Special Second Collection: Pro-Life (Day for Life) 29th/30th May
This collection helps the Diocese support pro-life causes with half of the funds collected going to the Bishops’ Conference pro-life fund. Apart from donating at weekend Masses you can donate easily to this by visiting our Diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and clicking on the ‘Online Parish Offertory’. This allows you to donate to any of the causes or parishes of your choice. Next Weekend 5th/6th June Monthly Building Fund Collection New Envelopes for Tax Year April 21/22 These are now available after all the weekend Masses. The box contains envelopes for each week and also the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Those who pay their weekly donation by Standing Order also receive a Box of envelopes but only for the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Please inform us if you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. You can uplift a paper copy for Standing Orders from the Sacristy or download a copy from the Parish website. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am-9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass) Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John's/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John's) May, the Month of Mary During the Sundays of May at 3pm, we will pray the Rosary, have a short talk on Our Lady and conclude with Benediction. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John Keenan will celebrate our Annual Mass at St Conval’ s Cemetery, Barrhead on Sunday the 6th June at 2:00pm. Tickets available to book now. Please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/st-convals-cemetery-mass-tickets-155817180381 Evening of prayer for Healthcare workers Bishop John would like to invite all healthcare workers and friends to an evening celebration to mark the Year of St. Joseph, patron saint of workers. There will be a time of prayer before the blessed Sacrament, prayers for all those involved in our healthcare system and will finish with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All welcome to attend at St. Mirin’s Cathedral on Thursday 24th June at 7pm. More details about booking will follow next week. Think Vocation “There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service, but always for the same Lord.” What kind of service do your gifts suggest? Perhaps you could offer them as a priest, deacon or in religious life? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison Tel: 01418895056 or e-mail [email protected] Funerals this week in St Thomas (10am) Wednesday 2nd June: Jonathan Gilmour Funerals in St Johns (10am) Friday 4th June: Evelyn Stewart Diocese of Paisley Rosary Holy Hour This Trinity Sunday please join Bishop John from 8-9pm online on his Facebook page for a Rosary Holy Hour. This is part of the ROSARY STRONGHOLD National Rosary Rally across the British Isles. Each diocese around the British Isles has its allotted hour from 9am-9pm. First Communions We keep in our prayers the Primary 4 Pupils of St Thomas who will make their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 5th of June. May they always have a desire for Jesus in the Eucharist and a love of Holy Mass. 20 Days for Life June 1st till June 20th (8am until 8pm each day) Due to Tier 4 restrictions our 2021 Lenten 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer and fasting vigil at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow was postponed. On March the 23rd of March the government called for a UK National Day of Reflection to be held for those who had died from Covid the previous year, estimated at 143,259 Covid deaths. The following month April 2021 we marked the 53rd anniversary of the implementation of the 1967 Abortion Act which has resulted in almost 9.5million deaths of our unborn children here in the UK. We, are coming out for a 20 Days for Life from June 1st until June 20th outside of the QEUH in Glasgow from 8am until 8pm each day. To take part email [email protected] 200 Club Winners Jan: M. Hughes. No 114 (£20) May: Barbara Clyde No 14 (£20) Both have still to collect their winnings and can pick them up from the Sacristy. Gift Aid Envelope No 82 Could you make yourself known to Fr Joe/Jonathan as we don’t have your name. Minsteracres Retreat Centre This a Christian place of prayer with a resident community rooted in the Roman Catholic Passionist tradition. We are situated in the land of the Northern Saints in beautiful countryside on the borders of Northumberland and County Durham, our community- based retreat centre is ideally placed to promote the development of both the spiritual and the natural world. We are renowned for peace, tranquillity and the feeling of stepping away from the hustle and bustle of life. Our 110-acre estate comprises parkland, ancient woodland, gardens, and lakes and walks suitable for all abilities. Visitations to the Housebound & Sick Fr Joe & Jonathan have been visiting the Housebound & Sick but our list is incomplete. If you would like to be added to the List please inform the Parish. We need permission of the Housebound/Sick person themselves. (GDPR requirement). Please pray for those who have died recently especially Bill Anderson, Willie Devine, Jonathan Gilmour, Ian Hickey, Evelyn Stewart and 6 months mind of Ian McGarrigle and for the Anniversaries of Irene Clougherty, Mark Clougherty, Linzi Geddes, William Breslin Geddes, Aloysius Hannigan, May Harris, Mary McDuff, Archie McGinty, Geraldine McGinty, Fiona O’Brien, Annie Wright. Anniversaries and all notices for the E-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays.
Special Second Collection: Pro-Life (Day for Life) 29th/30th May
This collection helps the Diocese support pro-life causes with half of the funds collected going to the Bishops’ Conference pro-life fund. Apart from donating at weekend Masses you can donate easily to this by visiting our Diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and clicking on the ‘Online Parish Offertory’. This allows you to donate to any of the causes or parishes of your choice. New Envelopes for Tax Year April 21/22 These are now available after all the weekend Masses. The box contains envelopes for each week and also the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Those who pay their weekly donation by Standing Order also receive a Box of envelopes but only for the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Please inform us if you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. You can uplift a paper copy for Standing Orders from the Sacristy or download a copy from the Parish website. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am-9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass). Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) May, the Month of Mary During the Sundays of May at 3pm, we will pray the Rosary, have a short talk on Our Lady and conclude with Benediction. Annual Mass at St. Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John Keenan will celebrate our Annual Mass at St Conval’s Cemetery, Barrhead on Sunday the 6th June at 2:00pm. Tickets available to book now. Please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/st-convals-cemetery-mass-tickets-155817180381 Evening of prayer for Healthcare workers Bishop John would like to invite all healthcare workers and friends to an evening celebration to mark the Year of St. Joseph, patron saint of workers. There will be a time of prayer before the blessed Sacrament, prayers for all those involved in our healthcare system and will finish with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All welcome to attend at St. Mirin’s Cathedral on Thursday 24th June at 7pm. More details about booking will follow next week. Think Vocation “There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service, but always for the same Lord.” What kind of service do your gifts suggest? Perhaps you could offer them as a priest, deacon or in religious life? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison Tel: 01418895056 or e-mail [email protected] Global Week of Prayer for the Church and Peoples of China In March, Cardinal Bo called for a Global Week of Prayer for the Church and Peoples of China, from Sunday 23 May to Sunday 30 May. I attach his statement here for your interest, which has been widely reported in Catholic media: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/246867/cardinal-bo-urges-prayer-octave-for-china A small group of lay Christians in response to his call, and have prepared this website with resources for prayer: https://globalprayerforchina.org/ This video encapsulates Cardinal Bo’s call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYkzP23MVuQ Scripture and Spirituality Conference 10th – 11th July 2021 John of the Cross and the experience of transforming love. This years’ conference focuses on St. John of the Cross and his life changing teachings of how love can transform each and every one of us. Through six thought provoking talks, each of us can learn how to become beacons of light to greater reflect Christ and offer hope to a world in much need of healing. This year, we have been blessed with six renowned speakers, authors and experts, who will bring St. John’s teachings to life and transform how we grow in our love and spirituality. For more information www.carmelite.uk.net/ssc or contact [email protected] Tel: 07849 596 572 First Communions We keep in our prayers the Primary 4 Pupils of St Thomas who will make their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 5th of June. May they always have a desire for Jesus in the Eucharist and a love of Holy Mass. Funerals this week in St John’s (10am) Tuesday 25th Catherine Kerins St John’s 26th May On Wednesday the 26th of May there will be No Morning Mass at 10am. 20 Days for Life June 1st till June 20th (8am until 8pm each day) Due to Tier 4 restrictions our 2021 Lenten 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer and fasting vigil at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow was postponed. On March the 23rd of March the government called for a UK National Day of Reflection to be held for those who had died from Covid the previous year, estimated at 143,259 Covid deaths. The following month April 2021 we marked the 53rd anniversary of the implementation of the 1967 Abortion Act which has resulted in almost 9.5million deaths of our unborn children here in the UK. We, are coming out for a 20 Days for Life from June 1st until June 20th outside of the QEUH in Glasgow from 8am until 8pm each day. To take part email [email protected] 200 Club Winners Jan: M.Hughes No 114 (£20) Feb: Marie Mc Cool No 132 (£70). April: E. Cassidy No 38 (£35), Margaret M. Donnelly No 33 (£20) have still to collect their winnings and can pick them up from the Sacristy. May: E. Mc Quade No 138 (£35), Therese Welsh No 174 (£20), Barbara Clyde No 14 (£20) have still to collect their winnings and can pick them up from the Sacristy. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Jonathan Gilmour, Anthony Kelly, Catherine Kerins, Helen Murphy, Mrs McWeney, Jacqui Quinn, John Sludden and for the Anniversaries of Esther Bell, Catherine Boyle, Edward Carroll, Charlie & Mary Coyle, Nancy Devine, Mary Divers, John Farrell, Catherine Gallagher, Ricky Hassan, John Hegarty, Thomas Jardine, Margaret Malaney, Sadie McDonald, Catherine & Michael McGuire, John Michael MacMillan, Sadie McGowan, Patrick McGrath, Mary Tierney. Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays
This weekend (15th / 16th May ) Special Collection: Communications
This collection pays for our national Scottish Catholic Media Office which provides a service to the press and media with information on the activities of the Church in Scotland. The office supports two employees. You can donate easily to this by visiting our Diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and clicking on the ‘Online Parish Offertory’. This allows you to donate to any of the causes or parishes of your choice. You can also donate through the collection boxes at the weekend Masses. New Envelopes for Tax Year April 21/22 These are now available after all the weekend Masses. The box contains envelopes for each week and also the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Those who pay their weekly donation by Standing Order also receive a Box of envelopes but only for the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Please inform us if you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am-9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass). Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) May, the Month of Mary During the Sundays of May at 3pm, we will pray the Rosary, have a short talk on Our Lady and conclude with Benediction. The Liturgy Commission Anyone interested in preparing liturgical music for Pentecost and Corpus Christi is invited to a Zoom session on Monday evening May 17th at 7pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81781438330 Global Week of Prayer for the Church and Peoples of China In March, Cardinal Bo called for a Global Week of Prayer for the Church and Peoples of China, from Sunday 23 May to Sunday 30 May. I attach his statement here for your interest, which has been widely reported in Catholic media: www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/246867/cardinal-bo-urges-prayer-octave-for-china. A small group of lay Christians have come together in response to his call and have prepared this website with resources for prayer: globalprayerforchina.org. This video encapsulates Cardinal Bo’s call: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYkzP23MVuQ Scripture and Spirituality Conference 10th – 11th July 2021 John of the Cross and the experience of transforming love. This years’ conference focuses on St. John of the Cross and his life changing teachings of how love can transform each and every one of us. Through six thought provoking talks, each of us can learn how to become beacons of light to greater reflect Christ and offer hope to a world in much need of healing. This year, we have been blessed with six renowned speakers, authors and experts, who will bring St. John’s teachings to life and transform how we grow in our love and spirituality. For more information www.carmelite.uk.net/ssc or contact [email protected] Tel: 07849 596 572 First Communions We keep in our prayers the Primary 4 Pupils of St Mark’s who will make their First Holy Communion this Saturday the 15th of May and St John’s Primary 4 pupils on the 22nd of May. May they always have a desire for Jesus in the Eucharist and a love of Holy Mass. St Thomas, Neilston No 10am Mass or Confessions on Sat 22nd May due to First Communions at 10am & 11:30am in St John’s. Funerals this week in St John’s (10am) Mon 17th Maureen Collins Fri 21st Stephen Lynch Tue 25th Catherine Kerins Parish Stewards The stewards are giving their time voluntarily, for which we are very much indebted. They are following the instructions given to them and are trying to get as many people as possible into the church safely within the restrictions set by the Scottish Government. Please be courteous, patient and respectful in following their directions. Adult Education Talks You are invited to our next talk on Monday 17th May at 6:30pm on The Sacraments of Initiation by Canon Jim Duggan. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/91955822683?pwd=QUFKcjUySzQvSFp1RWFKY3ZJblY1dz09 Passcode: 983094 Sponsor a White Flower for the Unborn On Saturday, 22 May 2021, at Carfin Grotto, SPUC Scotland will display 14,000 white flower images, one for every child lost to abortion in Scotland in one year, to create a ‘carpet of flowers for the unborn’. Bishop Toal will bless the physical display at 2pm. If you would like to sponsor a virtual flower, please visit www.whiteflower.org.uk or call SPUC Scotland (0141 221 2094) to make a donation. 20 Days for Life June 1st till June 20th (8am until 8pm each day) Due to Tier 4 restrictions our 2021 Lenten 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer and fasting vigil at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow was postponed. Sadly, in the midst of this current situation the government did not halt or restrict its abortion culture of death. On March 23rd 2021 the government called for a UK National Day of Reflection to be held for those who had died from Covid the previous year. According to latest official figures at that time there had been 143,259 Covid deaths. The following month April 2021 we marked the 53rd anniversary of the implementation of the 1967 Abortion Act which has resulted in almost 9.5million deaths of our unborn children here in the UK. Think of the unborn when you pray the words ‘For what I have done and for what I have failed to do’. We, are coming out for a 20 Days for Life from June 1st until June 20th outside of the QEUH in Glasgow from 8am until 8pm each day. To take part email [email protected] Incahootz Barrhead Drama The Drama group will reconvene on Mondays beginning this Monday the 17th of May in St John’s Church hall 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm, 6pm-7pm for the different age groups. Altar Servers Could you make yourself known along with your parents to Fr Joe/Jonathan after the weekend Mass you may be attending. Fr Jonathan will hope to re-train you after your long absence from altar serving. Anyone wishing to become a new Altar Server can also introduce themselves. You need to have made your First Holy Communion. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Maureen Collins, Jonathan Gilmour, Catherine Kerins, Marilyn Martin and 6 months mind of Alex Taylor and for the Anniversaries of Betty Boyle, Wilma Cook, Pat Gaughan, Frank Hannigan, Mary Hendry, Margaret & William Hewitt, Mary Howell, Angela Kelly, John McGorrian, Matilda McGorrian, Frank McGuire, Baby Josh Maguire, Thomas Pearson. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the E-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays
Special Collection - Communications 15th / 16th May 2021
This collection pays for our national Scottish Catholic Media Office which provides a service to the press and media with information on the activities of the Church in Scotland. The office supports two employees. You can donate easily to this by visiting our Diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and clicking on the ‘Online Parish Offertory’. This allows you to donate to any of the causes or parishes of your choice. You can also donate through the collection boxes at the weekend Masses. New Envelopes for Tax Year April 21/22 These are now available after all the weekend Masses. Please collect them from the link corridor to the church house and then exit through the side door. The box contains envelopes for each week and also the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Those who pay their weekly donation by Standing Order also receive a Box of envelopes but only for the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Please inform us if you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. Confirmations St Thomas Primary: Monday 10th May at 7pm in St John’s Church Please keep the pupils, parents and sponsors in your prayers. Solemnity of the Ascension (Thursday 13th May) Due to the Pandemic it is not a Holy Day of Obligation but we will have Mass in St John’s/St Thomas at 10am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am-9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass). Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) May, the Month of Mary During the Sundays of May at 3pm, we will pray the Rosary, have a short talk on Our Lady and conclude with Benediction. The Vatican has announced a rosary initiative dedicating the month of May to prayer for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, said April 21 that “for the deep desire of the Holy Father, the month of May will be dedicated to a prayer marathon with the theme ‘Prayer to God went up incessantly from the whole Church.’” Think Vocation: Sixth Sunday of Easter – 9th May 2021 “You did not choose me: no, I chose you, and I commissioned you to go out and bear fruit.” Has Jesus perhaps chosen you to share in his mission as a priest, deacon or in consecrated life? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 0r e-mail [email protected] Parish Council Meeting Our New Parish Council members are invited to a short initial meeting on Wednesday the 12th of May at 7pm in the hall (socially distanced). East Renfrewshire Food Bank The Food Bank are asking for donations of tinned rice, coffee and washing powder. There is a box in the Church & Hall to place your donations. (St John’s) Adult Education Talks You are invited to our next talk on Monday 17th May at 6:30pm on The Sacraments of Initiation by Canon Jim Duggan. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/91955822683?pwd=QUFKcjUySzQvSFp1RWFKY3ZJblY1dz09 Passcode: 983094 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes I regret to inform you that as of 27 April 2021, Joe Walsh Pilgrimage Tours have ceased to trade. This will mean that all pilgrims who have bookings carried over from 2020 and 2021 will have to invoke a claim through the TOPS protection policy held by Joe Walsh Tours. This can be accessed by following the link on their website. If you have any problem with this please contact Fr Gerry McNellis on 01475 632078 or [email protected] SPUC Scotland This month, SPUC Scotland is launching a new initiative to commemorate the gift of life and to particularly call to mind the many lives that have been lost in our country due to abortion. Our usual White Flower Appeals in parishes have been unable to take place for the last year. This is an important means to raise vital funds allowing us to defend the right to life, but it is also an opportunity for us to inform parishioners of the current issues around abortion. New Government policies, facilitating abortion, have made access to abortion easier than ever and have created a slippery path which many women have gone down, often with very little time to think or weigh up the gravity of their actions. Each abortion extinguishes a tiny human life, filled with potential and each of these is a tragedy in its own right. Sadly, these lost lives are overlooked and forgotten by a society that has become numb to the scale and malice of abortion. We want to remember each of these babies and pray that they are not forgotten but rather that their loss can compel us to save future victims of abortion. SPUC knows that the tiny baby is the primary victim of abortion, but we also understand that there are so many others affected by it. The medics and politicians who put the framework in place to destroy life are themselves damaged in conscience by what they do and we also know that women who are put under pressure to have an abortion, can often suffer mentally and/or physically for many years after the event. Our aim is to create a display of 14,000 flower images, one for every child lost to abortion in Scotland in one year. Bishop Toal will bless the physical display on Saturday, 22 May 2021 at Carfin Grotto when we create our ‘carpet of flowers for the unborn’. We are hoping that individuals will be willing to sponsor a virtual flower and these can be purchased online at www.whiteflower.org.uk Mary’s Meals Since our humble beginnings, Mary’s Meals, named after Mary the Mother of Jesus, has been built on a foundation of prayer and the many little acts of love from those who support us. This May, the month traditionally dedicated to Our Lady, we invite you to join us in prayer to celebrate the wonderful work of Mary’s Meals and give thanks that we are now reaching more than 1.8 million children with a nutritious meal in 19 countries every school day. We also pray for God’s continued blessing on our beautiful mission, that through His providence it will always flourish, enabling us to reach more hungry children. www.marysmeals.org.uk 20 Days for Life June 1st till June 20th (8am until 8pm each day) Due to Tier 4 restrictions our 2021 Lenten 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer and fasting vigil at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow was postponed. Sadly, in the midst of this current situation the government did not halt or restrict its abortion culture of death. On March 23rd 2021 the government called for a UK National Day of Reflection to be held for those who had died from Covid the previous year. According to latest official figures at that time there had been 143,259 Covid deaths. The following month April 2021 we marked the 53rd anniversary of the implementation of the 1967 Abortion Act which has resulted in almost 9.5million deaths of our unborn children here in the UK. Think of the unborn when you pray the words ‘For what I have done and for what I have failed to do’. Think of those words in the ballot box. ‘They will not grow old as we who are left grow old but we will remember them’. We are coming out for a 20 Days for Life from June 1st until June 20th outside of the QEUH in Glasgow from 8am until 8pm each day. To take part email [email protected] St Joseph Statue In this year of St Joseph we would like to place fresh flowers before the statue. To defray the cost, you may like to place a donation in the flower box in the porch or hand into the church house in an envelope. Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). Incahootz Barrhead Drama The Drama group will reconvene on Mondays beginning on Monday 17th of May in St John’s Church hall 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm, 6pm-7pm for the different age groups. Altar Servers Could you make yourself known along with your parents to Fr Joe/Jonathan after the weekend Mass you may be attending. Fr Jonathan will hope to re-train you after your long absence from altar-serving. Anyone wishing to become a new Altar Server can also introduce themselves. You need to have made your First Holy Communion. St Thomas 200 Club Winners for April 1st Prize Frank Mc Laughlin No 60, £60 2nd Prize Bridie Connaghan No 80, £30. You can collect winnings from the Sacristy. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Maureen Collins, Maria Fleming, Jonathan Gilmour, Tony McCann, Marlene Taylor McGee (Canada) and six months mind of Martha McKenna and for the Anniversaries of John Buchanan, William Gore, Agnes Lafferty, Stuart Millar, John McGuire, Robert Readie. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays |