Brothers and sisters, this week we say goodbye to Fr Joe as he prepares to take up his new appointment as Administrator of St Mirin’s Cathedral this Friday, 11th September; there are no words worthy or fitting enough to describe and convey our heartfelt gratitude to God for Fr Joe’s outstanding ministry to our parish family of St John’s over these past two years. We assure Fr Joe of our constant prayers and best wishes, as he begins the next chapter of service in his priesthood in our diocese. May God bless and protect our priests. FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS This Saturday we began our celebration of First Holy Communion Masses; we offer our warmest congratulations, and promise of continued prayers to our six pupils and their families from St Mark’s Primary as they received our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. FUNERAL MASSES There are three Funeral Masses taking place in St John’s this week: Wednesday 10am – Patrick Bolger Thursday 10am – Thomas Tinney Friday 10am – James Knox We pray for the happy repose of the souls of our brother’s, and for the consolation of their families and friends. Again, due to government restrictions on numbers, these Masses will be for immediate family only. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FIRST COMMUNIONS/SATURDAY MORNING MASSES Throughout the month of September and the first Saturday in October, the Saturday morning Masses in the parish are First Communion Masses for our children who were supposed to receive the Sacrament in May but due to the lockdown were postponed. Because there are limited numbers allowed in the church and also given we have so many children receiving the Sacrament, the SATURDAY MORNING MASSES FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL BE FOR THE CHILDREN AND THEIR LIMITED INVITED GUESTS ONLY. THEY ARE NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PARISH. We apologise to all those who normally come to Saturday morning Mass but we’re sure you will agree and understand the importance of the children receiving the Lord. If you are among those unable to come on Saturday mornings, please offer your sacrifice in prayer for the children. (The Confirmations for S1 will be arranged after all children have received First Holy Communion.) RCIA--NEW MEMBERS BEING RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH Last weekend our parish received into the Church two adult converts to the faith, Karen and Stephen; this is a time of great joy for them and the whole parish as we welcome two new members into our family. We are currently making preparations for beginning a new session of RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; this is the program of evening inputs which adults follow over the course of the coming year in order to learn about our Catholic faith with the view to being received into the Church the following Easter Vigil. If you feel you are being drawn towards our Catholic faith, or know someone who is, please speak with one of our priests; you are most welcome! PRAYERS REQUESTED Please keep in your prayers all those who have asked us to pray for their intentions, especially for the repose of the souls of John Crossan, Patrick Bolger, Thomas Tinney, James Knox, and Jack Shaw who all died recently. As well as Ellen Speirs, Agnes & William Brennan, Emma Goodwin, Alison O’Kane, Margaret & Michael Docherty, Susan Gillan & John Gillan, and Annie Logue whose anniversaries occur around this time. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.