Second Collection this weekend: Communications
This collection pays for our national Scottish Catholic Media Office which provides a service to the press and media with information on the activities of the Church in Scotland. May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm in St Thomas. Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) – External Review The Catholic Church in Paisley is issuing an extraordinary appeal during the month of June 2022 to anyone who may have been affected by any kind of abuse at the hands of clergy or church officials. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is conducting an external review of the Diocese of Paisley to hear from people with first-hand experience of how the Diocese has responded to reports of abuse. Anyone who may wish to report on their experience should contact SCIE directly by email at [email protected] or by phone on 07921 251614. SCIE will then get in touch to arrange a time to report to the auditors in a way that suits each individual. Please visit for more information and to see the letter from SCIE Learning Together, requesting help with the independent review. Book Launch of Bishop John’s Rosary Meditations The Diocese of Paisley invite you to the book launch in the Little Sisters of the Poor, Union Street, Greenock on Wednesday 8th June at 6:45pm of 'According to Your Word: Praying the mysteries of the Rosary through Word & Art', by Bishop John. The Glorious Mysteries will be prayed at the event. All welcome. For catering please RSVP by phone: 0141 226 3391 or email: [email protected] Draft Diocesan Synod Response You are cordially invited to a Diocesan gathering on Tuesday 7th June 2022 (post Pentecost), commencing with Evening Prayer in St. Mirin’s Cathedral at 7pm, followed by a presentation and discussion of the diocesan response in the Cathedral Hall. Should you wish any additions to be made to the Draft Response, please submit them to [email protected] by 30th May 2022, so that this can be communicated to all on 7th June. Children’s Monthly Rosary This Friday 3 June at 6:30pm. Also. the group have been invited to participate in the diocesan event on Sunday 12th June 2022. The plan is for the families to gather at the grotto in the church First Friday Mass & Adoration This Friday beginning at 7pm with Holy Mass and concludes with Night Prayer at 9pm. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Legion of Mary Centenary Mass The National Thanksgiving Mass to mark 100 years of the Legion of Mary will be held at Carfin Grotto this Sunday, 29th May at 3 pm. All active and auxiliary members, past and present, are warmly invited to come along. Family and friends are most welcome too. Bus leaves at 1:30pm. Diocesan Family Day Sunday 12th June 2pm-4pm Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John at St John’s, Barrhead for an afternoon celebrating family life. There will be activities for children, followed by refreshments for all! The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. No 5pm Sunday Parish Mass this day. Corpus Christi Procession We will have on 19th June in St Johns a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. We pray for those who have died recently Annie Conlon, Joan Capaldi, Desmond Henaghan, May McCaffrey, and Lettie Petri; the 6 months' mind of Anne Marie Emde, James Fleming; the 9 months' mind of Michelle McCormick; and the Anniversaries of Charlie & Mary Coyle, Mary Divers, William Breslin Geddes, Aloysius Hannigan, May Harris, Patrick McGrath, Margaret Malaney, Mary Tierney, and Annie Wright.
May, Month of Our Lady
Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm in St Thomas. Holy Day of Obligation Ascension Thursday Masses at 10am and 7pm in St John's and 9am in St Thomas (No Vigils) 100 Club Draw April Frank Doherty No 142. Still to collect. 200 Club St Thomas David Reid. Still to collect. The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin: Bus leaves St John's sharp at 1:30pm Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Bus departs at 6:30pm. Readers & Extra-Ordinary Ministers Rotas If anyone wishes to receive an electronic copy of the new rotas for Ministers of the Eucharist and of the Word, please email Mary Hallan at: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy Volunteers Would all active Children’s Liturgy leaders, please see Mary Hallan in the sacristy after 10am Mass this Sunday, to discuss their PVG status and training requirements? If you are unable to meet, please contact her at: [email protected] Funeral in St John's Wed 25th May: Mary Hughes (10am Mass) Thurs 26th May: Claire Greville (Hurlet Crematorium 10am) Funeral of Rev Andrew Coleman St Peter’s Glenburn on Wednesday 25th May at 12 Noon. St Thomas No Morning Mass on Wednesday 25th as Fr Joe has a funeral in St John's and Fr Jonathan is MC at Fr Coleman’s funeral. He has to be down to St Peter's early to arrange the Funeral Mass. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Legion of Mary Centenary Mass The National Thanksgiving Mass to mark 100 years of the Legion of Mary will be held at Carfin Grotto on Sunday, 29th May at 3pm. All active and auxiliary members, past and present, are warmly invited to come along. Family and friends are most welcome too. Bus leaves at 1:30pm. Think Vocation “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything.” Are you open to what the Holy Spirit is saying in you? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 email: [email protected] Diocesan Family Day: Sunday 12th June 2pm-4pm Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John at St John’s, Barrhead for an afternoon celebrating family life. There will be activities for children, followed by refreshments for all! The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. Please note there won’t be the regular 5pm Sunday Parish Mass this day. Corpus Christi Procession To celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we will have on 19th June in St John's a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. We pray for those who have died recently Annie Conlon, Claire Greville, Mary Hughes, Joan Hudson, Ben Mc Fadden, Jack Pencovitch, and Sarah Smith; and the 6 months' mind of Bernard Lafferty; and for the Anniversaries of Esther Bell, Catherine Boyle, Elizabeth Boyle, John Farrell, Linzi Geddes, John Hegarty, Allan Lawson, Helen Monaghan, Charlie Mullen, Brian McCool, Sadie McGowan, Catherine & Michael McGuire, Frank McGuire, John Michael MacMillan, Dr Frances Nicholson.
Vocations and Ecclesiastical Students (St Thomas only)
This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. Currently we have three students whose seminary fees are £20,000 per year. As well donating at Mass you can also donate to this collection by visiting our Diocesan website and clicking on ‘Online Parish Offertory’. New Gift Aid Envelopes for those who Pay Tax Envelopes are available to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house for those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope. For those who pay their First Collection by STANDING ORDER/PAYA you also have envelopes for your Second Collection (12 x Monthly Building Fund / 9 x Diocesan Second Collection). May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm in St John's and in St Thomas' on 22nd & 29th May. Congratulations We congratulate the children of St Mark's & St John's on receiving their First Holy Communion and of St Thomas' and St Mark's on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. St John's pupils receive Confirmation this Monday evening. We continue to pray that they grow and develop in their faith life and love of God. St Thomas No Morning Masses this week except for funeral on Thursday. 100 Club Draw March/ April Bernadette Rocks No 13 Frank Doherty No 142. Still to collect! A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True God by Fr Matthew Carlin will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. A list of all other talks can be found on the Diocesan website Month Pro-Life Mass The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 18th May at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6:15pm. All welcome. Funeral in St John's William Young on Wednesday 18th May. Funeral in St Thomas Sarah McKinstry on Thursday 19th May. Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. We pray for those who have died recently Jean Baillie, Anne Church, Catherine Greville, Olga McGlade, Sadie McKinstry, Sarah Ann Walker, and Alexander Young; and 1st month's mind of Nancy Wilson; the 6 months' mind of Helen Markey, and Isobel McGuire; the 9 months mind of Kevin Markey; and for the Anniversaries of Sadie Blair, John Buchanan, Wilma Cook, Catherine Deighan, Nancy Devine, Vincent Dougan, Maria Fleming, Pat Gaughan, William Gore, Anne Hailstones, Patricia Hair, Ricky Hassan, Mary Hendry, Angela Kelly, Catherine Kerins, Stuart Millar, Nancy Mitchell, Maria McGlone, John & Tilly McGorrian, Alice McGuire, Joseph McKee, Danny McQuade, Thomas Pearson, John & Sadie Quinn, Jean Ryan (Florida), Elizabeth Sim, Margaret Stevenson, Nancy Taylor, Hugh & Mary Wilson. Warning – Scam Emails Pretending to be from Parish Priests or the Diocese Parishioners please be aware there have been a number of scams email pretending to be from Parish Priests, asking for payments to be made or for vouchers to be purchased on behalf of a priest. The latest emails are not from our official domain but even if they appeared to be - do NOT RESPOND to the emails. Our Diocesan policy is that we will never email you to make any purchase or bank transfer on our behalf. If you do get such an email, please contact your Parish Priest preferably by phone or create a new email to the Parish (i.e. do not reply to the one you received).
Today’s Special Collection (8th May): Vocations and Ecclesiastical Students
This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. Currently we have three students whose seminary fees are £20,000 per year. As well donating at Mass you can also donate to this collection by visiting our Diocesan website and clicking on ‘Online Parish Offertory’. Think Vocation Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for those discerning a call to priesthood or religious life. Is that you? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] Fatima Howwood Vigils On Thursday 12th May we will celebrate our first Vigil of our new season, which runs from May-October. The Church and hall will open from 7pm; Rosary procession around the grounds (weather permitting); Mass, followed by a period of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction. Bishop John will preside. This will give us the perfect opportunity to implore Our Blessed Lady for peace in Ukraine. New Gift Aid Envelopes for those who Pay Tax Envelopes are available to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house for those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope. For those who pay their First Collection by STANDING ORDER/PAYA you also have envelopes for your Second Collection (12 x Monthly Building Fund / 9 x Diocesan Second Collection). May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction each Sunday at 3pm. St John's: 8th, 15th May. St Thomas: 22nd & 29th May. Funeral this week St Thomas Sarah Walker on Wednesday 11th May. St John's Anne Church on Thursday 12th May. SSVP Ukraine Appeal (St Thomas) £204.00 was raised from the collection boxes and the conference added another £296.00 to make it £500. Thanks for your generosity. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting in St John’s tea room this Tuesday 10th May from 1pm-2pm. Mental Health Awareness Week 9th-15th May The theme is loneliness. Visit for more local information. Poster in the porch. 100 Club Draw April 1st Prize: A & M Hickey, No. 64 2nd: Frank Doherty, No. 142 3rd: J & M Bell, No. 105 4th: Hannah Monaghan, No. 54 5th: G & M Herrity, No. 46 You can collect your winnings from the Sacristy. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True God by Fr Matthew Carlin will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. A list of all other talks can be found on the Diocesan website Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. We pray for those who have died recently Anne Church, Olga McGlade, Sadie McKinstry, Sarah Ann Walker, and Alexander Young; and the 6 months' mind of Isobel McGuire; and for the Anniversaries of John Buchanan, Catherine Deighan, Maria Fleming, William Gore, Anne Hailstones, Stuart Millar, Nancy Mitchell, Maria McGlone, Joseph McKee, and John & Sadie Quinn.
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund.
Next weekend Second Collection: Vocations. SCIAF Boxes St John's £806.64 and St Thomas £277.79. Cheques have been sent to SCIAF. Any latecomers will have to forward the contents of their boxes themselves or donate online at New Gift Aid Envelopes for those who pay tax Envelopes are available to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house for those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope. For those who pay their First Collection by STANDING ORDER/PAYA you also have envelopes for your Second Collection (12 x Monthly Building Fund / 9 x Diocesan Second Collection) May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction each Sunday at 3pm. St John's - 1st, 8th, 15th May. St Thomas - 22nd & 29th May. Children’s Rosary on Friday 6th May in St John's You are invited to bring along your children/grandchildren from age 4 to 14 to learn how to pray the Rosary and help them make the Rosary part of their daily lives. The Rosary begins at 6.30pm and is on the First Friday of every month. For more details contact [email protected] or 07910266821 Monthly First Friday Vigil 6th May Beginning with Holy Mass at 7pm, followed by Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Night Prayer and the time in between there are opportunities for Silent Adoration. Confirmation St Mark's This Tuesday 3rd May at 7pm. First Communion St Mark's This Saturday 7th May at 10:30 am. Please keep the children, parents, sponsors and teachers in your prayers. SSVP Ukraine Appeal £911.46 was raised from the collection boxes and the conference added another £1000. Thanks for your generosity. SSVP Easter Edition of Ozanam News Limited free copies now available in the porch. Pilgrimage to Iona Pilgrimage to Iona with St Francis Parish, Port Glasgow: Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th September, staying at The Royal Hotel, Oban, with a day pilgrimage to Iona. See poster for details. Please contact Fr Matthew ([email protected] / 01475 700700) if interested. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True God by Fr Matthew Carlin will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. A list of all other talks can be found on the Diocesan website Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. Marys Meals During the month of May, the month dedicated to Our Lady, we invite you to join us in prayer for the work of Mary’s Meals. Further information and prayer resources including our new resource for children can be found at We pray for those who have died recently Sharon Giblin, Laura Hughes, Tom Sharp, and Sadie Walker; 1 month's mind of William Thomas Sandford; 6 months' mind of Tom Cloherty; and the Anniversaries of Sadie Cunningham, Thomas Jardine, Annie & Freddie Logue, Susan McCarthy, Agnes & Jim McDade, Sadie McDonald, John & Matilda McGorrian, John McGuire, James Mc Shane. |