Next Weekend: September Monthly Building Fund.
St Thomas: Bishop’s Changes Bishop John has appointed Canon Oliver Freney as Administrator of St Thomas and will be resident in the Church house in Neilston. Fr Joe relinquishes his post as Parish Priest and Fr Jonathan as assistant priest of St Thomas. In St John's, Fr Joe will remain as Parish Priest and Fr Jonathan as assistant priest. We wish Canon Oliver every happiness in his new post which begins at 12 Noon on Friday 30th of September. Download the PDF file above for the full list of Diocesan Changes. Change to weekly Service Times until Friday 30th September MASS St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday at 10am. St Thomas': Tuesday & Thursday at 10am. CONFESSIONS St John's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-9:50am. Saturday 10:30am-11am. St Thomas': Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am-9:50am and Saturday 3:15pm-3:45pm. First Friday Children’s Rosary in St John's This Friday at 6:30pm. This is an opportunity, for children of all ages to gather together to pray the rosary. All families are invited to attend and pre- school children are very welcome. The idea is that children as young as 4 and up to 14 can learn to lead the rosary and make the rosary part of their daily lives. The rosary only lasts around 15 minutes. Please contact Lesley Ward if you need any further information ([email protected] or call 07910266821). St John's First Friday Evening Mass and Adoration (7pm -9pm) Mass at 7pm, followed by Adoration, Litany of the Holy Angels, Stations of the Cross and concluding with Benediction and Night Prayer. Mass for Marriage Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's Inaugural Mass for Marriage at 12 Noon on Sunday 18th September 2022 in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall follows Mass. Celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison ([email protected]) Youth to Lourdes 2023 (S3-S6) We leave on Thursday 29th June and arrive in Lourdes on Friday 30th June. We will arrive back in Scotland on Friday 7th July. The pilgrimage costs £650.00 but if you pay your deposit by or on Sunday 11th September you’ll qualify for a discounted price of £625.00. The deposit is £60.00 #earlybird. Contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056, email [email protected] or follow us on Instagram, facebook and twitter. Our first group meeting/information is at the Paisley Diocesan Offices on Sunday 11th September at 2pm. Diocesan Vocations Mass and 75th Anniversary of the Diocese Bishop John will celebrate this Mass on Thursday 15th September on the Feast of St Mirin in the Cathedral at 7:00pm. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. New Dawn Scotland Youth Day (S1-S6) In St Mirin's Cathedral on Saturday 17th September beginning with Mass with Bishop John at 10am. There is also Prayer ministry, Rosary and Workshops. The day will end with a healing service. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided for a donation. https://newdawninscotland.com/youth National Pilgrimage to Carfin This has been moved to Sunday 25th September. This marks the Centenary of the Grotto and the Relics of St Bernadette will at Carfin that day and will remain there throughout the rest of that week. See poster in porch for full details on programme or visit www.carfingrotto.org We pray for those who have died recently, especially William Doohan, Sharon Harley, Eileen O’Donnell, Agnes O’Sullivan, John Quigley, and Giuseppe Treba; and the 9 months' mind of James Fleming; and for the Anniversaries of Elizabeth & James Carberry, James Carberry, Sacramenta Cohelo, Jane Devenny, Agnes Geddes, John Hughes, Betty Mooney, Frank McAloon, James McAuley, Laurence McGowan, and Albert Vincent O’Kane.
St Peter’s Glenburn, Paisley Of your charity, please pray for Fr Andrew Coleman who is seriously ill at this time and for his parishioners. Bishop Keenan has asked Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan to cover all Funeral Masses in St Peter’s, Glenburn in the meantime. This may cause an occasional change to our own schedules in St John's & St Thomas. Our Lady, Mother of the Clergy, pray for our priests. Stations of the Cross Today in St Johns at 3pm. Holy Week Services & Masses Monday 11th April to Easter Sunday 17th April Please find details of all our services by clicking the button below. Confessions during Holy Week
St Johns Mon-Fri 9:15am - 9:45am Mon 7pm - 8pm Holy Saturday 10:15am - 11am. St Thomas Mon & Wed, 10:30am – 10:50am Fri & Sat 10:15am - 10:45am. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting this Tuesday 12th April from 1pm-2pm in Tea-room. All welcome. Adoration in Oratory this Holy Week Adoration will finish at 6pm on Monday and 5pm on Wednesday and there will be no Adoration on Good Friday. Walk of Witness – Good Friday, 15th April The procession starts at St John’s around 10:30am and finishes at ASDA. Booklets have been prepared and there will be readings and a hymn at each of the stations. The stations after St John’s are the Council Offices, Salvation Army, Bourock Church, St Andrew’s Church, former South & Levern Church and finally ASDA. Soup, teas and coffees will then be offered in United Reform Church Hall. All welcome! 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil Today, Palm Sunday, the 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil outside of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Hardgate Road will draw to a close. The Vigil will end with its traditional Silent Candle Lit hour from 7pm till 8pm. Please consider joining the Vigil’s final hour to commemorate those whose lives have been taken or affected by abortion since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. For information email: [email protected] New Envelopes for those who pay tax (Gift Aid) Envelopes are available now to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house. For those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope, included are 12 x Building Fund and the 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes. Those who pay their First Collection by Standing Order, have envelopes for their Second Collection only (12 x Building Fund/ 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes). If you pay tax and would like to start a Gift Aid contribution, you can speak to Fr Joe/Jonathan about how to set this up. (For every £1 you contribute, the Parish can claim 25p on your donation). Unveiling a statue of St Gianna Beretta Molla, Patron Saint of Unborn Children Join the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children as we ask for St Gianna’s intercession for the pro-life movement in the UK. St Gianna was a 20th century wife, mother, and doctor, most often remembered for her sacrificial love for her unborn daughter. She is a patron for mothers, physicians, and unborn children. The unveiling of statue will take place on Thursday 28 April at 7pm followed by Holy Mass at 7:30pm, at Carfin Grotto. We pray for those who have died recently, especially June Cooper, Gill Hughes, Jean Meanan, Kevin McGinn, Tommy Montgomery, and Margaret Walters; and for the Anniversaries of John Donnelly, Owen Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Gilmour, Theresa Haggerty, Hugh Lynch, Andrew McLaughlin, Danny McLaughlin, and Ann Miller.
Optional Special Collection: The Apostleship of the Sea (11th July)
This provides practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, through Port Chaplains and Volunteer Ship Visitors. The monies from the St Anthony box will be given as our Parish Contribution. Box in porch as you enter through Main Door to Church (St John’s) and in Sacristy in St Thomas. St John’s Sunday 5pm Mass This Mass will not continue until after Summertime. Year of St Joseph An evening for all our parish volunteers, workers and those involved in all our organisations, commending them to St Joseph, Patron Saint of Workers in St Mirin’s Cathedral on July 12th at 7pm. Book your tickets. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/diocese-of-paisley-33712912941 Alternatively, call St Margaret’s Church, Johnstone to book by phone on 01505320198 Funerals this week (St Thomas 10am) Ralph Sweeney: Tues 13th July. Stephen Quigley: Fri 16th July. Think Vocation “I am sending you to them.” The prophet Ezekiel is called and sent to speak God’s word to his People. Could you be called in a similar way to bring the Gospel to people in priesthood or religious life? Fr. John Morrison Tel: 0141 889 5056 or email [email protected] Food Bank The following are required; jam, juice, custard, cream rice and carrier bag. Thank you. Healing Service A healing service will take place in St Brendan’s Church Hall, Kelso St, Yoker G13 4BH, on Tuesday 27th July at 7:30pm. Speaker: Joe Livingstone. All Welcome. Thank you Fr Joe & Jonathan would like to thank those who sent greetings and had Masses offered, gave cards and gifts for the recent Anniversaries of their Priesthood. Fr Joe celebrated 30 years on the 7th of July and Fr Jonathan 4 years on the 30th of June. Holy Mass will be offered for your intentions. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 16th July: Prayer by St Simon Stock O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein that you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to succour me in this my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein that you are my Mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us that have recourse to thee. (X3) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (X3) Please pray for those who have died recently, especially Audrey Ewing-Gray, Irene Henson, Tony McCann, Edward McMillan, Stephen Quigley, Ralph Sweeney, Mary Theresa Temple; 6 months mind of John Anderson, Maria Hannigan; and for the Anniversaries of Charles & Harry Carlton, Ellen Collins, Maisie Fitzgerald, Jim Geddes, Patrick Healy, Patrick Higgins, Bridget Reilly. Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays. THANK YOU!
Fr Joe and Fr Jonathan would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to you, our wonderful parishioners, from St John’s and St Thomas’ for your incredibly kind and warm welcome as we both take up new appointments here in Barrhead and Neilston. It has been a joyful first week/s as we get to know you and serve you. Know too that we pray for you and your intentions each and every day, In our Masses, but also in the house oratory. Let us continue to pray for our parish families and each other. CHANGE OF TIME FOR ADORATION Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will now be available every day, including Sunday, from 9:25am until Holy Mass at 10am; the church will then close after morning Mass for sanitisation. The previous schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after Mass until 1pm was possible due to the incredible generosity and dedication of our volunteer stewards, however, with many returning to work, and our priests being engaged in our schools, we thought it best to now offer a daily schedule which takes place before Mass as this is more practical for stewarding and sanitization. It is our hope to return to a fuller schedule of daily Adoration in our Oratory as soon as possible. CONFESSIONS Our priests are available to hear your confession on Saturday’s mornings in St John’s at 10:30am until 11am, and prior to the Vigil Mass at 3:45pm until 4:14pm; at present, Confessions are heard in the Oratory where there is adequate distancing and a screen set up to preserve anonymity. We are in the process of arranging times/ location for St Thomas’. SATURDAY 26th SEPTEMBER Our schools will be enjoying their September weekend next Saturday; this allows our Saturday morning 10AM parish Mass to be open to the wider community as it won’t be a First Holy Communion Mass; no booking is necessary. NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR ST THOMAS’ 0141 876 1553 FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS This Saturday we continue our celebration of First Holy Communion Masses; we offer our warmest congratulations, and promise of continued prayers to our six pupils, and their families from St Mark’s Primary and thirteen pupils, and their families from St Thomas’ Primary as they received our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. FUNERAL MASSES There are funeral Masses taking place in St John’s & St Thomas’ this week: St Thomas’, Wednesday 10AM – Maria Anderson St John’s, Friday 10AM – Jane Connell We pray for the happy repose of our sisters’ souls, and for the consolation of their family and friends. Again, due to government restrictions on numbers, the Mass will be for immediate family only. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FIRST COMMUNIONS/SATURDAY MORNING MASSES Throughout the month of September and the first Saturday in October, the Saturday morning Masses in the parish are First Communion Masses for our children who were supposed to receive the Sacrament in May but due to the lockdown were postponed. Because there are limited numbers allowed in the church and also given we have so many children receiving the Sacrament, the SATURDAY MORNING MASSES FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL BE FOR THE CHILDREN AND THEIR LIMITED INVITED GUESTS ONLY. THEY ARE NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PARISH. We apologise to all those who normally come to Saturday morning Mass but we’re sure you will agree and understand the importance of the children receiving the Lord. If you are among those unable to come on Saturday mornings, please offer your sacrifice in prayer for the children. (The Confirmations for S1 will be arranged after all children have received First Holy Communion.) RCIA--NEW MEMBERS BEING RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH This year our parish received into the Church two adult converts to the faith, Karen and Stephen; this is a time of great joy for them and the whole parish as we welcome two new members into our family. We are currently making preparations for beginning a new session of RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; this is the program of evening inputs which adults follow over the course of the coming year in order to learn about our Catholic faith with the view to being received into the Church the following Easter Vigil. If you feel you are being drawn towards our Catholic faith, or know someone who is, please speak with one of our priests; you are most welcome! ST JOHN’S & ST THOMAS’ FINANCES The Diocesan Finance department has calculated that due to the restriction of numbers at Mass the potential loss of weekly income at St John’s is around £2,892 resulting in an estimated monthly loss of £12,532. For St Thomas’ it is around £668 weekly and £2,895 monthly. Although many of us are unable to attend Mass each week, it is still important to donate weekly to our parishes in order to sustain them, and their priests, in their mission. There are buckets marked First and Second Collection in the porches. Please deposit your donation there. You can also donate online by clicking Donate on the website. Thank you to all those who have continued to donate so generously over these last few months, especially given the financial burden so many are facing; it is deeply appreciated, and may God reward you for your continued generosity. By Gift Aiding - if you pay Tax - you can generate more funds for the parishes and may we also encourage more of you to consider donating by Standing Order. SICK AND RETIRED CLERGY – 2nd COLLECTION SUNDAY 20th SEPTEMBER We remember our Sick & Retired Priests of the diocese with great love and affection. We have fifteen retired priests, still active in prayer and witness: one living in Rome, six in houses throughout the diocese, three in parish presbyteries, and five at the Residence of the Little Sisters along with Bishop John Cunningham. We thank God for the gift of these priests and keep them in our prayers. In 2018 our three special collections and Friends Campaign raised £76,426, which represents 60% of our expenditure of £128,381. i.e. a shortfall of £51,955, which was met by the Sick & Retired Priests Investment income. You can give to this Second Collection either in Church or through the Diocesan online portal. HOUR OF MERCY 2020 Bishop John Keenan and The Friends of Divine Mercy Scotland invite YOU to an Hour of Mercy and Reconciliation on Tuesday 29th September 2020, at The Diocesan Divine Mercy Shrine St Mary’s Parish Paisley, 163 George Street, PA1 2UN. Time: 6:00pm This is a wonderful opportunity for those who have not gone for confession since the lockdown. Priests will available for confession. Book your ticket here, call the chapel house on 01418892602, or email [email protected] INVITATION FROM BISHOP JOHN – ST THERESE NOVENA Sign up for the Novena ‘I encourage you to join me in asking the Little Flower’s intercession so that in these unprecedented times, in her words, we may both ‘trust God that we are exactly where we are meant to be’ and, at the same time, ‘not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.’ With every prayer and blessing, +John FAMILY ROSARY We will continue on Saturdays and Sundays at 7pm to pray the Rosary together in our homes for our families and parish. We especially ask Our Lady in her titles as Health of the Sick and Comforter of the Afflicted to intercede before God the Father and her Son Jesus for our intentions. PRAYERS REQUESTED Please keep in your prayers all those who have asked us to pray for their intentions, especially for the repose of the souls of Jane Connell, Maria Anderson, and Patricia McLaughlan, who died recently. As well as Margaret Gallacher, Emma Goodwin, Anthony Quinn, Ella McLaughlin, Brian McBride, Brian Joseph McBride, Alex Costello, Peggy & Jim McCaffery, Tommy McKenna, Anna Gaughan, Jack & Isabel Barr, Mark & Irene Clougherty, John Langlois, whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for the 6th Months mind of Jimmy Kierny. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. WELCOME TO FR JOE
We are delighted to welcome our new parish priest, Fr Joe Balmer, to the family of St John’s, Barrhead; we wish Fr Joe every grace and blessing as he begins his ministry with us, and assure him of our continued prayers and support. FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS This Saturday we continue our celebration of First Holy Communion Masses; we offer our warmest congratulations, and promise of continued prayers to our six pupils, and their families from St Mark’s Primary as they received our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. FUNERAL MASSES There is one funeral Mass taking place in St John’s this week: Thursday, 10am – Patricia ‘Pat’ McLaughlan We pray for the happy repose of our sisters soul, and for the consolation of her family and friends. Again, due to government restrictions on numbers, the Mass will be for immediate family only. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FIRST COMMUNIONS/SATURDAY MORNING MASSES Throughout the month of September and the first Saturday in October, the Saturday morning Masses in the parish are First Communion Masses for our children who were supposed to receive the Sacrament in May but due to the lockdown were postponed. Because there are limited numbers allowed in the church and also given we have so many children receiving the Sacrament, the SATURDAY MORNING MASSES FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL BE FOR THE CHILDREN AND THEIR LIMITED INVITED GUESTS ONLY. THEY ARE NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PARISH. We apologise to all those who normally come to Saturday morning Mass but we’re sure you will agree and understand the importance of the children receiving the Lord. If you are among those unable to come on Saturday mornings, please offer your sacrifice in prayer for the children. (The Confirmations for S1 will be arranged after all children have received First Holy Communion.) RCIA--NEW MEMBERS BEING RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH This year our parish received into the Church two adult converts to the faith, Karen and Stephen; this is a time of great joy for them and the whole parish as we welcome two new members into our family. We are currently making preparations for beginning a new session of RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; this is the program of evening inputs which adults follow over the course of the coming year in order to learn about our Catholic faith with the view to being received into the Church the following Easter Vigil. If you feel you are being drawn towards our Catholic faith, or know someone who is, please speak with one of our priests; you are most welcome! Monsignor James Cunningham Jubilee – 60th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination Mgr. James Cunningham celebrates 60 years of priestly ordination on Friday 11th September. We thank God for his long and faithful service to the people of Paisley Diocese, wish him a happy day and many blessed years of retirement to come with the Little Sisters in Greenock. Vocations Awareness Week Sunday marks the beginning of Vocations Awareness Week, a time of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Consecrated Life. Ordinarily, we would celebrate our Diocesan Vocations Mass at the Cathedral and host our Vocations Conference for s6 pupils. These events are not feasible this year. We have, however, developed out usual materials for secondary schools. Focused on the theme of ‘Parable’, these invite pupils to consider God’s plan for their lives and include resources for prayer and reflection. The material is also designed to be augmented by a talk from the school chaplain. All our resources are on the SCES Website and have been sent to our schools. Through the week there will be plentiful material on our social media channels https://sces.org.uk/vocations-awareness-week-2020-materials-for-schools/ Please remember to pray for Vocations this week. PRAYERS REQUESTED Please keep in your prayers all those who have asked us to pray for their intentions, especially for the repose of the souls of Patrick Bolger, Thomas Tinney, James Knox, and Patricia McLaughlan who all died recently. As well as Peter McKenzie, Selina Pearson, Nancy McLaughlin whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for the 6 Months Mind of Jim Ross. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. PRAYERS AND BEST WISHES TO FR JOE
Brothers and sisters, this week we say goodbye to Fr Joe as he prepares to take up his new appointment as Administrator of St Mirin’s Cathedral this Friday, 11th September; there are no words worthy or fitting enough to describe and convey our heartfelt gratitude to God for Fr Joe’s outstanding ministry to our parish family of St John’s over these past two years. We assure Fr Joe of our constant prayers and best wishes, as he begins the next chapter of service in his priesthood in our diocese. May God bless and protect our priests. FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS This Saturday we began our celebration of First Holy Communion Masses; we offer our warmest congratulations, and promise of continued prayers to our six pupils and their families from St Mark’s Primary as they received our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. FUNERAL MASSES There are three Funeral Masses taking place in St John’s this week: Wednesday 10am – Patrick Bolger Thursday 10am – Thomas Tinney Friday 10am – James Knox We pray for the happy repose of the souls of our brother’s, and for the consolation of their families and friends. Again, due to government restrictions on numbers, these Masses will be for immediate family only. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FIRST COMMUNIONS/SATURDAY MORNING MASSES Throughout the month of September and the first Saturday in October, the Saturday morning Masses in the parish are First Communion Masses for our children who were supposed to receive the Sacrament in May but due to the lockdown were postponed. Because there are limited numbers allowed in the church and also given we have so many children receiving the Sacrament, the SATURDAY MORNING MASSES FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL BE FOR THE CHILDREN AND THEIR LIMITED INVITED GUESTS ONLY. THEY ARE NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PARISH. We apologise to all those who normally come to Saturday morning Mass but we’re sure you will agree and understand the importance of the children receiving the Lord. If you are among those unable to come on Saturday mornings, please offer your sacrifice in prayer for the children. (The Confirmations for S1 will be arranged after all children have received First Holy Communion.) RCIA--NEW MEMBERS BEING RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH Last weekend our parish received into the Church two adult converts to the faith, Karen and Stephen; this is a time of great joy for them and the whole parish as we welcome two new members into our family. We are currently making preparations for beginning a new session of RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; this is the program of evening inputs which adults follow over the course of the coming year in order to learn about our Catholic faith with the view to being received into the Church the following Easter Vigil. If you feel you are being drawn towards our Catholic faith, or know someone who is, please speak with one of our priests; you are most welcome! PRAYERS REQUESTED Please keep in your prayers all those who have asked us to pray for their intentions, especially for the repose of the souls of John Crossan, Patrick Bolger, Thomas Tinney, James Knox, and Jack Shaw who all died recently. As well as Ellen Speirs, Agnes & William Brennan, Emma Goodwin, Alison O’Kane, Margaret & Michael Docherty, Susan Gillan & John Gillan, and Annie Logue whose anniversaries occur around this time. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. There are a few notices I want to bring to your attention this week:
FUNERAL Tuesday morning There is a funeral Mass on Tuesday morning at 10am for the repose of the soul of John Crossan. Again, due to government restrictions on numbers, this Mass will be for John’s immediate family only. FIRST COMMUNIONS/SATURDAY MORNING MASSES Throughout the month of September and the first Saturday in October, the Saturday morning Masses in the parish are First Communion Masses for our children who were supposed to receive the Sacrament in May but due to the lockdown were postponed. Because there are limited numbers allowed in the church and also given we have so many children receiving the Sacrament, the SATURDAY MORNING MASSES FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL BE FOR THE CHILDREN AND THEIR LIMITED INVITED GUESTS ONLY. THEY ARE NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PARISH. I apologise to all those who normally come to Saturday morning Mass but I’m sure you will agree and understand the importance of the children receiving the Lord. If you are among those unable to come on Saturday mornings, please offer your sacrifice in prayer for the children. (The Confirmations for S1 will be arranged after all children have received First Holy Communion.) RCIA--NEW MEMBERS BEING RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH This weekend our parish receives into the Church two adult converts to the faith. It has been a bit of a convoluted route to full reception for Karen and Stephen due to the coronavirus, lockdown and restrictions but nevertheless this is a time of great joy for them and the whole parish as we welcome two new members into our community. It may not be the great Easter Vigil (when adult converts are usually received into the Church) and there may be restrictions on numbers celebrating the event, sanitising, facemasks, etc., etc. but well done to them both for making it through their journey to this point!! Please keep Karen and Stephen in your prayers. If interested in joining RCIA for the next session, have a word with Fr Joe or Fr Jonathan. CLERGY MOVES On Friday, Bishop John very reluctantly made some clergy moves. Unfortunately, they do affect us in St John’s. Bishop John has decided to move me to become the Administrator of St Mirin’s Cathedral. Fr Joe Blamer, PP in St Thomas’ will also take on the role of PP here at St John’s alongside Fr Jonathan. This is a time of change which is always unsettling for all concerned—People and Priests—but I know you understand and appreciate how difficult this is for the Bishop. Let’s all pray and work together for the smooth transition as I head to Paisley and Fr Balmer takes up the reins here. On a personal note, may I say how happy and truly blessed I have been here in St John’s for the past two and a half years and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness and support and especially your prayers. God bless you all!! This is the full list of moves: Canon Oliver Freney has stepped down from being Administrator of Saint Mirin’s Cathedral and is currently on leave of absence. Fr Joe Burke, currently PP of St John’s in Barrhead, will move to become Administrator of St Mirin’s Cathedral and of St Colm’s Kilmacolm. Fr Joe Balmer, currently PP of St Thomas’ Nielston, will also become PP of St John’s Barrhead, having charge of both parishes. Fr Eoin Patten moves from St. Cadoc’s and Canon Eddie Cameron, currently PP of St Peter’s Glenburn and St Paul’s Foxbar, will move to become PP of Saint Cadoc’s, Newton Mearns. Fr Andrew Coleman, currently PP of St Laurence’s Greenock and chaplain to Notre Dame High School, will move to become PP of St Peter’s, Glenburn. Fr Eoin Patten will become the PP of St Laurence’s in Greenock and chaplain to Notre Dame High School. Fr Jude Okorie, currently PP of St Mary’s in Paisley, will also become PP of St Paul’s in Foxbar. Fr Ryan Black will take up his first priestly appointment as Curate at St Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley. Deacon Don Keane, currently serving in St Laurence’s, Greenock will move to exercise his ministry in St John’s, Port Glasgow. Also, Canon Eddie Cameron to Diocesan Convenor of Fundraising and to lead our Diocesan Fundraising Team. PRAYERS REQUESTED Please keep in your prayers all those who have asked us to pray for their intentions, especially for the repose of the souls of John Crossan, Paul Gillan, William Houston, Janice Connor, Michael English and Alice Morgan who all died recently As well as Belle Finnie, Betty Mooney, Joe Kenny, Neil Duffy, Bernard and Margaret McDermott, Marion Rose McDermott, Andrew Curran, John De Souza, Jim Carroll and Greta Doyle whose anniversaries occur around this time. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Reflection on this week’s Scripture Today’s gospel is rather shocking. It presents us with Jesus’ foretelling his own suffering and death and then clearly stating that his followers too would have to suffer. This all sounds more than a bit disconcerting but how true those words are! As his modern day followers, do you always find it easy to practise your faith; do you at times have to make choices which are actually sacrifices, giving up something you’d rather do or taking on something when in fact you’d rather not? Are others respectful always of your beliefs? This is what the Lord is talking about—doing what He asks of us and in so doing, putting Him before ourselves. It’s not always easy in reality to be a witness to our Faith. We may not be physically crucified but we may well face criticism, mockery, insults. We may run the risk of being ostracised or shunned. It can happen in a family situation, workplace or even in the street. A brief look at the past two thousand year history of our Church shows how true those statements actually are-- perhaps even more so in our modern, secular, materialistic and increasingly atheistic society. And yet, this is what our God asks of us. Why? Because His message, His Good News is needed more than ever. We are given beautiful consolation, though. He promises us we will never be left orphans, that He will always be with us. And we believe that wholeheartedly. We know He loves us. And that is what is at the root of our strength and courage—LOVE. What the Lord did for us and what we do in serving Him is and should always be rooted in love, His love for us and our love for him. Love makes sacrifice possible. This week, let’s ask the Lord to deepen our love for Him and always allow Him to work in others through our words and actions. Amen. |