Sacrament of Holy Communion
The Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist is the third of the three Sacraments of Initiation in the Holy Catholic Church.
For children attending either Saint John's or Saint Mark's Primary Schools, preparation for receiving Our Lord's Sacred Body and Precious Blood for the first time is given in Primary 4 during Religious Education in class time delivered by the Class Teacher and is directed by the Parish Priest.
Adults who have either yet to make their First Holy Communion or are thinking of joining the Catholic Church will receive instruction in the Sacraments as part of the RCIA Programme run through the Parish. Further details and information on how to get involved in the RCIA Programme can be found under our Parish Groups link.
For children attending either Saint John's or Saint Mark's Primary Schools, preparation for receiving Our Lord's Sacred Body and Precious Blood for the first time is given in Primary 4 during Religious Education in class time delivered by the Class Teacher and is directed by the Parish Priest.
Adults who have either yet to make their First Holy Communion or are thinking of joining the Catholic Church will receive instruction in the Sacraments as part of the RCIA Programme run through the Parish. Further details and information on how to get involved in the RCIA Programme can be found under our Parish Groups link.