Parish Groups
Parish Pastoral Council November 2024
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA The parish programme for initiation of adults into the Catholic Church will begin on Wednesday 16th October at 7pm. If you know of someone who may wish to become a catholic, please get them to contact one of the priests. The catechesis will take the form of a weekly meeting which will last until Easter, when those who are ready will be invited to come forward for baptism at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for those who would like to become a member of our Catholic community of faith and love.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults [RCIA] is the route by which adults can be baptised into the Catholic Church, or come into full communion if they have already been baptised in another denomination.
This group prepares people interested in becoming Catholics, allowing them the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the faith. If you know someone who has shown an interest in converting to Catholicism, please contact our Parish Priest after Mass, by telephoning the Parish House or by sending us a message via the Contact us page.
For more information on what it means to be a Catholic click here.
RCIA The parish programme for initiation of adults into the Catholic Church will begin on Wednesday 16th October at 7pm. If you know of someone who may wish to become a catholic, please get them to contact one of the priests. The catechesis will take the form of a weekly meeting which will last until Easter, when those who are ready will be invited to come forward for baptism at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for those who would like to become a member of our Catholic community of faith and love.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults [RCIA] is the route by which adults can be baptised into the Catholic Church, or come into full communion if they have already been baptised in another denomination.
This group prepares people interested in becoming Catholics, allowing them the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the faith. If you know someone who has shown an interest in converting to Catholicism, please contact our Parish Priest after Mass, by telephoning the Parish House or by sending us a message via the Contact us page.
For more information on what it means to be a Catholic click here.
Bereavement Support Group
Bereavement Support Group
This is a very confidential group due to the nature of its business. It provides loving care, understanding, and most importantly, a listening ear. The group meets on the third Monday of each month. We visit, in pairs, the homes of the bereaved, within in the month of the death of a loved one, to offer our support. A special Memorial Mass is offered in November for the souls of all who have died in the past year. All bereaved families are invited to this Mass to remember their loved ones.
Contact with the Bereavement Support Group can be made via our Parish Priest by phone or by sending him a message via the Contact us page.
This is a very confidential group due to the nature of its business. It provides loving care, understanding, and most importantly, a listening ear. The group meets on the third Monday of each month. We visit, in pairs, the homes of the bereaved, within in the month of the death of a loved one, to offer our support. A special Memorial Mass is offered in November for the souls of all who have died in the past year. All bereaved families are invited to this Mass to remember their loved ones.
Contact with the Bereavement Support Group can be made via our Parish Priest by phone or by sending him a message via the Contact us page.
For details of our commitment to child protection please see the Safeguarding page or contact the Parish Priest, Monsignor Tormey or Mrs Mary Hallan, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator at: [email protected].
Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff in Dublin on 7th September 1921. It is a Catholic Lay Apostolate organisation and is now well established world wide.
The Legion of Mary has been active in the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Barrhead for fifteen years. Our Praesidium is known as Virgo Virginum.
We assist our Priests by visiting the sick, the elderly and housebound of our Parish, visiting three Nursing Homes, two Primary Schools and Saint Luke’s High School. We pray with them and bring the love of God and His Blessed Mother, Mary, to all we meet. We generally assist our Priests in any work they wish us to do in the Parish. Our auxiliary members commit themselves to Our Lady, by saying the prayers of the Tessera daily.
We in the Legion of Mary are always ready to welcome new members, both active and auxiliary. The priority of the Legion of Mary is the personal sanctification of each of its members and of the social and spiritual welfare of every parishioner.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Let your Spirit overshadow me and come into my soul with love
And make it one with Mary’s love and Mary’s will to save the world.
So that Christ my Lord will grow in me, through you:
So that I with her, His Mother, may bring Him to the world and to the souls who need Him:
So that I and they, the battle won, may reign with her forever in the Glory of the Blessed Trinity.
Taken from the Legion of Mary Promise
For further details on the work carried out by the Legion of Mary or to become a new member, please contact Margaret Campbell
New members must be vetted by the Parish Priest, and provide two references, checked by the Diocesan Safeguarding team.
Please contact Mary Hallan, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator [email protected] if you have any queries regarding references.
Telephone: 0141 881 0769.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
The society is an organisation of Catholic lay men and women who help those in need by person to person contact. The society is inspired by Saint Vincent’s thoughts and works, to seek out, in a spirit of justice and charity, and to help, those who are suffering. The society engages in any form of help that relieves suffering and promotes human dignity and integrity. These include providing material assistance to the needy and deprived and giving comfort and companionship to the sick, lonely or housebound by visiting them in their homes.
The society provides a vital part in the spiritual development of its members. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, (SSVP), is a worldwide confederation of national charities with nearly one million members. Membership is open to men and women, young and old. The SSVP asks that members accept fully the Christian ethos of the SSVP, and are committed to express their love of God through personal service to their neighbour.
The SSVP respects religious liberty and values of all people and offers help to anyone in need. In Scotland our 2,300 voluntary members make about 150,000 visits each year. The distinctive feature of the SSVP is person to person contact. This is a fundamental part of the SSVP ethos, and so we do not make donations to any work in which members are not personally involved.
Where appropriate we offer material or financial assistance to help those in need overcome crises and develop longer-term solutions to their problems.
If you are interested in joining the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, please contact Andrew Morrow, Parish President SSVP
New members must be approved by the Parish Priest, and provide two references, checked by the Diocesan Safeguarding team.
Please contact Mary Hallan, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator [email protected] if you have any queries regarding references.
Weekly meetings are held every Friday at 19:30 hours in the Church Hall.
Children's liturgy
Children must be in Primary One to Seven to attend Children’s Liturgy.
Pre-schoolers, unless five years old are not eligible to attend.
Children must be in Primary One to Seven to attend Children’s Liturgy.
Pre-schoolers, unless five years old are not eligible to attend.
Brownies & Rainbows

Brownies & Rainbows
The Brownie Guides, [age 7-10] meet from 18:15-19:45 hours on a Thursday evening in the Church Hall.
The Rainbow Guides, [age 5-7] meet from 18:15-19:15 hours on a Tuesday evening in the Church Hall.
For more information on Brownies or Rainbows, contact Margaret Mary Donnelly at [email protected] or visit Girl Guiding.
The Brownie Guides, [age 7-10] meet from 18:15-19:45 hours on a Thursday evening in the Church Hall.
The Rainbow Guides, [age 5-7] meet from 18:15-19:15 hours on a Tuesday evening in the Church Hall.
For more information on Brownies or Rainbows, contact Margaret Mary Donnelly at [email protected] or visit Girl Guiding.

Girls between 10-14 years are all welcome. Come along and have some fun with lots of exciting activities available.
Guides meet every Thursday from 18:30-20:30 hours in the Church Hall.
For more information on The Guides, contact Bernadette Tinney on 0141 571 5908 or visit Girl Guiding.
Girls between 10-14 years are all welcome. Come along and have some fun with lots of exciting activities available.
Guides meet every Thursday from 18:30-20:30 hours in the Church Hall.
For more information on The Guides, contact Bernadette Tinney on 0141 571 5908 or visit Girl Guiding.