building Fund and 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes. 3. Those who pay their First Collection by Standing Order, have envelopes for their Second Collection only (12 x Building Fund & 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes). 4. If you pay tax and would like to start a Gift Aid contribution, you can speak to Fr Joe/Jonathan about how to set this up. (For every £1 you contribute, the Parish can claim 25p on your donation). Holy Week Services & Masses Mon 11th April to Easter Sunday 17th April Mon 11th Mass at 10am in both Parishes and Reconciliation Service in St John's at 7pm. Tues 12th Mass in St John's at 10am Wed 13th Mass at 10am in both Parishes. Chrism Mass at 7pm in Cathedral. Holy Thursday Morning Prayer in both Parishes 10am. Mass of Lord’s Supper at 7pm in both Parishes. Night Prayer in St John's only at 9:30pm. Good Friday Morning Prayer at 10am in both Parishes. Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at 3pm in both Parishes. Stations of the Cross at 7pm (St John's only). Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer at 10am in both Parishes. Easter Vigil at 8:30pm in both Parishes. (No 4pm Mass) Easter Sunday 10am in St Thomas 10am & 11:30am in St John's. No 5pm Mass on Easter Sunday. We pray for those who have died recently: James Docherty, Mary Donaghy, Len Gray, William Thomas Sandford, Bill Strain, Catherine Sweeney, and David Andrew Wright; and the 6 months' mind of Margaret D’Arcy and Marion Malaney; and the Anniversaries of Gavin Confray, Claudina Fernandes, Hannah & John Hughes, Jim & Veronica Hutchison, Aidan Longwill, Peggy MacMillan, Margaret Nunnery, Peter Paton, Catherine & Patrick Smith, and Susan Tinsley.
Special Collection 27th March
SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund The proceeds of this collection are divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It works in sixteen countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion, to work their way out of poverty. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes that promote the Kingdom of God among us, with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. Children’s Rosary on Friday 1st April at 6:30 pm Please bring along your Children/Grandchildren from 4 to 14 years of age to learn how to pray and lead the Rosary and help them make the Rosary part of their daily lives. The Rosary lasts about 15 minutes. The Children will also be Consecrated to Our Lady on this evening. For more details contact [email protected] or call 07910266821 First Friday Evening Vigil 1st April The evening begins with Holy Mass at 7pm, followed by Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Evening Concludes with Night Prayer just before 9pm. Stations of the Cross On Fridays after the 10am in both Parishes and in St John's on Sunday 27th March, 3rd/ 10th April at 3pm. St John's Additional Confessions during Lent Each morning (Mon-Fri) from 9:15am to 9:45am, in the Oratory. Thursdays of Lent Additional Mass at 7:30am (in St John's only). Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Funeral this week St John's Saturday 2nd April: Mary Travers. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Bishop James Black RIP This week marks the 54th anniversary since the death of Bishop James Black, the first Bishop of the Diocese of Paisley. Holy Mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul by Bishop John Keenan at 10am on Monday 28th March in St Mirin’s Cathedral. All are welcome to attend and pray for the eternal rest of Bishop Black. Synod 2023 Consultation The objective of this Synodal Process is not to provide a temporary or one-time experience of ‘journeying together’, but rather to provide an opportunity for the entire People of God to discern together how to move forward on the path towards being a more synodal Church in the long term. The diocese wants to hear YOUR views, and a consultation document with questions that may help direct your response can be found at . To respond, there is an online questionnaire OR you can send any responses to [email protected] before 8th April 2022 – all responses will be acknowledged. Divine Mercy Monthly Devotions Divine Mercy Mass at 7pm followed by Adoration on Wednesday 30th March in St Mary’s Church, 163 George Street, Paisley PA1 2UN. These devotions will be held on the last Wednesday of every month. We pray for those who have died recently Anna Mc Fadden, Elaine Stratton, and Mary Travers; and 6 Months' Mind of Sarah Agnes Brady and Tony McLachlan; and the Anniversaries of Grace Connor, John Graham, John & Josephine Hill, James McDade, Betty McFlynn, Michael McGuire, Bill McLaughlan, William McVeigh, and Agnes O’Donnell.
Annual SPUC White Flower Collection
This weekend 19th/20th March at all Masses in St John's/St Thomas. Please support the work of SPUC who defend the right to life for all, from the moment of Conception to Natural Death. Special Collection - SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund 27th March The proceeds of this collection are divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It works in sixteen countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion, to work their way out of poverty. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes that promote the Kingdom of God among us, with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. Legion of Mary Annual Acies This will take place here in St John's this Sunday 20th March at 2pm. It is the renewal and public expressing of our Consecration to Our Lady: “I am all yours my Queen and my Mother and all I have is yours”. Parish Young Adult Group (18-30) Calling all young adults of St John’s & St Thomas’! We are restarting our regular formation/social evenings; you are warmly invited to gather with Fr Jonathan on MONDAY 21st MARCH @ 7 PM in St John’s parish house to help plan a series of events in the coming months. Pizza will be provided! Lenten Station Masses Bishop John will celebrate our cluster Mass here in St John's this Thursday 24th March at 7pm. Stations of the Cross On Fridays after the 10am in both Parishes. St Thomas: this Sunday 20th March at 3pm. St John's: Sunday 27th March, 3rd, 10th April at 3pm. St John's Additional Confessions during Lent Each morning (Mon-Fri) from 9:15am to 9:45am, in the Oratory. Thursdays of Lent Additional Mass at 7:30am (in St John's only). Rosary for Peace in Ukraine On Friday 25th March a Rosary for Peace in Ukraine will be held in George Square, Glasgow at 6:30pm. On the day that Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, please come along to George Square at 6:30pm and join with Archbishop Nolan and the other Scottish Bishops in praying the Holy Rosary for Peace in Ukraine and for all those affected by this tragic conflict. Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Funerals this week St John's: Wed 23rd Frank Finn. Thurs 24th Edward Stewart. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Ukrainian Appeal Thanks to all those who contributed donations, in excess of 100 boxes, and all those who organised transport and spent time sorting out the items into boxes. Also, thanks to St Luke’s High school for their donations. We pray for those who have died recently Mary Clancy, Dave Hobson, John Devon Brown, Frank Finn, Iain Lindsay, Elizabeth McGoldrick, and Edward Stewart; the 3 months' mind of Patrick Kearney; the 6 months' mind of Eileen Chadwick; and the Anniversaries of John Brady, Eileen & Mark Clougherty, John Coelho, Winnie Devlin, Patricia Duffin, Betty & Joe Gallacher, Sandra Gorrie, Lizzie Kerr, Eddie Monaghan, Jack Morton, Nancy McConachie, Dick McCormick, Kitty McCormick, Dominic McCue, Ellen McCue, Edward McGorrian, Gerard McGuire, Marie McGuire, Billy McKay, Billy McVey, Robert O’Neill, James MacSorley, Mary MacSorley, Martha Loiuisa De Souza, Charles Szuster, and Frank Ward. Clergy Anniversaries: Fr. James Donnelly (1963)
Annual SPUC White Flower Collection
This will be next weekend 19/20th March at all Masses in St John's/St Thomas. Ukraine Donations Appeal Specific donations of Baby Formula, Nappies, Power Banks (battery chargers), torches, warm blankets/bedding, in good condition are required. The appeal concludes today (13th March). You can leave the donations at Our Lady’s Statue in St John's and St Thomas' Porch. SCIAF are accepting monies, which you are asked to give directly to them at or by cheque to SCIAF, 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PR. Legion of Mary Annual Acies This will take place here in St John's next Sunday 20th March at 2pm. It is the renewal and public expressing of our Consecration to Our Lady: “I am all yours my Queen and my Mother and all I have is yours”. Parish Young Adult Group (18-30) Calling all young adults of St John’s & St Thomas’! We are restarting our regular formation/social evenings; you are warmly invited to gather with Fr Jonathan on MONDAY 21st MARCH @ 7 PM in St John’s parish house to help plan a series of events in the coming months. Pizza will be provided! St Thomas SSVP The SSVP are here to help anyone in need. If you or someone you know, needs any material assistance, then please let us know by contacting a member of the Society, Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. All contact will be in confidence. The SSVP have Rosary on Mondays in church at 7:30pm prior to their meeting. All welcome to join them. St Anthony’s Box Feb St John's £243.79 & St Thomas £309.42. Monies sent to Mary’s Meals. Lenten Station Masses Bishop John will celebrate our cluster Mass here in St John's on Thursday 24th March at 7pm. Stations of the Cross On Fridays after the 10am in both Parishes and on Sunday 13th & 20th March in St Thomas at 3pm and in St John's on Sunday 27th March, 3rd, 10th April at 3pm. St John's Additional Confessions during Lent Each morning (Mon-Fri) from 9:15am to 9:45am, beginning this Monday 14th March in the Oratory. Thursdays of Lent Additional Mass at 7:30am (in St John's only) Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). 100 Club Winners Feb: L. Meechan No 122, W. Hood No18. These are still to be collected along with Dec: P & S Brady No 148. Synod of Bishops Rome '23 Paper copies for questionnaire now available. You can complete this and hand it in or online via Facebook, QR code or For more details on Synod see We pray for those who have died recently Jim Canning, Shaun Carlin, Jimmy Coyle, John Doherty, Charlie McGeever, and Edward Stewart; and the 4th Months' mind of James Fleming; and the Anniversaries of Morag Cassells, Anju Fernandes, Greta & Jack Hickey, Stephen Hickey, Jane Jardine, Teresa Leckie, Margaret Mullews, Elizabeth & Thomas Murphy, Edward McAllister, David & Robert McCarthy, Eddie Mc Lafferty, Jim Ross, Fred Seils, and Margaret Wallis.
Ukraine Donations Appeal
Here in St John's/St Thomas we are asking that you assist those in Ukraine and fleeing with specific donations of Baby Formula, Nappies, Power Banks (battery chargers), torches, warm blankets/bedding, in good condition. This is from 6th March - 13th March (inclusive). You can leave the donations at Our Lady’s Statue in St John's and St Thomas' Porch. SCIAF are accepting monies, which you are asked to give directly to them either online via or by cheque to SCIAF, 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PR. 4O Days for Life This Lent the 40 Days for Life prayer group in Scotland will hold its annual vigil outside the maternity unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow. From Ash Wednesday 2nd March until Palm Sunday 10th April, from 8am until 8pm the site will be manned daily. As you can imagine this is a big undertaking, but we have managed to do it for the past five years. Today I ask you to join the Pro -Life cause by signing up for a slot during the 40 days – come hail, rain or shine. Usually, people give an hour of their time when we say the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. Contact Matt Lynch on 0797 1234313. Lenten Station Masses Bishop John will celebrate our Mass here in St John's on Thursday 24th March at 7pm. Lenten Devotions Stations of the Cross every Friday after the 10am Mass in both Parishes. On Sundays 6th, 13th, 20th in St Thomas at 3pm and in St John's Sundays 27th March, 3rd, 10th April at 3pm. Thursdays of Lent Additional Mass at 7:30am (in St John's only) Healing Service There will be a Healing Service taking place here in St John's on Tuesday 8th March at 7pm. Fr Joe and Joe Livingston will speak on the theme of Forgiveness, with Confession also available. Scottish Catholic Magazine Now available at £2. Please place monies in Paper Box. SCIAF Envelopes (including Wee Box) These are now available to take home and return after Easter Sunday. Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). RCIA Rite of Election 2022 The Rite of Election Service takes place this Sunday in St. Mirin's Cathedral. All of those entering into Full Communion with the Catholic Church this year, along with their sponsors, are presented to Bishop John. This year, 2022, we will welcome 27 people from 8 parishes throughout the diocese to our Catholic community. Please remember them all in your prayers and especially Kari Pierce here in St John's. 100 Club Winners Feb: L. Meechan No 122, M. Quinn No 104, W. Hood No18, E. Cassidy No 38, S. Capaldi No 88 Nov: T & M Mc Bride No 11 Dec: R & S Young No 58, P & S Brady No 148, B. Rocks No 13. (Still to be collected) We pray for those who have died recently Paul Brophy, Charles Gorman, and Marie Loftus; and 6 months' mind of Jimmy Docherty, and Fr Terry Donnelly CSSP; and the Anniversaries of Cathy Binnie, Carlo Fazzi, Joseph Gallacher Snr, Mary Gourlay, Catherine Henderson, Mary Hughes, Fr Peter Lafferty CSSP, Frank Monaghan, Thomas McAuley, Ramon McCann, and Betty & Billy Mc Shane. Priests who served in Diocese Anniversaries Canon Joseph Costeur (1966), Fr Jeremiah O’Sullivan (1959), Canon John O’Donnell (1963), Monsignor Gerard Brennan (2014), and Fr. James Keenaghan (1991).
Ash Wednesday
Masses at 10am & 7pm in both Parishes. All the Cluster schools will have Services. It is a Day of Fasting for those over 16 (one main meal and two collations, which should be less than the main meal combined and abstinence from meat for those over 14). Children’s Rosary Group There will be a children’s rosary in the church on the first Friday of each month, commencing on Friday 4th March 2022 at 6:30 pm. This is an opportunity for children of all ages to gather together to pray the rosary. This initiative has been running in other parishes in Scotland. All families are invited to attend and pre-school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 or 5 and up to around 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes and it is a lovely way to start the Lenten season as the Sunday obligation resumes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information ([email protected] 07910266821). World Day of Prayer Neilston Parish Church this Friday 4th March at 1:30pm. Tea/Coffee afterwards. All welcome! Singers for 11:30am Mass To join us at the 11:30am Mass please come up to the Choir Loft or call Alison on 07821 658845. Healing Service There will be a Healing Service taking place here in St John's on Tuesday 8th March at 7pm. Fr Joe and Joe Livingston will speak on the theme of Forgiveness, with Confession also available. Safeguarding Training Part 2 Church Volunteers For those who have previously attended Safeguarding Training Part One, or Safeguarding Training Level One, you can attend on Tuesday 1st March at 7pm in St. John’s hall. To register for this session, this Tuesday 1st March in St John’s Hall, go to or go to Diocesan Website. Friday 4th March 2022: Day of Prayer all those who have experienced abuse & Monthly Mass & Holy Hour (7pm-9pm) Please come along and pray for children, young people and vulnerable adults whose lives have been scarred by the abuse they have experienced at the hands of those whom they trusted. Pray also for all engaged in the pursuit of peace, healing and reconciliation for the abused, the needy, the weak and the vulnerable. 200 Club St Thomas Jan: Isabel McLeish & 2nd Theresa Millar. Feb: Alice Meehan & 2nd Pat Layden. Monies can be collected from the Sacristy. Winner £60, Second £30. Scottish Catholic Magazine Now available at £2. Please place monies in Paper Box. SCIAF Envelopes (including Wee Box) These are now available to take home and return after Easter Sunday. Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). We pray for those who have died recently Paul Patrick Brophy, Esmeralda Coates, Kevin Finnell, Jim Connelly, Catherine McCreath, and Mary McGrory; and the 3 months' mind of James Fleming; and the 6 months' mind of Jane Devenny, Frank McAloon, and Michelle McCormick; and for the Anniversaries of Susan Chalmers, Maurice Docherty, Bill Gilmour, Grace Glenroy, Catherine Guthrie, Dominic Greenan, Ellen Hendry, Edward & Elizabeth Hendry, Christiane Heinrich, Annie & John Lawson, Duncan McInnes, James Mullen, Billy Quinn, Helen Trainor, Moya Wilson, and Frances Winning. |