Annual Mass at St. Conval's Cemetery
Join Bishop John on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Remembrance Services 12 Noon Neilston Cenotaph 2:30 pm at Cowan Park, Barrhead Special Collection: Education 21st November This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. The national office supports three employees and we also employ four part-time local members of staff to work in our schools and on the RE curriculum. In 2020 this collection and our Friends Campaign raised £9,447, which represents 16% of our expenditure of £57,485, resulting in a deficit of £48,038. Pre-Covid-19 (in 2019) the income was £18,529 and expenditure was £38,488 resulting in a deficit of £19,406. Lourdes 2022 It is with sadness that the decision has been taken to postpone our Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage from 2022 until 2023. Although the world is opening up ever more to travel, there are still some unresolved factors to be clarified over the next few months. As it takes many months to prepare for a Pilgrimage, it was thought better to take the decision now and focus our efforts on Lourdes 2023. Donations for Migrant Help: Diocese of Paisley Christmas Appeal Toiletries, winter clothes for men & women, rice cooker, shoes, gifts, socks, new underwear, hats, scarfs, umbrellas. Please drop off from Monday 8th November until Monday 6th December. Please call ahead to check opening hours/availability. Diocesan Offices, Incle Street, Paisley PA11HR - 0141 847 6130 Funerals this week in St John's Tues 16th Nov Michael Reilly Wed 17th Nov Joan Dorrian Fri 19th Nov Jane O’Rorke Funeral this week in St Thomas's Fri 19th Nov Thomas Cloherty. Think Vocation “My words will not pass away” The Gospel and the teaching of Christ are ever valid, ever new. Could you be called to announce it to the people of our time, as a priest, deacon or religious sister or brother? Speak to your Diocesan Vocations Director, [email protected] or Tel: 0141 889 5056 Assisted Suicide Webinar: Tue 23 November at 6:30pm The webinar, hosted by Care Not Killing and Not Dead Yet UK, aims to deepen understanding of the issues involved with assisted suicide, euthanasia and the potential future impacts of Liam McArthur’s proposed Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. If interested email [email protected] . St John's SSVP Deceased Mass This Saturday 20th November at 10am Holy Mass will be offered for deceased members of the Parish Society of St Vincent de Paul. Marriage and family webpage The Diocese have a dedicated page on the website for Marriage and Family life. It contains a wealth of information, support and resources for many aspects of this important vocation. For more information please visit The Challenge of Climate Change: Sunday 21st November at 3:00pm The meeting is at St. Andrew's Parish Church, Barrhead. The theme of this meeting is in the form of a question, "How can we as faith traditions and leaders in communities, respond to the challenge of climate change?" We will hear short talks from various speakers from different faith traditions. Afterwards there will be light refreshments available. We pray for those who have died recently, especially Betty Anderson, Sadie Burns, Thomas Cloherty, Joan Dorrian, Anne Marie Emde, Isobell McGuire, Jane O’Rorke, and Michael Reilly; and for the Anniversaries of Kathleen Byrne, Helena Carlin, Ann Costello, Vincent Costello, Billy Geddes, Harry McGunnigle, Charles Shields, Alex Simpson, Frank Stewart, and Alex Taylor.