Change to service times until Friday 30th September
Mass St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat. St Thomas': Tues/ Thurs. Confessions St Thomas': Tues & Thurs 9:30am-9:50am and Sat 3:15pm-3:45pm. St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30am-9:50am. Sat 10:30am-11am, 3:15pm-3:45pm. Inaugural Mass for Marriage The Inaugural Mass for Marriage and celebratory reception scheduled for this Sunday, 18th September at 12 noon in St Mirin's Cathedral, has been postponed; a new date will be announced soon. Mass for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Bishop John Keenan will offer Mass on Sunday 18th September at the 8:00am Mass, in St Mirin’s Cathedral. St Thomas Children’s Liturgy This weekend 18th Sept Angela, Kate & Noreen. Next 2nd Oct Emma & Julie. Sunday Teas If you wish to volunteer to help with the teas after 10am Sunday Mass, please see Mary H in the sacristy after Mass. St John's New Rotas for Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist/Readers The new rotas for Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and lectors are being organised. If you would like an electronic copy, please contact Mary Hallan at: [email protected] Think Vocation “The man who can be trusted in little things will be trusted in great.” Christ calls those he trusts to take up his mission of teaching, guiding and supporting his people. Could that be you? Talk to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 0141889 5056 or email [email protected] Young Adults (18-30) The next talk of the series will be on ‘Mary Most Holy’ by Bishop John Keenan on Wednesday 28th September at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral, followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Monthly Pro-Life Mass Wed 21st September at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave with Adoration at 6:15pm. Legion of Mary Wayside Club, Glasgow 90 years anniversary There is a Mass of Thanksgiving in Blessed John Duns Scotus on Sunday 18th September. The Principal Celebrant is Archbishop William Nolan. All welcome. National Pilgrimage to Carfin The bus leaves next Sunday at 1:15 pm and returns from Carfin circa 6:30pm. Funeral in St Thomas' Thursday 22nd of September: Annie Wiseman Paisley Diocese supports Setting Out on the Road The course which leads to the award of the Catholic Teacher's Certificate (CTC) enabling the recipient to teach Religious Education in the Catholic school. It is taught by the St Andrew's Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow. Setting Out on the Road is for qualified teachers who have not yet obtained their CTC. If you have applied to Glasgow University for this course, the cost is fully refunded by the Diocese on completion of the course and by attending bishop John’s Monthly support seminars. For seminar dates please contact Marianne Boland by emailing [email protected] We pray for those who have died recently, especially HM Queen Elizabeth, Liz Anderson, David Balmer, Eric Casey, Mary Frances Clark, Leigh Anne Donnelly, Eddie Mullen, John Murphy, Ann McLeish, William Mc Millan, Marie Sheridan, Samuel Stewart, Ian Wilkinson, and Annie Wiseman; and for the 9 months' mind of Patrick Kearney; and for the Anniversaries of Isabel & Jack Barr, Agnes Brady, Martin Cassidy, Irene & Mark Clougherty, Alex Costello, Francis Mullaney, Meta Mullen, Selina Pearson, and Anthony Quinn.
This Weekend's Second Collection: Pro-Life
St John's/St Thomas' My Paya Hub (Online Donations) You can now use the QR codes in the porch to make your weekly offering to God and for the upkeep of the Parish. Just scan the QR code with your smartphone camera. Thank you for all your financial support. Change to weekly Mass Times for Summer St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat at 10am St Thomas': Tue & Thu at 10am. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration The rota for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Oratory will resume from this Monday, August 15th. Pilgrimage St Mirin’s Cathedral Parish are considering taking a coach to the Annual Pilgrimage in honour of Venerable Margaret Sinclair at St Patrick’s Church, Edinburgh on Sunday 18th September departing from St Mirin’s Cathedral at 12:30pm. There is Adoration, Rosary, Confession followed by Holy Mass at 4:30pm with prayers for her Beatification. Departure at 6pm. Cost will be £5-10 per person. Email [email protected]. St Thomas' Drop in You can drop in for a tea/coffee/juice and biscuits/scones, and for a chat from 11am until 2pm at St Thomas' Hall every Thursday. To volunteer as a helper, see one of the brothers/sisters of the SSVDP. Monthly Pro-Life Mass This Wednesday, 17th August at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6:15pm. The Celebrant will be newly ordained Fr Edward Toner. Diocesan Day for Children’s Liturgy Groups - Saturday 20th August The day starts with tea and registration at 11:15am, followed by talks from 11:30am onwards. The day will end at 2:30pm. There will be a series of talks on family engagement, the experience of a parish group, a look at resources, and information on safeguarding. Lunch will be provided. If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please bring your own packed lunch. Young Adults (18-30) Fr Jamie McMorrin will speak on the Holy Spirit on Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction. Afterwards there is an opportunity to socialise over drinks. March for Life UK 2022 Coach departs midnight Friday 2nd September from St Mirin's Cathedral with a pickup 12:30am at St Andrew's Cathedral, Clyde Street, Glasgow, and 2:00am at Gretna. Arrive in London 7:30am Saturday 3rd September for the Exhibition, Mass, talks and stall. Depart Saturday evening, approx. 6:00pm, with same drop offs. £30pp. For tickets please register online at the link below. Diocesan Vocations Mass and 75th Anniversary of the Diocese Bishop John will celebrate this Mass on Thursday 15th September on the Feast of St Mirin in the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. New Dawn Scotland Youth Day (S1-S6) In St Mirin's Cathedral on Saturday 17th September beginning with Mass with Bishop John at 10am. This will be followed by two talks by Young Evangelists. There is also Prayer ministry, Rosary and Workshops. The day will end with a healing service. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided for a donation. National Pilgrimage to Carfin This has been moved to Sunday 25th September. This marks the Centenary of the Grotto and the Relics of St Bernadette will arrive at Carfin that day and will remain there throughout the rest of that week. See poster in porch for full details on programme or visit We pray for those who have died recently Jean Brennan, Alec Coghill, Susan McGregor, Daniel O’Donnell, Teresa Sciberras, Brian Stevenson, and Brian Sweenie; and for the 9 months' mind of Helen Markey; and for the Anniversaries of Anne Crossan, Flo Cummins, Netta Foy, Anna & Peter Hughes, William Houston, Lauren Husk, Maisie McCafferty, John McClune, Margaret McGoldrick, Rosemary McGinty, Gerry & Mary McQueenie, John McShane, Kevin Markey, and Catherine Reilly.
New Rotas
St Patrick’s Missionary Appeal (Kiltegan Fathers)
Fr Kyran Murphy will make a Mission Appeal at all Masses this weekend (in St John's only) on behalf of St Patrick’s Missionary Society. St Patrick’s Missionary Society was founded on St Patrick’s Day 1932 and for 90 years has continued the work of spreading the Gospel. Today, they work in Brazil, Grenada, South Africa, Cameroon, Nigeria, Republic South Sudan, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe. St Johns Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Summer Programme There is Adoration in the Church from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm each weekday, Monday–Friday (excluding Thursdays). Change to weekly Mass Times for Summer St John's Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat at 10am. St Thomas' Tue & Thu at 10am. Please note this week, no Wednesday morning Mass at 10am but Mass at 7pm. St Michael the Archangel Statue A life size statue of St Michael the Archangel has been specially commissioned for a tour of Scotland. The statue will be here in St John's from this Wednesday 27th July until Wednesday the 3rd of August. There will be a Votive Mass of the Holy Angels on Wednesday Evening to welcome the statue at 7pm. We will also say a Consecration Prayer to St Michael each day after Mass. Copies available of the St Michael Prayer, Consecration Prayer and a Novena in the porch from Monday. St Thomas' Drop in Starting on Thursday 4th August, you can drop in for a tea/coffee/juice and biscuits/scones from 11am until 2pm to St Thomas' Hall. This will continue each Thursday at the same time. If you would like to know more or would like to volunteer please see one of the brothers/sisters of St Thomas SSVDP Conference. Young Adults (18-30) The diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next talk of the series will be on the Eucharist by Bishop Hugh Gilbert. This will take place on Wednesday 27th July at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and a BBQ and drinks. Details of all talks can be found on Facebook Think Vocation “Ask and it will be given to you; search and you shall find.” We pray with faith for vocations today. Pray too that those discerning a vocation to priesthood, diaconate or religious life will have the courage to persevere. Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr John Morrison 01418895056 | [email protected] Safe Access (Abortion Services) Scotland Bill Consultation Please see below an opportunity to take part in a consultation on the proposed bill to introduce buffer zones around healthcare facilities that provide abortion services. The consultation has been sent to us by the Scottish Government to send on to any groups or individuals who would like to comment on the proposals. You can complete the consultation online at You can also fill in the form and return via email or post. The form is found at the end of the consultation document below. Please take the time to complete this and also as individuals. There is now available an SPUC Guide to responding to this consultation. You can uplift one from the porch. We pray for those who have died recently Meabha Doohan, Freda Harkins, Patrick McDaid, and Ana Roberts; and for the Anniversaries of Jane Collins, Kelly Anne Donn, Michael Fisher, Margaret Gore, John Haldane, Agnes Hegarty, Peter Herbert, Kathleen Hughes, Christy King, Ian Meechan, Mary Munn, Thomas McAllister, Patrick McCafferty, Margaret McGuire, Alastair Thomson, Canon James J Sheehan (2008), and Fr James A O’Neill (1961).
Peter’s Pence: 25th/26th June
This is the practice of the laity to provide financial support to the Holy See to allow the Holy Father the means to respond to those suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. Catholics around the world contribute roughly £70M annually through this collection. In 2017 this collection raised £15,191 which is fully remitted to the Apostolic Nunciature. Feast of St Josemaria Escriva We welcome to St John's the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei as they celebrate the Feast of their founder St Josemaria Escriva next Saturday the 25th June. Mass will be at 11am with Confessions at 10:30am. No 10am Morning Mass. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration – Summer Hours The Oratory will close for the summer on Friday 24th June, re-opening again on Monday 15th August with Adoration on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30am – 9:00pm, as usual. Over the summer from Monday 27th June – Friday 12th August there will be Adoration in the Church from 10:30am – 1:00pm each weekday, Monday – Friday (not Thursdays). Adorers are asked to complete a sign-up for these hours using the forms in the porch at the back of the Church. First Friday Vigils There will be no First Friday Vigils over the summer. The Vigils will resume on Friday 2nd September at 7:00 pm. Think Vocation Ask the Holy Spirit to guide young people as they discern the life God is calling them to. Perhaps you are discerning a call to priesthood or religious life. Speak to our Vocations Director Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 email: [email protected] Nigerian Catholic Community Glasgow & Environs to our harvest Thanksgiving Mass & Bazaar/Summer Fete This takes place in St Roch’s RC Church, Robroyston Rd, Glasgow on Sunday 7th of August at 1pm. Please help support our community by joining us at the event. You can let us know if you want to come as a group and can put a goodwill message or advert in the event brochure. You can take a stand or provide an activity during the bazaar. Finally, you can support us with a donation. Email: [email protected] Parish Allotment Project We are considering converting a piece of self-contained spare ground into a miniature allotment for parishioners to grow vegetables! It would be a fantastic opportunity for our families to get involved in growing their own produce. If you would like to take responsibility for one of the raised beds please speak to one of the priests after Mass. Corpus Christi Procession We will have on 19th June in St John's a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. St Michael the Archangel Statue A life size statue of St Michael the Archangel has been specially commissioned for a tour of Scotland. The statue will be in St John's from Wednesday 27th July until Wednesday the 3rd August. More details to follow. We pray for those who have died recently Danny Gallagher, Iain McKenna, Jim McKeown, and Ian Telfer; the 6 months' mind of Patrick Kearney; and for the Anniversaries of Andy Barton, Margaret Birrell, Angelo Damore, Catherine Furie, Daniel Furie, Freda Hanlon, Maria Minnery, Peter Mullen, Renee McCallum, Kathleen McGuire, John O’Neill, Baby Patricia Reynolds, Anna Sinclair, Mary Theresa Temple.
Second Collection this weekend: Sick & Retired Priests.
St Thomas Primary 4 First Communicants Congratulations on receiving First Communion last Saturday. Diocesan Day for Extraordinary Ministers - Saturday 18th June, St Mirin’s Hall: 11:30am-2:30pm The Diocesan Liturgy Commission will host a Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and for anyone interested in learning more about the Eucharist. There will be 3 short talks, with opportunities to ask questions, ending with a period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction. A light lunch will be provided. If you have any specific dietary requirements, please bring a packed lunch. All welcome to attend. Contact Fr Paul Brady on [email protected] A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Pilgrimage to Camino de Santiago de Compostelo A group of young adults are organising a Camino de Santiago pilgrimage from 18th July to 25th July 2022 which will include 5 days walking from Vigo to Santiago. Total cost for flights and accommodation is £400. If you would like to join them please get in touch with Stephen Jordan at [email protected] Please express your interest by 20th June 2022. Family Rosary Book We invite all families to make a special to pray the family rosary at home every day. Family Rosary books have been specially commissioned and printed to guide families in this simple devotion. Diocesan Family Day Sunday 12th June 2pm-4pm Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John at St John’s, Barrhead for an afternoon celebrating family life. There will be activities for children, followed by refreshments for all! The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. No 5pm Sunday Parish Mass this day. Corpus Christi Procession We will have on 19th June in St Johns a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. St Michael the Archangel Statue A life size statue of St Michael the Archangel has been specially commissioned for a tour of Scotland. The statue will be in St John's from Wednesday 27th July until Wednesday 3rd August. More details to follow. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meets this Tuesday 14th June from 1pm-2pm in the Tea Room. Funerals this week Cliff Kelly in St Thomas' on Tuesday 14th at 10am. Mary Black in St Peter’s Glenburn on Thursday 16th at 10am. Vegetable Garden in St John's Anyone interested in helping set up plots in space behind the sacristy and garages should speak to Fr Joe/Jonathan. Scottish Catholic Magazine Latest edition now available at £2.00. We pray for those who have died recently Mary Black, Cliff Kelly, Nicola Gilfedder, Harry Keenan, and 50 Nigerian Parishioners murdered last Sunday at Mass; and for the Anniversaries of Vincent Costello, William Breslin Geddes, David Gormlie, Peter Monaghan, and John Mooney.
Ash Wednesday
Masses at 10am & 7pm in both Parishes. All the Cluster schools will have Services. It is a Day of Fasting for those over 16 (one main meal and two collations, which should be less than the main meal combined and abstinence from meat for those over 14). Children’s Rosary Group There will be a children’s rosary in the church on the first Friday of each month, commencing on Friday 4th March 2022 at 6:30 pm. This is an opportunity for children of all ages to gather together to pray the rosary. This initiative has been running in other parishes in Scotland. All families are invited to attend and pre-school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 or 5 and up to around 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes and it is a lovely way to start the Lenten season as the Sunday obligation resumes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information ([email protected] 07910266821). World Day of Prayer Neilston Parish Church this Friday 4th March at 1:30pm. Tea/Coffee afterwards. All welcome! Singers for 11:30am Mass To join us at the 11:30am Mass please come up to the Choir Loft or call Alison on 07821 658845. Healing Service There will be a Healing Service taking place here in St John's on Tuesday 8th March at 7pm. Fr Joe and Joe Livingston will speak on the theme of Forgiveness, with Confession also available. Safeguarding Training Part 2 Church Volunteers For those who have previously attended Safeguarding Training Part One, or Safeguarding Training Level One, you can attend on Tuesday 1st March at 7pm in St. John’s hall. To register for this session, this Tuesday 1st March in St John’s Hall, go to or go to Diocesan Website. Friday 4th March 2022: Day of Prayer all those who have experienced abuse & Monthly Mass & Holy Hour (7pm-9pm) Please come along and pray for children, young people and vulnerable adults whose lives have been scarred by the abuse they have experienced at the hands of those whom they trusted. Pray also for all engaged in the pursuit of peace, healing and reconciliation for the abused, the needy, the weak and the vulnerable. 200 Club St Thomas Jan: Isabel McLeish & 2nd Theresa Millar. Feb: Alice Meehan & 2nd Pat Layden. Monies can be collected from the Sacristy. Winner £60, Second £30. Scottish Catholic Magazine Now available at £2. Please place monies in Paper Box. SCIAF Envelopes (including Wee Box) These are now available to take home and return after Easter Sunday. Marriages in 2022 Please get in touch with Fr Joe to confirm marriage & arrange to complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms as soon as possible. Young Adults (18-30) 30th March Fr Patten will speak on the Sacrament of Confession from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by Adoration and Benediction. Connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). We pray for those who have died recently Paul Patrick Brophy, Esmeralda Coates, Kevin Finnell, Jim Connelly, Catherine McCreath, and Mary McGrory; and the 3 months' mind of James Fleming; and the 6 months' mind of Jane Devenny, Frank McAloon, and Michelle McCormick; and for the Anniversaries of Susan Chalmers, Maurice Docherty, Bill Gilmour, Grace Glenroy, Catherine Guthrie, Dominic Greenan, Ellen Hendry, Edward & Elizabeth Hendry, Christiane Heinrich, Annie & John Lawson, Duncan McInnes, James Mullen, Billy Quinn, Helen Trainor, Moya Wilson, and Frances Winning.
St Margaret’s Children & Family Care Society
St John's £424.83 & St Thomas' £246.18 (Crib Collections) St Anthony’s Box Collections for Dec St John's £ 256.74 & St Thomas' £217.44. Monies sent to Marys Meals. Second Collection next weekend: Sick & Retired Priests Faith, Family and Fraternity: A Call to Service Supporting our clergy, serving in our parishes, helping the needy and developing our personal and family faith with like- minded men. If you are a man aged 16 or over, Province 1 of the KSC is recruiting in the Diocese just now. For more information on how to join Britain’s largest Catholic layman’s organisation, call John O’Donnell on 07854 886425 or email: [email protected] Marriage and family webpage The Diocese have a dedicated page on the website for Marriage and Family life. It contains a wealth of information, support and resources for many aspects of this important vocation. For more information please visit Online Marriage Counselling available during Covid 19 Crisis Our Diocese has a Counselling Service for Catholics Married in the Catholic Church with our dedicated Catholic Marriage Counsellor. If you are concerned about your relationship and feel you are both unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The counsellor is there to maintain a neutral, non-judgmental position. [email protected] Pro-Life Mass The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday 19th January at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6:15pm. All welcome. The celebrant will be Mgr John Tormey. Family Planning - God’s Way, Nature’s Way The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Fertility Regulation is very helpful for couples having difficulty conceiving and 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy with no side effects. Diocesan Priesthood Thinking about Diocesan Priesthood in 2022? The Catholic Church in Scotland is now inviting enquiries from those considering applying for seminary. For more information please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] Would you like to join our Diocesan Choir? The Diocesan Choir are starting their rehearsals on the 27th January, at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. If you are interested please contact our Diocesan Director of Music, Michael, at [email protected] confirming your attendance. Young Adults (18-30) Join us for our next event on Wednesday 26th January. Conor and Naomi Gildea will speak on The Sacrament of Matrimony from 7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. The event is preceded by Holy Mass at 6pm and followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. The opportunity to meet for drinks after our event is subject to restrictions. More details will follow. To keep up to date with our schedule of events, connect with us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). We pray for those who have died recently, especially: Marion Breen, Fr Jim Docherty, David McDonald, Tommy O’Neil, Joe Wilkinson; and for the Anniversaries of: Ann Alford, Patrick Brady, Jim Brown, Margaret & Michael Campbell, Brain Corcoran, Desmond & Jane Coleman, Mary Doyle, Maria Hannigan, Ethna Herbert, George Major, Bernadette Mowbray, Maureen Muldoon, Jean McAllister, Neil McDade, Maria & Tommy O’Hara, Annie & John O’Neil; and for Clergy Anniversaries: Canon John T. Earley (1987), Fr. Thomas F. Ryan (1997), Canon James Murphy (2002), Fr. Denis McKillop (1983), Fr. Hugh Heslin, Fr. Joseph Logue and Monsignor Francis Magauran. ![]()
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Monies to be used to upgrade parking spaces in both Parishes and, looking ahead, resurfacIng the pedestrian walkway in front of St John’s Church. Annual Safeguarding Announcement To be read at all Masses 2nd & 3rd October. October Evening for the Year of St Joseph in St Mirin’s: Wednesday 13th October at 7:00pm This month, we pray and celebrate the work of those involved in the Arts and Professions. There will be Adoration, Benediction and Evening Prayer of the Church. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start this Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From this Monday, 4th October, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in St John’s Oratory after the 10:00am Mass until 9:00 pm on Mon/Wed/Fri. Sign-up as an Adorer willing to commit to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the first Friday of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. One Million Children Praying the Rosary Please find below a link to our webpage for 'One Million Children Praying the Rosary' outlining our ask of schools and parishes in the UK. onemillionchildrenprayingtherosary Stop the latest Holyrood Parliament Assisted Suicide Efforts An Assisted Suicide Bill will be published in the Scottish Parliament this month which we urge you to actively oppose. It will outline details of a public consultation with which we urge all Catholics to engage. We will be working in tandem with Care Not Killing and encourage you also to sign up to their messages. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7’s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October, a total of 157 miles, to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations via Thank you! Blessed Carlo Acutis International Exhibition: The Miracles of the Eucharist at Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy 4th-6th November and St. Columba’s Church, Glasgow 7th-9th November. See the Poster in the porch for viewing times and talks and Adoration. Please pray for those who have died recently Agnes Brady, Peter Lavery, Helen Morran, Michael McBride, Mary McDermott, Anthony McLachlan, Bolek Pajak, Marie Tytherleigh, Jim Wall ; the 1st month’s mind of Jane Devenny, Michelle McCormick; the 6 months mind of Agnes O’Donnell; and the anniversaries of Helen Burns, Eileen Cameron, Robert Cheney, Patrick Collins, Eamon Duggan, Steven Ingram, Gordon King, John McCool, Agnes & Willie McHugh, Fr Brian Rice, Margaret Stewart, John & Rena Weldon, Catherine White. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the bulletin by 7pm on Thursday.
Second Collection next weekend
Monthly Building Fund St John’s Sunday 5pm Mass This Mass will start again next weekend. Telephone number for St John’s & St Thomas The new number for both Parishes 0141 881 0769 Year of Saint Joseph Afternoon for Families Families are warmly invited to come together to mark the Year of St Joseph on Sunday 19th September from 2:00pm in St Mirin's Cathedral Hall. The event will include an opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith and join together for some light refreshments. Bishop John will conclude the gathering with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral at 4:00pm. Think Vocation “Accept and submit to the word which has been planted in you.” Does that “word” include a call to serve as a priest or in religious life? How will you respond? Speak to our diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison – email: [email protected] or Tel 0141 8895056. St Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) The SSVP of St John’s are asking for your help to identify anyone in need and who would benefit from support by visiting or by financial assistance. You can confidentially speak to one of the current members after Holy Mass or to Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan or call the dedicated mobile number 07486 462 480. Lifting of Restrictions Those with Smart Phones can scan the QR code with the phone camera on entry. Please continue on entry/exit to sanitise your hands and wear a face mask at all times. Safeguarding Webinar Sat 2nd October (11am-1pm) A key event, intended to help disseminate some important features of In GOD’s Image v2, Growing our Culture of Care. To secure a place in this webinar, click on the link Following registration, you will be sent details of how to join the webinar. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start within the next few weeks, and anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan Readers Please if have not done so already inform Fr Jonathan of the Mass you read at previously. Garden St John’s If you can spare some time to help in the Parish Garden, see John Logue/Ian Ross. Barrhead Food Bank They are now looking for UHT Milk & Tin Vegetables. Thank you. Funeral in St John’s Patricia Mc Ginlay on Thursday 2nd September at 10am. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Rita Connelly, Jane Devenny, Patricia McGinlay, Mary McNocher; and for the Anniversaries of James Cannon, Eamon & John Delaney, Greta Doyle, Agnes Geddes, Katie Gillies, Maisie McCafferty, Laurence McGowan, Mary Noon, Jack Shaw, John De Souza. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursdays
St John's Sunday 5pm Mass
This Mass will not continue until September Telephone number for St John's & St Thomas The new number for both Parishes 0141 881 0769 should start before 23:59 on Tuesday 24th August. Lifting of Restrictions Those with Smart Phones can scan the QR code with the phone camera on entry and others can sign in manually. Please continue on entry/exit to sanitise your hands and wear a face mask. Think Vocation “Lord, to whom shall we go?” Jesus is the only answer to our seeking. Could you be on to help people find him, as a priest, a deacon or a religious brother or sister? Speak to Fr John Morrison on 0141 8895056 or email [email protected] Safeguarding Webinar Sat 2nd October (11am-1pm) A key event, intended to help disseminate some important features of In GOD’s Image v2, this webinar – Growing our Culture of Care. At present we have over 200 participants registered. To secure a place in this webinar, click on the link Following registration, you will be sent details of how to join the webinar. The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin This will take place on Sunday the 29th August. Holy Mass with the Anointing of the Sick at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession at 5:30pm. St John's Garden If you can spare some time to help in the Parish Garden, see John Logue/Ian Ross. St Thomas: St Anthony’s donations Please put into the box marked St Anthony, below his statue. St Thomas Toilet Please make sure the tap is completely turned off before you leave. Barrhead Food Bank They are now looking for UHT Milk & Tin Vegetables. Thank you. Weekday Masses in St John's & St Thomas this week St John's: Tues 24th, Wed 25th, Fri 27th, Sat 28th at 10am. St Thomas: Mon 23rd, Thurs 26th, Sat 28th at 10am. Funeral Mass of Patricia Campbell Tuesday 24th August at 10am in St John's. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Patricia Campbell, Rita Connelly, Peter Connor, David Coia, Michael Curran, John Hylands, Kevin Markie; and for the Anniversaries of Jean & John Arbuckle, Teddy Boylan, Elizabeth & James Carberry Snr, James Carberry Jnr, Sacramenta Coelho, James Harris Devine, Jean Fenn, Agnes Geddes, Patrick Kerr, John McClune, Barry McGettigan, Terence McGowan, Ann & John McGuire, Cecilia Mbeh, Betty Mooney, Albert Vincent O’Kane, Jacqueline O’Neill, Margaret Stevenson. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin, by 7pm on Thursdays. |