Palm Sunday Year A 2nd April 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £ 435.00 NGA £883.32 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £ 49.40 St Anthony £ 74.50 New Gift Aid Weekly & Second Collection Envelopes for 23-24: These are now available from the link corridor for those who pay tax. For those who pay by Standing Order on the First Collection, there are Gift Aid envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Diocesan Special Collections (9). If you pay tax and you haven’t already signed a Gift Aid declaration for the parish, please do so. All your contributions will be augmented by 25% at no cost to you. In the year 2021-2022, the Gift Aid on contributions amounted to £18,000. Lenten Stations of the Cross: Today Palm Sunday 2nd April at 3pm. Chrism Mass: This Wednesday 5th April at 7pm in St. Mirin’s Cathedral. During the Mass the priests of the Diocese will renew their priestly commitment, and the oils will be blessed for use in the celebration of the Sacraments throughout the Diocese in the coming year. Refreshments in the Cathedral hall after mass. Holy Week Masses: Mon, Tues, Wed, Mass at 10am. Holy Thursday: Mass of Last Supper 7pm. Good Friday: Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm. Easter Vigil: 8pm. Easter Sunday 10am & 11.30am. No 5pm Mass. Holy week Morning Prayer: Holy Thursday 10am and Night Prayer at 9.30pm. Good Friday 10am. Holy Saturday 10am. Holy Week Confessions: Mon to Saturday 9.15am – 9.50am. Special Collection - Holy Places – Good Friday 7th April : This collection is for the upkeep and repair of the fifty shrines and for the Church’s pastoral, educational, social and cultural mission in the Holy Land, including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of Mary and Joseph’s homes in Nazareth, Peter’s house in Capernaum, the Upper Room of the Last Supper and of Pentecost and the Church of the Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre. "First Communicant Retreat Day: This will be held on Sunday 23 April 2023, 9am - 15.30pm. This retreat aims to give the children a chance to encounter Jesus in an intimate way before their First Holy Communion. It will include catechism, meditation and Mass. Please bring a packed lunch for the children attending the retreat. Easter Vigil and Reception of Catechumens and Candidates: Siu Mui Cheung & Hiu Tung Cheung will be Baptised, Confirmed and receive First Communion. Ian Thomson will receive Confirmation and First Communion. Kwan-Yiu Lee, Tsz To Yiu, and Kin Fei Yiu, three children to be Baptised and one to make First Communion. Flourish Ibe to be Confirmed and Nellie Ibe to receive First Communion. Michelle Chimdinma Don- Opute to be Confirmed. Action of Churches in Barrhead Good Friday Walk of Witness: It begins at St John’s at 10.30 and proceeds to Council Offices, Salvation Army, Bourock Church, St Andrew’s Church, the former South and Levern Church and Asda supermarket followed by soup in United Reform Church Hall. St. Conval’s Cemetery Mass: The Cemetery Mass will take place on Sunday 16th April at 2pm, celebrated by Bishop John. All welcome. There will be a link available to be able to watch from home if you cannot participate in person. Funerals this week: Annemarie Johnston on Mon 3rd April and Margherita Graham on Tues 4th April. Mass at 10am. We pray for those who have died recently: Margherita Graham, Rose Higgins, Joanne Hughes, Annemarie Johnston and the Anniversaries of Margaret Donnelly, Claudina Fernandes, Patrick Hannigan, Hannah Hughes, James & Veronica Hutchison, Aidan Longwill, Gerard Maguire, Michael Mc Guire, Jean Mc Innes, Susie Tinsley. Rethink Abortion Interactive Training Day: To learn to have more productive conversations on abortion and get equipped to deal with real life scenarios. Clarify your own beliefs and become more effective in your pro-life communication. Sat 13th May from 10am-5pm in Turnbull Hall Catholic Chaplaincy, 15 Southpark Terrace. For more info or to book a place go to Tickets are £25 with lunch included.
5th Sunday Lent Year A 26th March 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £302.00 NGA £794.62 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £90.00 St Anthony £30.40 SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund: £1141.43 New Gift Aid Weekly & Second Collection Envelopes for 23-24: These are now available from the link corridor for those who pay tax. For those who pay by Standing Order on the First Collection, there are Gift Aid envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Diocesan Special Collections (9). We were able to claim £18,000 from the Inland Revenue on the Gift Aid Donations. All Day Confessions in St Mirin’s Cathedral: Next Thursday 30th March from 8.30am -8.30pm with break at 10am and 1pm for 30 minutes for Holy Mass. Lenten Stations of the Cross: On Friday 31st March after the 10am Mass and Palm Sunday 2nd April at 3pm. Holy Week Masses: Mon, Tues, Wed, Mass at 10am. Holy Thursday: Mass of Last Supper 7pm. Good Friday: Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm. Easter Vigil: 8pm. Easter Sunday 10am & 11.30am. No 5pm Mass. Holy week Morning Prayer: Holy Thursday 10am and Night Prayer at 9.30pm. Good Friday 10am. Holy Saturday 10am. Holy Week Confessions: Mon to Saturday 9.15am – 9.50am. "First Communicant Retreat Day: This will be held on Sunday 23 April 2023, 9am - 15.30pm. This retreat aims to give the children a chance to encounter Jesus in an intimate way before their First Holy Communion. It will include catechism, meditation and Mass. Please bring a packed lunch for the children attending the retreat. Diocese of Paisley Lenten Catechesis St. Mirin’s Cathedral, 2.00-4.00pm: This Sunday 26th March, Bishop Brian McGee will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. There will be also Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction with music led by our Diocesan Choir. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available. Confessions also available from 1.30pm. Marriage Courses for those due to Marry in 2023: April- Part 1: Wednesday 12th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, in person, Theology of the Body. Part 2: Wednesday 19th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, via Zoom, NFP and the Family Part 3: Saturday 29th April 10.00am - 1.00pm, in-person, Communication Workshop Easter Vigil and Reception of Catechumens and Candidates: Siu Mui Cheung & Hiu Tung Cheung will be Baptised, Confirmed and receive First Communion. Ian Thomson will receive Confirmation and First Communion. Kwan-Yiu Lee, Tsz To Yiu, and Kin Fei Yiu ,three children to be Baptised and one to make First Communion. Flourish Ibe to be Confirmed and Nellie Ibe to receive First Communion. Action of Churches in Barrhead Good Friday Walk of Witness: This will take place on Friday 7th April. It takes the form of a procession following a Cross with readings and hymns at each stopping point. It begins at St John’s at 10.30 and proceeds to Council Offices, Salvation Army, Bourock Church, St Andrew’s Church, the former South and Levern Church and Asda supermarket followed by soup in United Reform Church Hall. This Ecumenical Service offers a warm invitation to all. St. Conval’s Cemetery Mass: The Cemetery Mass will take place on Sunday 16th April at 2pm, celebrated by Bishop John. All welcome. There will be a link available to be able to watch from home if you cannot participate in person. Funerals this week: Lucy Mc Lachlan on Wed 29th March and Joe Quigley on 30th of March. Mass at 10am. We pray for those who have died recently: Jennifer Agnew, Annemarie Johnston, Louisa Mc Lachlan, Gina Ozor Ogunsanya, Carlo Pepe, Joe Quigley and for the Anniversaries of John Coelho, Gavin Conafray, John Graham, Chisom Flourish Ibe, William Sandford, Louise de Souza. Click her 4th Sunday Lent Year A 19th March 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £398.00 NGA £1043.68 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £113.00. St Anthony £64.80 Special Collection – 19th March SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund: This collection is divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland working in 16 countries to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. New Gift Aid Weekly & Second Collection Envelopes for 23-24: These are now available from the link corridor for those who pay tax. For those who pay by Standing Order on the First Collection, there are Gift Aid envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Diocesan Special Collections (9). We were able to claim £18,000 from the Inland Revenue on the Gift Aid Donations. Lenten Stations of the Cross: Today at 3pm and on Friday 24th after the 10am Mass. Relics of Padre Pio: Fr Bryan Shortall a Capuchin Friar and Director of Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland will celebrate Mass here in St Johns this Monday the 20th of March at 7pm. Mass will be followed by individual Blessing with mit/glove of Padre Pio. Padre Pio Shop and tea in hall afterwards. Donations of home baking for Padre Pio evening: We are expecting a large congregation, donations would be most appreciated. Lenten talk on Ordinary & Extra-Ordinary Strategies of the devil: Next Tuesday 28th of March at 7pm in the Church. Diocese of Paisley Lenten Catechesis 2023: St. Mirin’s Cathedral, 2.00-4.00pm: On Sunday 26th March, Bishop Brian McGee of Argyll and the Isles, will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. As well as Bishops’ Catechesis there will be Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction with music led by our Diocesan Choir. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available. Confessions also available from 1.30pm. Marriage Courses for those due to Marry in 2023: April- Part 1: Wednesday 12th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, in person, Theology of the Body. Part 2: Wednesday 19th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, via Zoom, NFP and the Family Part 3: Saturday 29th April 10.00am - 1.00pm, in-person, Communication Workshop Diocesan Young Adults (18-35) : Our series of talks, In God's Image: A Defence of Catholic Moral Teaching, continues on Wed 29th March. In the next talk, Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You, Mr John Deighan will discuss the dignity of the unborn child. Please arrive at the diocesan office before 7pm. The talk will be followed by an opportunity to socialise over drinks in a local bar. Details of future talks in the series can be found on Facebook. Medugorje Pilgrimage from 27th Sept -4th Oct: If interested call Cormac Smith on 07568401416 or email [email protected] Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us - ordained, professed, employed and voluntary members - to work together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm. Think Vocation: “I am the light of the world.” Could God be calling you to bring the light of Christ to others, as a priest, deacon or in consecrated life? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected]. We pray for those who have died recently: John Farren, Louisa Mc Lachlan, Nancy Mackie, Sandie Seviour, Christopher Sherlane, Margaret Sloey and for the Anniversaries of Nan Allen, Elizabeth Bonner, John Brady, Morag Cassells, Irene & Mark Clougherty, Winnie Devlin, Betty & Joe Gallacher, Pauline Gallacher, Rose Anne Greville, Charles Henry, Josephine Martin, Jack Morton, Edward Mc Gorrian, Robert O’Neill, Jim Ross, Margaret Wallis, Frank Ward, e to edit. Click 3rd Sunday Lent Year A 12th March 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £309.50 NGA £933.52 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £436.64. NGA £607.64 St Anthony £66.13 St Luke’s High School Oratory: We are renovating our school Oratory where Holy Mass, Adoration and Confessions are celebrated. This is the heart of our Catholic school. Pupils & Staff will be present at all Masses this weekend seeking to raise funds. Any donations in the retiral collection will be gratefully appreciated and received. Special Collection – 19th March SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund: This collection is divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland working in 16 countries to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. Goodbye to Fr Jonathan: We send our best wishes and prayers to Fr Jonathan as he takes up his new post as Administrator of St Thomas, Neilston. We also thank him for his enormous contribution to the spiritual life of our Parish and Parishioners. Ad multos annos vivas! Lenten Stations of the Cross: This Friday the 17th of March after the Mass. Relics of Padre Pio: Fr Bryan Shortall a Capuchin Friar and Director of Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland will celebrate Mass here in St Johns on Monday the 20th of March at 7pm. Mass will be followed by individual Blessing with mitt/glove of Padre Pio. Padre Pio Shop and tea in hall afterwards. Lent Fest: A new modern Solo Play based on Confessions of St Augustine and written by one of our Parishoner’s Stephen Callaghan called Oggie, Oggie, Oggie coming in various venues. (see poster in porch). Tickets £5 and can get them by calling 0749534 7884 or www.AGAP.ORG.UK Special screening of Father Stu (2022): On the 26th of March at Eyre Hall, Curial Archdiocesan Offices, Clyde St, Glasgow. Doors open at 6.30pm and film at 7pm. Tickets £5. Details above for purchase. Film followed by post film chat and refreshments. Diocese of Paisley Lenten Catechesis St Mirin’s Cathedral, 2.00-4.00pm. On Sunday 12th March, Bishop Gilbert of Aberdeen will reflect on Jesus and the Woman at the Well. There also will be Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction. Confessions also available. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available. Marriage Courses for those due to Marry in 2023: April- Part 1: Wednesday 12th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, in person, Theology of the Body. Part 2: Wednesday 19th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, via Zoom, NFP and the Family Part 3: Saturday 29th April 10.00am - 1.00pm, in-person, Communication Workshop 200 Club Winners: 1st Prize Therese Welsh No 174. 2nd E. Casey No 113. 3rd M. Durie No 65. 4th R&S Young No 58. 5th K. Foley No 48 Sacred Heart Companions: Meeting in the Oratory from 1pm -2pm this Tuesday 14th March. Legion of Mary Annual Acies ceremony: This will be held in St Mirin’s Cathedral on the Feast of the Annunciation, 25th March at 2pm. All active and auxiliary members are warmly invited to come and renew their devotion to Our Lady for the year ahead. Refreshments available in the hall afterwards. Medugorje Pilgrimage from 27th Sept -4th Oct: If interested call Cormac Smith on 07568401416 or email [email protected] We pray for those who have died recently: Patrick Lennetti, Margaret Sloey, and for the Anniversaries of Stephen Hickey, Eddie Monaghan, Frank Monaghan, Margaret Mullins, Dominic & Ellen Mc Cue, Moira Mc Gilloway, Graham Alexander Mc Nair. ere to edit. 2nd Sunday Lent Year A 5th March 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £434.50 NGA £1153.54 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £146.80 SPRED GA £20.00 Aid to Church in Need Appeal Syria £1480.57 March Monthly Building Fund: Today at all Masses. Lenten Stations of the Cross: Today at 3pm. This Friday the 7th of March after the Mass. Relics of Padre Pio: Fr Bryan Shortall a Capuchin Friar and Director of Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland will celebrate Mass here in St Johns on Monday the 20th of March at 7pm. Mass will be followed by individual Blessing with mit/glove of Padre Pio. Padre Pio Shop and tea in hall afterwards. Think Vocation: “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.” Are you listening to him? Is he calling you to serve his people in priesthood or consecrated life? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or email: [email protected] Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us - ordained, professed, employed and voluntary members - to work together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm. Diocese of Paisley Lenten Catechesis St. Mirin’s Cathedral, 2.00-4.00pm. On Sunday 12th March, Bishop Gilbert of Aberdeen will reflect on Jesus and the Woman at the Well. On Sunday 26th March, Bishop McGee of Argyll and the Isles, will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. There also will be Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction. Confessions also available. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available. Lent Reflection Day for Primary School Pupils Primary 4-7. On Sunday the 12th March at St James, 50 Greenock Rd, Paisley, an afternoon which include activities, catechesis and Mass beginning at 2pm, concluding with dinner at 5pm, with pick up at 5.30pm. Pre-booking is recommended but not required. Completed consent forms necessary and can be collected from Primary school, Parish or by emailing [email protected],uk. More information from Fr Morrison Tel: 01418892026 or e-mail [email protected] 40 Days for Life Peaceful Prolife Lenten Prayer Vigil: Each day until Palm Sunday 2nd April there will be a peaceful prolife vigil for 40 Days outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH), Hardgate Rd entrance beginning at 8am. Can you spare one hour per week during these 40 Days for Life. They have no voice but ours. For more information please email [email protected] Young Adults (18-35) to Lourdes: A meeting today at 4pm, if interested in pilgrimage to Lourdes from 30th June – 7th July in the Diocesan Office, Incle St, Paisley. Email [email protected] or [email protected] Marriage Courses for those due to Marry in 2023: April- Part 1: Wednesday 12th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, in person, Theology of the Body. Part 2: Wednesday 19th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, via Zoom, NFP and the Family Part 3: Saturday 29th April 10.00am - 1.00pm, in-person, Communication Workshop The Diocesan Finance Department. They are hosting two sessions at the Diocesan Offices on Thursday the 30th March, aimed at parish gift aid administrators, parish administrators, parish counters and parish priests and assistant priests. The sessions will last approximately 90 minutes. We aim to cover the completion of the weekly income records, petty cash book and parish monthly finance folders. It will also include gift aid procedures including distribution of the gift aid envelopes, completion of the weekly envelope register, turnaround reports and small donations claims. There is a 2pm or 6pm session. Please let Fr Joe know as soon as possible which you intend to attend. We pray for those who have died recently: Maureen Bryson, Margaret Carroll. Andrew Fleaming, Kelsey Irving, Patrick Lenetti, James Mc Vittie and for the Anniversaries of Shaun Carlin, Carlo Fazzi, Joseph Gallacher Snr, Grace Glenroy, Dominic Greenan, Mary Hughes, Teresa Leckie, Thomas Mc Auley, Betty & Billy Mc Shane. |