Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Monies to be used to upgrade parking spaces in both Parishes and, looking ahead, resurfacIng the pedestrian walkway in front of St John’s Church. Annual Safeguarding Announcement To be read at all Masses 2nd & 3rd October. October Evening for the Year of St Joseph in St Mirin’s: Wednesday 13th October at 7:00pm This month, we pray and celebrate the work of those involved in the Arts and Professions. There will be Adoration, Benediction and Evening Prayer of the Church. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start this Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From this Monday, 4th October, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in St John’s Oratory after the 10:00am Mass until 9:00 pm on Mon/Wed/Fri. Sign-up as an Adorer willing to commit to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the first Friday of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. One Million Children Praying the Rosary Please find below a link to our webpage for 'One Million Children Praying the Rosary' outlining our ask of schools and parishes in the UK. acnuk.org onemillionchildrenprayingtherosary Stop the latest Holyrood Parliament Assisted Suicide Efforts An Assisted Suicide Bill will be published in the Scottish Parliament this month which we urge you to actively oppose. It will outline details of a public consultation with which we urge all Catholics to engage. We will be working in tandem with Care Not Killing and encourage you also to sign up to their messages. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7’s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October, a total of 157 miles, to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations via https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/p7-lockerbie Thank you! Blessed Carlo Acutis International Exhibition: The Miracles of the Eucharist at Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy 4th-6th November and St. Columba’s Church, Glasgow 7th-9th November. See the Poster in the porch for viewing times and talks and Adoration. Please pray for those who have died recently Agnes Brady, Peter Lavery, Helen Morran, Michael McBride, Mary McDermott, Anthony McLachlan, Bolek Pajak, Marie Tytherleigh, Jim Wall ; the 1st month’s mind of Jane Devenny, Michelle McCormick; the 6 months mind of Agnes O’Donnell; and the anniversaries of Helen Burns, Eileen Cameron, Robert Cheney, Patrick Collins, Eamon Duggan, Steven Ingram, Gordon King, John McCool, Agnes & Willie McHugh, Fr Brian Rice, Margaret Stewart, John & Rena Weldon, Catherine White. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the bulletin by 7pm on Thursday.