Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund.
Next weekend Second Collection: Vocations. SCIAF Boxes St John's £806.64 and St Thomas £277.79. Cheques have been sent to SCIAF. Any latecomers will have to forward the contents of their boxes themselves or donate online at New Gift Aid Envelopes for those who pay tax Envelopes are available to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house for those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope. For those who pay their First Collection by STANDING ORDER/PAYA you also have envelopes for your Second Collection (12 x Monthly Building Fund / 9 x Diocesan Second Collection) May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction each Sunday at 3pm. St John's - 1st, 8th, 15th May. St Thomas - 22nd & 29th May. Children’s Rosary on Friday 6th May in St John's You are invited to bring along your children/grandchildren from age 4 to 14 to learn how to pray the Rosary and help them make the Rosary part of their daily lives. The Rosary begins at 6.30pm and is on the First Friday of every month. For more details contact [email protected] or 07910266821 Monthly First Friday Vigil 6th May Beginning with Holy Mass at 7pm, followed by Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Night Prayer and the time in between there are opportunities for Silent Adoration. Confirmation St Mark's This Tuesday 3rd May at 7pm. First Communion St Mark's This Saturday 7th May at 10:30 am. Please keep the children, parents, sponsors and teachers in your prayers. SSVP Ukraine Appeal £911.46 was raised from the collection boxes and the conference added another £1000. Thanks for your generosity. SSVP Easter Edition of Ozanam News Limited free copies now available in the porch. Pilgrimage to Iona Pilgrimage to Iona with St Francis Parish, Port Glasgow: Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th September, staying at The Royal Hotel, Oban, with a day pilgrimage to Iona. See poster for details. Please contact Fr Matthew ([email protected] / 01475 700700) if interested. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True God by Fr Matthew Carlin will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. A list of all other talks can be found on the Diocesan website Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. Marys Meals During the month of May, the month dedicated to Our Lady, we invite you to join us in prayer for the work of Mary’s Meals. Further information and prayer resources including our new resource for children can be found at We pray for those who have died recently Sharon Giblin, Laura Hughes, Tom Sharp, and Sadie Walker; 1 month's mind of William Thomas Sandford; 6 months' mind of Tom Cloherty; and the Anniversaries of Sadie Cunningham, Thomas Jardine, Annie & Freddie Logue, Susan McCarthy, Agnes & Jim McDade, Sadie McDonald, John & Matilda McGorrian, John McGuire, James Mc Shane.