Cut Off from Me, You Can Do Nothing Called to Care, Not to Kill – a Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide![]() In the parable of the Vine and the Branches, Jesus teaches us that we are one community, one family and one society. We live in a world where any one of our decisions affects all of us. We are all brothers and sisters with responsibility to each other. Living out our responsibilities for each other in our families, many of us will have had first-hand experience of being with loved ones as they passed from this world. It can be a harrowing and difficult experience, but it can also be a precious time of shared love and memories. In the context of our responsibilities as a wider society, we are grateful to the medical, nursing and care staff who support our loved ones in their last weeks, days and hours. Sadly, however, palliative care is underfunded and limited in Scotland, and our Parliament should focus its energies on improving palliative care rather than on contemplating assisted suicide or euthanasia. The private member’s bill to introduce assisted suicide for those aged sixteen and over, recently published in the Scottish Parliament, amounts to a rejection of the common responsibility we owe to each other and to those who are ill and dying. Campaigners call it ‘assisted dying’ when what is really meant is assisted suicide. Palliative care and the process by which families and communities accompany and support those in the final moments of their lives is what we all usually mean by assisted dying. What is now being proposed is that doctors hand a lethal concoction of drugs to a patient to kill themselves. It is a direct, intentional action to end the patient’s life and truly crosses a Rubicon in Scotland. In countries where assisted suicide has been legalised, palliative care provision has stalled and hospices which refuse to offer assisted suicide have had their funding cut or stopped altogether, including Catholic hospices. This is perhaps why three quarters of our palliative care doctors in Scotland said they would refuse to participate in assisted suicide, and just under half said they would resign if they were required to administer it. These are the very specialists who deal with our brothers and sisters at the end of their lives and who assure us that their care can cope with the suffering their patients experience. We trust our doctors to be concerned for our life, health and wellbeing and we do not want to think of them being put into the position of raising the question with our loved ones of whether they would be better off dead. Killing is not medical treatment. Countries where assisted suicide or euthanasia has been legalised have seen safeguards eroded, and many have expanded eligibility criteria to now include people with arthritis, anorexia, autism and dementia. Even little children are being euthanised in these countries that are not so different from our own. The experience of these countries shows that assisted suicide is almost immediately uncontrollable. At a time when suicide is on the rise in Scotland and we are doing our best to reduce it, what message are we sending to those who are vulnerable when we say that suicide is okay provided it is overseen by a doctor? Laws like this normalise suicide and send a message that some people are beyond hope. Assisted suicide, which allows us to kill our brothers and sisters, takes us down a dangerous spiral that always puts at risk the most vulnerable members of our society, including the elderly, the disabled, and those who struggle with mental health. All those in fact who cannot stand up for themselves. It is little wonder the Glasgow Disability Alliance has said the assisted suicide proposal sends a message to disabled people that they are a burden and puts pressure on them to make a choice to die. That is why it is no surprise that in Oregon, consistently around half of those who choose assisted suicide do so because they feel that they are a burden on their families or on their communities and healthcare system. When vulnerable people, including the elderly and disabled, express concerns about being a burden, the appropriate response is not to suggest that they have a duty to die; rather, it is to commit to meeting their needs and providing the care and compassion they need to help them live. When our society is already marked by so many inequalities, we do not need assisted suicide to put intolerable pressure on our most disadvantaged who do not have a voice in this debate. Implicit in assisted suicide is the suggestion that an individual, in certain circumstances, can lose their value and worth. However, as stated in the Church’s recent declaration on Human Dignity, Dignitas Infinita, “even in its sorrowful state, human life carries a dignity that must always be upheld” and there are “no circumstances” under which human life could lose its dignity and “be put to an end”. The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland urges the Catholic community to contact MSPs, urging them to work collaboratively to improve palliative care, and to reject the dangerous proposal to legalise assisted suicide, which would devalue life and put immense pressure on the most vulnerable to end their lives prematurely. We are called to care, not to kill. Yours devotedly in Christ, + Hugh Gilbert, President, Bishop of Aberdeen + John Keenan, Vice President, Bishop of Paisley + Brian McGee, Episcopal Secretary, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles + Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh + William Nolan, Archbishop of Glasgow + Joseph Toal, Bishop of Motherwell + Frank Dougan, Bishop of Galloway
First: GA £420.50, NGA £795.43 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund: GA £466, NGA £417.00 Vocations: GA £10.00 St Anthony: £65.77 Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions Each Sunday of October at 3pm, there will be Rosary & Benediction. Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group This Tuesday 11th October from 1pm-2pm, in the Tea Room. Bishop Mone RIP To commemorate the 6th Anniversary of the death of Bishop Mone, Bishop Keenan will celebrate a Requiem Mass in St Mirin’s Cathedral at 10am this Friday 14th October. Requiescat in pace. Funeral this week Ann McCartney on Friday 14th October at 10am. Altar Servers Training Training for Altar Servers at 6:30pm this Friday 14th October (not the Adults who have previously had training). New Altar Servers welcome. You have to have made your First Holy Communion. Eucharistic Adoration We are hoping to extend Adoration in the Oratory to include Tuesdays & Thursdays. To do so we need more people to commit to One hour with the Blessed Sacrament at the same time each week. Many graces and favours come to us through this time spent with Lord. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life increase where there is Adoration as well as conversions and people returning to their faith. You can pick up a signing up form this weekend to return and place in the box beside the Sacred Heart Statue. No need for those already signed up to re-sign unless you also wish to sign for more hours on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Stall The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. It is now located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church House. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, please give details to one of the ladies at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Cost of Living Crisis: Government Website The Scottish Government has launched a campaign promoting a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. Visit Say No to Assisted Suicide Liam Mc Arthur MSP (Lib Dem) is proposing a Bill in the Scottish Parliament to legalise Assisted Suicide. This will undermine the right to life and put vulnerable people at risk of coming under pressure to end their lives prematurely. The Bishop’s Conference of Scotland are encouraging us to sign the petition available in the porch and at the side benches in the Church. Glasgow Torchlight Procession To mark the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, on Thursday 27th October, the actual day on which the Act was passed, there will be Rosary at 6:30pm at George Square followed by a Procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for Holy Mass at 7:30pm. SPUC Conference Glasgow A recent BBC poll revealed that 15% of British women have experienced pressure or coercion to have an abortion that they did not want. It is vital to understand the reasons why women have abortions so that we can campaign for protections for vulnerable women and their children. You are invited on Saturday 29 October to a conference. The Cost £30/£20 concessions. The conferencecan be booked online here: You can also contact Katherine Hampton on [email protected], or call: 01892 542 616. National Divine Mercy Conference St Augustine’s Church in Coatbridge Saturday 29th October 9am-6pm. For further details and how to register please go to: We pray for those who have died recently Frances Burke, and Ann McCartney; and for the 6 Months’ Mind of Nancy Wilson; and the Anniversaries of Thomas Armstrong, Margaret Dillon, Mary Dickson, Matthew Fearon, Mary Finnigan, Ethna Herbert, Joseph Hughes, Steven Ingram, Mary Lunday, John McGuire Snr, and James Watson.
Change to service times until Friday 30th September
Mass St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat. St Thomas': Tues/ Thurs. Confessions St Thomas': Tues & Thurs 9:30am-9:50am and Sat 3:15pm-3:45pm. St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30am-9:50am. Sat 10:30am-11am, 3:15pm-3:45pm. Inaugural Mass for Marriage The Inaugural Mass for Marriage and celebratory reception scheduled for this Sunday, 18th September at 12 noon in St Mirin's Cathedral, has been postponed; a new date will be announced soon. Mass for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Bishop John Keenan will offer Mass on Sunday 18th September at the 8:00am Mass, in St Mirin’s Cathedral. St Thomas Children’s Liturgy This weekend 18th Sept Angela, Kate & Noreen. Next 2nd Oct Emma & Julie. Sunday Teas If you wish to volunteer to help with the teas after 10am Sunday Mass, please see Mary H in the sacristy after Mass. St John's New Rotas for Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist/Readers The new rotas for Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and lectors are being organised. If you would like an electronic copy, please contact Mary Hallan at: [email protected] Think Vocation “The man who can be trusted in little things will be trusted in great.” Christ calls those he trusts to take up his mission of teaching, guiding and supporting his people. Could that be you? Talk to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 0141889 5056 or email [email protected] Young Adults (18-30) The next talk of the series will be on ‘Mary Most Holy’ by Bishop John Keenan on Wednesday 28th September at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral, followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Monthly Pro-Life Mass Wed 21st September at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave with Adoration at 6:15pm. Legion of Mary Wayside Club, Glasgow 90 years anniversary There is a Mass of Thanksgiving in Blessed John Duns Scotus on Sunday 18th September. The Principal Celebrant is Archbishop William Nolan. All welcome. National Pilgrimage to Carfin The bus leaves next Sunday at 1:15 pm and returns from Carfin circa 6:30pm. Funeral in St Thomas' Thursday 22nd of September: Annie Wiseman Paisley Diocese supports Setting Out on the Road The course which leads to the award of the Catholic Teacher's Certificate (CTC) enabling the recipient to teach Religious Education in the Catholic school. It is taught by the St Andrew's Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow. Setting Out on the Road is for qualified teachers who have not yet obtained their CTC. If you have applied to Glasgow University for this course, the cost is fully refunded by the Diocese on completion of the course and by attending bishop John’s Monthly support seminars. For seminar dates please contact Marianne Boland by emailing [email protected] We pray for those who have died recently, especially HM Queen Elizabeth, Liz Anderson, David Balmer, Eric Casey, Mary Frances Clark, Leigh Anne Donnelly, Eddie Mullen, John Murphy, Ann McLeish, William Mc Millan, Marie Sheridan, Samuel Stewart, Ian Wilkinson, and Annie Wiseman; and for the 9 months' mind of Patrick Kearney; and for the Anniversaries of Isabel & Jack Barr, Agnes Brady, Martin Cassidy, Irene & Mark Clougherty, Alex Costello, Francis Mullaney, Meta Mullen, Selina Pearson, and Anthony Quinn.
This Weekend's 2nd Collection: September Monthly Building Fund.
Next Weekend's 2nd Collection: Vocations St Anthony’s Box July/August St John's £339.47 and St Thomas' £233.91. Monies sent to SPUC Scotland. Change to weekly Services until Friday 30th September Mass St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. St Thomas': Tuesday and Thursday. Confessions St Thomas': Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am-9:50am; Saturday 3:15pm-3:45pm. St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-9:50am; Saturday 10:30am-11am, 3:15pm-3:45pm Children’s Liturgy St Thomas' 4th Sept: Teresa & Anne- Marie. Next weekend 11th Sept: Julie & Emma. National Pilgrimage for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair Sunday 18th September in St Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh from 2pm-6pm with Holy Mass at 4:30pm. See poster for further details. Mass for Marriage Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 12 Noon on Sunday 18th September 2022 in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall follows Mass. Celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison ([email protected]) Youth to Lourdes 2023 (S3-S6) We leave on Thursday 29th June and arrive in Lourdes on Friday 30th June. We will arrive back in Scotland on Friday 7th July. The pilgrimage costs £650.00 but if you pay your deposit by or on Sunday 11th September you’ll qualify for a discounted price of £625.00. The deposit is £60.00 #earlybird. Contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] or follow us on Instagram, facebook and twitter. Our first group meeting/information is at the Paisley Diocesan Offices on Sunday 11th September at 2pm. Diocesan Vocations Mass and 75th Anniversary of the Diocese Bishop John will celebrate this Mass on Thursday 15th September on the Feast of St Mirin in the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. New Dawn Scotland Youth Day (S1-S6) In St Mirin's Cathedral on Saturday 17th September beginning with Mass with Bishop John at 10am. There is also Prayer ministry, Rosary and Workshops. The day will end with a healing service. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided for a donation. National Pilgrimage to Carfin This has been moved to Sunday 25th September. This marks the Centenary of the Grotto and the Relics of St Bernadette will at Carfin that day and will remain there throughout the rest of that week. See poster in porch for full details on programme or visit If there are enough people interested we will put on a bus. Put name/details on list in porch. 100 Club Winners St John's 1st: Margaret Martin No.124 2nd: Janice McKenzie No.97 3rd: Margaret Dougan No.43 4th: M.M. Davidson No.78 5th: Mary Quinn. No.104. Funerals in St John's Agnes O’Sullivan: Thursday 8th September. Frank McShane: Friday 9th September. Mass at 10am. Congratulations Deacon Denis celebrated 10 years as a Deacon last Tuesday 30th August. Ad multos annos vivas! We pray for those who have died recently, especially Sean Alsop, Margaret McKelvie, Frank McShane, Agnes O’Sullivan, and Annie Wiseman; and for the Anniversaries of Jackie Craig, Jim Carroll, James Crossan, John Delaney, Eamon Delaney, Jimmy Docherty, Margaret & Michael Docherty, Belle Henrietta Finnie, Susan Gillan, Emma Goodwin, Michael Greville, Pat McLaughlan. Jack Shaw, Julie McCormick, Michelle McCormick, Ellen McKelvie, Alison O’Kane, Ellen Speirs, and John De Souza.
Next Weekend: September Monthly Building Fund.
St Thomas: Bishop’s Changes Bishop John has appointed Canon Oliver Freney as Administrator of St Thomas and will be resident in the Church house in Neilston. Fr Joe relinquishes his post as Parish Priest and Fr Jonathan as assistant priest of St Thomas. In St John's, Fr Joe will remain as Parish Priest and Fr Jonathan as assistant priest. We wish Canon Oliver every happiness in his new post which begins at 12 Noon on Friday 30th of September. Download the PDF file above for the full list of Diocesan Changes. Change to weekly Service Times until Friday 30th September MASS St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday at 10am. St Thomas': Tuesday & Thursday at 10am. CONFESSIONS St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-9:50am. Saturday 10:30am-11am. St Thomas': Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am-9:50am and Saturday 3:15pm-3:45pm. First Friday Children’s Rosary in St John's This Friday at 6:30pm. This is an opportunity, for children of all ages to gather together to pray the rosary. All families are invited to attend and pre- school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 and up to 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information ([email protected] or call 07910266821). St John's First Friday Evening Mass and Adoration (7pm -9pm) Mass at 7pm, followed by Adoration, Litany of the Holy Angels, Stations of the Cross and concluding with Benediction and Night Prayer. Mass for Marriage Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 12 Noon on Sunday 18th September 2022 in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall follows Mass. Celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison ([email protected]) Youth to Lourdes 2023 (S3-S6) We leave on Thursday 29th June and arrive in Lourdes on Friday 30th June. We will arrive back in Scotland on Friday 7th July. The pilgrimage costs £650.00 but if you pay your deposit by or on Sunday 11th September you’ll qualify for a discounted price of £625.00. The deposit is £60.00 #earlybird. Contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056, email [email protected] or follow us on Instagram, facebook and twitter. Our first group meeting/information is at the Paisley Diocesan Offices on Sunday 11th September at 2pm. Diocesan Vocations Mass and 75th Anniversary of the Diocese Bishop John will celebrate this Mass on Thursday 15th September on the Feast of St Mirin in the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. New Dawn Scotland Youth Day (S1-S6) In St Mirin's Cathedral on Saturday 17th September beginning with Mass with Bishop John at 10am. There is also Prayer ministry, Rosary and Workshops. The day will end with a healing service. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided for a donation. National Pilgrimage to Carfin This has been moved to Sunday 25th September. This marks the Centenary of the Grotto and the Relics of St Bernadette will at Carfin that day and will remain there throughout the rest of that week. See poster in porch for full details on programme or visit We pray for those who have died recently, especially William Doohan, Sharon Harley, Eileen O’Donnell, Agnes O’Sullivan, John Quigley, and Giuseppe Treba; and the 9 months' mind of James Fleming; and for the Anniversaries of Elizabeth & James Carberry, James Carberry, Sacramenta Cohelo, Jane Devenny, Agnes Geddes, John Hughes, Betty Mooney, Frank McAloon, James McAuley, Laurence McGowan, and Albert Vincent O’Kane.
This Weekend's Second Collection: Monthly Building Fund
St John's Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Summer Programme There is Adoration in the Church from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm each weekday, Monday-Friday (excluding Thursdays). Change to weekly Mass Times for Summer St John's: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat at 10am. St Thomas': Tue & Thu at 10am. Pilgrimage St Mirin’s Cathedral Parish are considering taking a coach to the Annual Pilgrimage in honour of Venerable Margaret Sinclair at St Patrick’s Church, Edinburgh, on Sunday 18th September departing from St Mirin’s Cathedral at 12:30pm. There is Adoration, Rosary, Confession followed by Holy Mass at 4:30pm with prayers for her Beatification. Departure approx. 6pm. Cost will be £5-10 per person. Email [email protected]. St Thomas' Drop in You can drop in for a tea/coffee/juice and biscuits/scones, and for a chat from 11am until 2pm at St Thomas' Hall every Thursday. To volunteer as a helper, see one of the brothers/sisters of the SSVDP. Safe Access (Abortion Services) Scotland Bill Consultation You can complete the consultation online at You can also fill in the form and return via email or post. Available an SPUC Guide to responding to this consultation. You can uplift one from the porch. Deadline for Consultation is 11:59pm Thursday 11th August. Young Adults (18-30) Fr Jamie McMorrin will speak on the Holy Spirit on Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction. Afterwards there is an opportunity to socialise over drinks. St John's/St Thomas' My Paya Hub (Online Donations) You can now use the QR codes in the porch to make your weekly offering to God and for the upkeep of the Parish. Just scan the QR code with your smartphone camera. Thank you for all your financial support. Beginning Experience For those, suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood from 30th September - 2nd October at Conforti House, Coatbridge. Call 0131 665 3383 0r email [email protected]. 100 Club Winners St John's 1st Maureen Davidson No 102 2nd Ase Smith No 115 3rd A & M B Mc Nee No 77 4th M Coffield No 98 5th W & J Sinclair No 149 March for Life UK 2022 Join Bishop John on coach departing midnight Friday 2nd September from St Mirin's Cathedral with a pickup 12:30am at St Andrew's Cathedral, Clyde Street, Glasgow, and 2:00am at Gretna. Arrive in London 7:30am Saturday 3rd September for the Exhibition, Mass, talks and stall. Depart Saturday evening, approx. 6:00pm, with drop offs at Gretna, Glasgow and Paisley. £30pp. For tickets please register at the link below. Diocesan Day for Children’s Liturgy Groups – Saturday 20th August The Diocesan Liturgy Commission will host a day aimed at supporting Children Liturgy groups in our parishes. The day starts with tea and registration at 11:15am, followed by talks from 11:30am onwards. The day will end at 2:30pm. There will be a series of talks on family engagement, the experience of a parish group, a look at resources, and information on safeguarding. Lunch will be provided. If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please bring your own packed lunch. We pray for those who have died recently Hyacinth Brogan, Joseph Hailey, Hugh McKendrick, and Jean Murdoch; and for the Anniversaries of Christina Beck, Patricia Campbell, Simon Carr, James Harris Devine, Thomas Donegan, John Gillan, Alex Lafferty, Margaret Mooney, James McGuire, Pat McGarrigle, Robert McHale, George McLean, May McMaster, John Wilson, and Catherine Wood.
Peter’s Pence: 25th/26th June
This is the practice of the laity to provide financial support to the Holy See to allow the Holy Father the means to respond to those suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. Catholics around the world contribute roughly £70M annually through this collection. In 2017 this collection raised £15,191 which is fully remitted to the Apostolic Nunciature. Feast of St Josemaria Escriva We welcome to St John's the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei as they celebrate the Feast of their founder St Josemaria Escriva next Saturday the 25th June. Mass will be at 11am with Confessions at 10:30am. No 10am Morning Mass. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration – Summer Hours The Oratory will close for the summer on Friday 24th June, re-opening again on Monday 15th August with Adoration on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30am – 9:00pm, as usual. Over the summer from Monday 27th June – Friday 12th August there will be Adoration in the Church from 10:30am – 1:00pm each weekday, Monday – Friday (not Thursdays). Adorers are asked to complete a sign-up for these hours using the forms in the porch at the back of the Church. First Friday Vigils There will be no First Friday Vigils over the summer. The Vigils will resume on Friday 2nd September at 7:00 pm. Think Vocation Ask the Holy Spirit to guide young people as they discern the life God is calling them to. Perhaps you are discerning a call to priesthood or religious life. Speak to our Vocations Director Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 email: [email protected] Nigerian Catholic Community Glasgow & Environs to our harvest Thanksgiving Mass & Bazaar/Summer Fete This takes place in St Roch’s RC Church, Robroyston Rd, Glasgow on Sunday 7th of August at 1pm. Please help support our community by joining us at the event. You can let us know if you want to come as a group and can put a goodwill message or advert in the event brochure. You can take a stand or provide an activity during the bazaar. Finally, you can support us with a donation. Email: [email protected] Parish Allotment Project We are considering converting a piece of self-contained spare ground into a miniature allotment for parishioners to grow vegetables! It would be a fantastic opportunity for our families to get involved in growing their own produce. If you would like to take responsibility for one of the raised beds please speak to one of the priests after Mass. Corpus Christi Procession We will have on 19th June in St John's a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. St Michael the Archangel Statue A life size statue of St Michael the Archangel has been specially commissioned for a tour of Scotland. The statue will be in St John's from Wednesday 27th July until Wednesday the 3rd August. More details to follow. We pray for those who have died recently Danny Gallagher, Iain McKenna, Jim McKeown, and Ian Telfer; the 6 months' mind of Patrick Kearney; and for the Anniversaries of Andy Barton, Margaret Birrell, Angelo Damore, Catherine Furie, Daniel Furie, Freda Hanlon, Maria Minnery, Peter Mullen, Renee McCallum, Kathleen McGuire, John O’Neill, Baby Patricia Reynolds, Anna Sinclair, Mary Theresa Temple.
Second Collection this weekend: Communications
This collection pays for our national Scottish Catholic Media Office which provides a service to the press and media with information on the activities of the Church in Scotland. May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm in St Thomas. Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) – External Review The Catholic Church in Paisley is issuing an extraordinary appeal during the month of June 2022 to anyone who may have been affected by any kind of abuse at the hands of clergy or church officials. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is conducting an external review of the Diocese of Paisley to hear from people with first-hand experience of how the Diocese has responded to reports of abuse. Anyone who may wish to report on their experience should contact SCIE directly by email at [email protected] or by phone on 07921 251614. SCIE will then get in touch to arrange a time to report to the auditors in a way that suits each individual. Please visit for more information and to see the letter from SCIE Learning Together, requesting help with the independent review. Book Launch of Bishop John’s Rosary Meditations The Diocese of Paisley invite you to the book launch in the Little Sisters of the Poor, Union Street, Greenock on Wednesday 8th June at 6:45pm of 'According to Your Word: Praying the mysteries of the Rosary through Word & Art', by Bishop John. The Glorious Mysteries will be prayed at the event. All welcome. For catering please RSVP by phone: 0141 226 3391 or email: [email protected] Draft Diocesan Synod Response You are cordially invited to a Diocesan gathering on Tuesday 7th June 2022 (post Pentecost), commencing with Evening Prayer in St. Mirin’s Cathedral at 7pm, followed by a presentation and discussion of the diocesan response in the Cathedral Hall. Should you wish any additions to be made to the Draft Response, please submit them to [email protected] by 30th May 2022, so that this can be communicated to all on 7th June. Children’s Monthly Rosary This Friday 3 June at 6:30pm. Also. the group have been invited to participate in the diocesan event on Sunday 12th June 2022. The plan is for the families to gather at the grotto in the church First Friday Mass & Adoration This Friday beginning at 7pm with Holy Mass and concludes with Night Prayer at 9pm. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Legion of Mary Centenary Mass The National Thanksgiving Mass to mark 100 years of the Legion of Mary will be held at Carfin Grotto this Sunday, 29th May at 3 pm. All active and auxiliary members, past and present, are warmly invited to come along. Family and friends are most welcome too. Bus leaves at 1:30pm. Diocesan Family Day Sunday 12th June 2pm-4pm Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John at St John’s, Barrhead for an afternoon celebrating family life. There will be activities for children, followed by refreshments for all! The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. No 5pm Sunday Parish Mass this day. Corpus Christi Procession We will have on 19th June in St Johns a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. We pray for those who have died recently Annie Conlon, Joan Capaldi, Desmond Henaghan, May McCaffrey, and Lettie Petri; the 6 months' mind of Anne Marie Emde, James Fleming; the 9 months' mind of Michelle McCormick; and the Anniversaries of Charlie & Mary Coyle, Mary Divers, William Breslin Geddes, Aloysius Hannigan, May Harris, Patrick McGrath, Margaret Malaney, Mary Tierney, and Annie Wright.
May, Month of Our Lady
Rosary & Benediction today at 3pm in St Thomas. Holy Day of Obligation Ascension Thursday Masses at 10am and 7pm in St John's and 9am in St Thomas (No Vigils) 100 Club Draw April Frank Doherty No 142. Still to collect. 200 Club St Thomas David Reid. Still to collect. The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin: Bus leaves St John's sharp at 1:30pm Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Bus departs at 6:30pm. Readers & Extra-Ordinary Ministers Rotas If anyone wishes to receive an electronic copy of the new rotas for Ministers of the Eucharist and of the Word, please email Mary Hallan at: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy Volunteers Would all active Children’s Liturgy leaders, please see Mary Hallan in the sacristy after 10am Mass this Sunday, to discuss their PVG status and training requirements? If you are unable to meet, please contact her at: [email protected] Funeral in St John's Wed 25th May: Mary Hughes (10am Mass) Thurs 26th May: Claire Greville (Hurlet Crematorium 10am) Funeral of Rev Andrew Coleman St Peter’s Glenburn on Wednesday 25th May at 12 Noon. St Thomas No Morning Mass on Wednesday 25th as Fr Joe has a funeral in St John's and Fr Jonathan is MC at Fr Coleman’s funeral. He has to be down to St Peter's early to arrange the Funeral Mass. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True Man by Father Bernard Mournian will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. Legion of Mary Centenary Mass The National Thanksgiving Mass to mark 100 years of the Legion of Mary will be held at Carfin Grotto on Sunday, 29th May at 3pm. All active and auxiliary members, past and present, are warmly invited to come along. Family and friends are most welcome too. Bus leaves at 1:30pm. Think Vocation “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything.” Are you open to what the Holy Spirit is saying in you? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 email: [email protected] Diocesan Family Day: Sunday 12th June 2pm-4pm Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John at St John’s, Barrhead for an afternoon celebrating family life. There will be activities for children, followed by refreshments for all! The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. Please note there won’t be the regular 5pm Sunday Parish Mass this day. Corpus Christi Procession To celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we will have on 19th June in St John's a Corpus Christi procession beginning at 3pm. All our recent First Communicants are especially invited. Please note that there won’t be the regular parish 5pm Mass. We pray for those who have died recently Annie Conlon, Claire Greville, Mary Hughes, Joan Hudson, Ben Mc Fadden, Jack Pencovitch, and Sarah Smith; and the 6 months' mind of Bernard Lafferty; and for the Anniversaries of Esther Bell, Catherine Boyle, Elizabeth Boyle, John Farrell, Linzi Geddes, John Hegarty, Allan Lawson, Helen Monaghan, Charlie Mullen, Brian McCool, Sadie McGowan, Catherine & Michael McGuire, Frank McGuire, John Michael MacMillan, Dr Frances Nicholson.
Today’s Special Collection (8th May): Vocations and Ecclesiastical Students
This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. Currently we have three students whose seminary fees are £20,000 per year. As well donating at Mass you can also donate to this collection by visiting our Diocesan website and clicking on ‘Online Parish Offertory’. Think Vocation Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for those discerning a call to priesthood or religious life. Is that you? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] Fatima Howwood Vigils On Thursday 12th May we will celebrate our first Vigil of our new season, which runs from May-October. The Church and hall will open from 7pm; Rosary procession around the grounds (weather permitting); Mass, followed by a period of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction. Bishop John will preside. This will give us the perfect opportunity to implore Our Blessed Lady for peace in Ukraine. New Gift Aid Envelopes for those who Pay Tax Envelopes are available to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house for those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope. For those who pay their First Collection by STANDING ORDER/PAYA you also have envelopes for your Second Collection (12 x Monthly Building Fund / 9 x Diocesan Second Collection). May, Month of Our Lady Rosary & Benediction each Sunday at 3pm. St John's: 8th, 15th May. St Thomas: 22nd & 29th May. Funeral this week St Thomas Sarah Walker on Wednesday 11th May. St John's Anne Church on Thursday 12th May. SSVP Ukraine Appeal (St Thomas) £204.00 was raised from the collection boxes and the conference added another £296.00 to make it £500. Thanks for your generosity. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting in St John’s tea room this Tuesday 10th May from 1pm-2pm. Mental Health Awareness Week 9th-15th May The theme is loneliness. Visit for more local information. Poster in the porch. 100 Club Draw April 1st Prize: A & M Hickey, No. 64 2nd: Frank Doherty, No. 142 3rd: J & M Bell, No. 105 4th: Hannah Monaghan, No. 54 5th: G & M Herrity, No. 46 You can collect your winnings from the Sacristy. A Series of Talks on the Divine Praises for Young Adults The next talk of the series Blessed be Jesus Christ: True God by Fr Matthew Carlin will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and an opportunity to socialise over drinks. A list of all other talks can be found on the Diocesan website Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. We pray for those who have died recently Anne Church, Olga McGlade, Sadie McKinstry, Sarah Ann Walker, and Alexander Young; and the 6 months' mind of Isobel McGuire; and for the Anniversaries of John Buchanan, Catherine Deighan, Maria Fleming, William Gore, Anne Hailstones, Stuart Millar, Nancy Mitchell, Maria McGlone, Joseph McKee, and John & Sadie Quinn. |