Rorate Mass: Each Wednesday of Advent at 7:30am
The Rorate Mass takes its name from the opening words of the Introit, which comes to us from Isaiah 45:8: “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum, aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.” “Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour.” Deanery Reconciliation/Confessions The 4 Priests of the Deanery will hear Confessions in St Cadoc's, Newton Mearns, on Thursday 2nd December and St Joseph’s, Clarkston, on Tuesday 7th December, and on Thursday 9th December in St John's, Barrhead, all at 7pm. Mary’s Meals From 1st November 2021 to 31st January 2022, all donations up to a total of £1.6 million will be matched by a generous group of private donors. Home | Mary's Meals UK ( Assisted Suicide Public Consultation We must send a strong message to Mr. McArthur, MSPs and the Scottish Government: that assisted suicide is a dangerous and unethical practice that must never be legalised in Scotland or any other part of the UK. The consultation is running until Wednesday 22 December. Please complete the questionnaire as soon as you can and encourage others to do the same. Closing Mass for the Year of St Joseph The year dedicated to St Joseph will be formally closed with Mass at 7:00pm on Wednesday 8th December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, in St Mirin’s Cathedral. Evening of Reflection Here in St John's on Friday 3rd December from 7pm-10pm. The evening begins with Holy Mass, Exposition, Meditations and Private prayer. St John's Mass for deceased The Annual Mass for those who have died in 2021 is on Monday 29th November at 7pm. Why not buy a gift that means something for others? The Aid to the Church in Need and SCIAF websites have catalogues with gifts that really help others. St Thomas 200 Club Prize Winners for November 1st (No 128) Clare Wood 2nd (No 148) Kevin MacDonald. Margaret Wood will be available after both Masses on the weekend of 18th/19th December for those renewing or wishing to join for next year. It is £10 per number for the year, one draw each month except for July & August. (50% of proceeds to prize winners and 50% for church funds.) SPUC Scotland Support us by buying Christmas Cards from our online store. The Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative We are holding a Grand Sale over the next couple of weeks. It’s at 104 Albert Road, Crosshill, Glasgow G42 8DR. See poster in porch on how to book slot and details of dates/times. Marriage and family webpage The Diocese have a dedicated page on the website for Marriage and Family life. Funerals in St John's Tues 30 Nov: Elizabeth Anderson at 10am. Thu 2 Dec: Thomas Connelly at 10am. Mon 6 Dec: Bernard Lafferty at 10am. We pray for those who have died recently: Ellen Burns, Diane Carroll, Thomas Connelly, James Fleming, Bernard Lafferty, Elizabeth Anderson; and for the three months mind of Michelle McCormick; and for the Anniversaries of Martin Cuddihy, Frank Foy, Jackie Foy, Laura Janetta, Andrew Jardine, Joe McCormick, Monica McDade, Jean McKay, Bridget O’Donnell, and John O’Donnell.
Mary’s Meals
From 1st November 2021 to 31st January 2022, all donations up to a total of £1.6 million will be matched by a generous group of private donors. There are many ways to donate, including choosing Mary’s Meals gift cards as a meaningful gift this Christmas, or setting a virtual place at your Christmas table – find out more at Mary's Meals UK ( Special Collection: Education 21st November This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. Assisted Suicide Webinar: Tuesday 23rd November at 6:30pm The webinar, hosted by Care Not Killing and Not Dead Yet UK, aims to deepen understanding of the issues involved with assisted suicide, euthanasia and the potential future impacts of Liam McArthur’s proposed Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. If interested email [email protected] Assisted Suicide Public Consultation It is important that as many people as possible respond to this consultation. We must send a strong message to Mr. McArthur, MSPs and the Scottish Government: that assisted suicide is a dangerous and unethical practice that must never be legalised in Scotland or any other part of the UK. The consultation is running until Wednesday 22nd December 2021. Please complete the questionnaire as soon as you can and encourage others to do the same. Mass for Deceased Clergy Bishop John invites you to join him to pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased clergy of our Diocese. This Mass will take place on Tuesday 23rd November at 1:00pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. All welcome to come and pray for our deceased clergy. Closing Mass for the Year of St Joseph The year dedicated to St Joseph will be formally closed with Mass at 7:00pm Wednesday 8th December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, in St Mirin’s Cathedral. Evening of Reflection Here in St John's on Friday 3rd December from 7pm-10pm. The evening begins with Holy Mass, Exposition, Meditations and Private prayer. Remembrance Service Hospitality in St Thomas's Thank you to all who generously donated foodstuff and who gave of their time in preparation and working on the day. Food was also distributed to the homeless. Meeting of Young Adults (18-30) Scotland’s most recently ordained priest, Fr Chris Doig, will speak about “The Motherhood of Mary” at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Wednesday 24th November. The talk will be followed by a recitation of the Rosary and an opportunity to get together over drinks. 96th Anniversary of the Death of Ven. Margaret Sinclair Memorial Mass to pray for her Beatification & Canonisation on Wednesday 24th November at 7pm. St. Brendan's Church, 187 Kelso St, Yoker, Glasgow G13 4BH. Funeral in St Thomas's Isobell McGuire on Wednesday 24th November Annual Mass for deceased (2021) St Thomas's: Saturday 27th November at 10am. St Johns: Monday 29th November at 7pm. We pray for those who have died recently, especially: Betty Anderson, Jim Johnstone, Michelle McCormick, Isobell McGuire, Eddie McLaughlin, Helen Markey, Joe Stevenson; and for the Anniversaries of: James Connolly, John Gormlie, Kevin Fitzgerald, Annetta Furie, John Hearns, Maria Herbert, Mary Lafferty, John & Tommy Logue, Willie Martin, Alex McDade, Margaret McGirr, Marie McGuire, and Mari Scott.
Annual Mass at St. Conval's Cemetery
Join Bishop John on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Remembrance Services 12 Noon Neilston Cenotaph 2:30 pm at Cowan Park, Barrhead Special Collection: Education 21st November This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. The national office supports three employees and we also employ four part-time local members of staff to work in our schools and on the RE curriculum. In 2020 this collection and our Friends Campaign raised £9,447, which represents 16% of our expenditure of £57,485, resulting in a deficit of £48,038. Pre-Covid-19 (in 2019) the income was £18,529 and expenditure was £38,488 resulting in a deficit of £19,406. Lourdes 2022 It is with sadness that the decision has been taken to postpone our Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage from 2022 until 2023. Although the world is opening up ever more to travel, there are still some unresolved factors to be clarified over the next few months. As it takes many months to prepare for a Pilgrimage, it was thought better to take the decision now and focus our efforts on Lourdes 2023. Donations for Migrant Help: Diocese of Paisley Christmas Appeal Toiletries, winter clothes for men & women, rice cooker, shoes, gifts, socks, new underwear, hats, scarfs, umbrellas. Please drop off from Monday 8th November until Monday 6th December. Please call ahead to check opening hours/availability. Diocesan Offices, Incle Street, Paisley PA11HR - 0141 847 6130 Funerals this week in St John's Tues 16th Nov Michael Reilly Wed 17th Nov Joan Dorrian Fri 19th Nov Jane O’Rorke Funeral this week in St Thomas's Fri 19th Nov Thomas Cloherty. Think Vocation “My words will not pass away” The Gospel and the teaching of Christ are ever valid, ever new. Could you be called to announce it to the people of our time, as a priest, deacon or religious sister or brother? Speak to your Diocesan Vocations Director, [email protected] or Tel: 0141 889 5056 Assisted Suicide Webinar: Tue 23 November at 6:30pm The webinar, hosted by Care Not Killing and Not Dead Yet UK, aims to deepen understanding of the issues involved with assisted suicide, euthanasia and the potential future impacts of Liam McArthur’s proposed Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. If interested email [email protected] . St John's SSVP Deceased Mass This Saturday 20th November at 10am Holy Mass will be offered for deceased members of the Parish Society of St Vincent de Paul. Marriage and family webpage The Diocese have a dedicated page on the website for Marriage and Family life. It contains a wealth of information, support and resources for many aspects of this important vocation. For more information please visit The Challenge of Climate Change: Sunday 21st November at 3:00pm The meeting is at St. Andrew's Parish Church, Barrhead. The theme of this meeting is in the form of a question, "How can we as faith traditions and leaders in communities, respond to the challenge of climate change?" We will hear short talks from various speakers from different faith traditions. Afterwards there will be light refreshments available. We pray for those who have died recently, especially Betty Anderson, Sadie Burns, Thomas Cloherty, Joan Dorrian, Anne Marie Emde, Isobell McGuire, Jane O’Rorke, and Michael Reilly; and for the Anniversaries of Kathleen Byrne, Helena Carlin, Ann Costello, Vincent Costello, Billy Geddes, Harry McGunnigle, Charles Shields, Alex Simpson, Frank Stewart, and Alex Taylor.
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Annual Mass at St. Conval's Cemetery Join Bishop John on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Children’s Rosary Movement ( Would you like your family to meet and pray the Rosary with other families in the Parish? Blythe Kaufman, who established the Children's Rosary Movement will give a short Zoom talk on Monday 8th November at 7pm. She has produced step-by-step video guides for parents of young children (age 4 to 14) who might wish to set up a Parish Children's Rosary Group. The Zoom link is as follows: Meeting ID: 863 1354 5731. Passcode: 461579 or contact [email protected] for more information. Donations for Migrant Help: Diocese of Paisley Christmas Appeal Toiletries, winter clothes for men & women, rice cooker, shoes, gifts, socks, new underwear, hats, scarfs, umbrellas. Please drop off from Monday 8th November until Monday 6th December. Please call ahead to check opening hours/availability. Diocesan Offices, Incle Street, Paisley PA11HR - 0141 847 6130 Funerals this week in St John's Mon 8th Nov: Peter Keenan Wed 10th Nov: Joseph Hughes Changes to Mass this week St John's: No Mass on Friday 13th November. St Thomas's: Only one Morning Mass this week on Friday 13th November. St John's 100 Club Winners October 1st M. Davidson No 102 £140 2nd A. Philiben No 21 £70 3rd W &M Fossett No 32 £35 4th J & M Hallan No 158 £20 5th P & M Miler No 44 £20 St John's: Readers & Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist New rota in the Sacristy to view. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group This Tuesday 9th November in Tea Room from 1pm-2pm. Remembrance Sunday St Thomas's Those preparing home baking should bring their home baking to the hall on Saturday 14th November from 10:30am - 12 noon. Shoppers Night This Friday 13th November in the Church hall from 7pm for St John's Primary School Funds. Please come along and support! Diocesan men's evening for Year of St. Joseph All men are invited from 7:30pm on Thursday 11th November in St. Mirin's Cathedral hall for a time of prayer/reflection on the life of St Joseph, followed by refreshments. Register at We pray for those who have died recently, especially Sheila McGhee Anderson, Joan Dorrian, Joseph Hughes, Peter Keenan, Johnny McShane, Patsy Smith, and Michael Reilly; the 1st month's mind of Harry Hughes; and for the Anniversaries of James Bell, Dr Gerald Boyle, Canon Luke Brady, Leo Burns, Wallace Burns, Jean Carberry, Charles & Mary Frances Carlton, James Clarke, George & Jean Docherty, James & Kathleen Duffy, Joe & Kathleen Gallagher, Billy Geddes, George Harris, Betty Hughes, Unity Lapsley, Garry Larkin, Ellen Longwill, Catherine Kelly, Robert Martin, Mary Monaghan, Maureen Monaghan, Fr Willie McDade, Bishop Stephen, McGill, Martha McKenna, and Bill Munn. |