Click her 4th Sunday Lent Year A 19th March 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £398.00 NGA £1043.68 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £113.00. St Anthony £64.80 Special Collection – 19th March SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund: This collection is divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland working in 16 countries to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. New Gift Aid Weekly & Second Collection Envelopes for 23-24: These are now available from the link corridor for those who pay tax. For those who pay by Standing Order on the First Collection, there are Gift Aid envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Diocesan Special Collections (9). We were able to claim £18,000 from the Inland Revenue on the Gift Aid Donations. Lenten Stations of the Cross: Today at 3pm and on Friday 24th after the 10am Mass. Relics of Padre Pio: Fr Bryan Shortall a Capuchin Friar and Director of Padre Pio Apostolate in Ireland will celebrate Mass here in St Johns this Monday the 20th of March at 7pm. Mass will be followed by individual Blessing with mit/glove of Padre Pio. Padre Pio Shop and tea in hall afterwards. Donations of home baking for Padre Pio evening: We are expecting a large congregation, donations would be most appreciated. Lenten talk on Ordinary & Extra-Ordinary Strategies of the devil: Next Tuesday 28th of March at 7pm in the Church. Diocese of Paisley Lenten Catechesis 2023: St. Mirin’s Cathedral, 2.00-4.00pm: On Sunday 26th March, Bishop Brian McGee of Argyll and the Isles, will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. As well as Bishops’ Catechesis there will be Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction with music led by our Diocesan Choir. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available. Confessions also available from 1.30pm. Marriage Courses for those due to Marry in 2023: April- Part 1: Wednesday 12th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, in person, Theology of the Body. Part 2: Wednesday 19th April 7.00pm - 8.30pm, via Zoom, NFP and the Family Part 3: Saturday 29th April 10.00am - 1.00pm, in-person, Communication Workshop Diocesan Young Adults (18-35) : Our series of talks, In God's Image: A Defence of Catholic Moral Teaching, continues on Wed 29th March. In the next talk, Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You, Mr John Deighan will discuss the dignity of the unborn child. Please arrive at the diocesan office before 7pm. The talk will be followed by an opportunity to socialise over drinks in a local bar. Details of future talks in the series can be found on Facebook. Medugorje Pilgrimage from 27th Sept -4th Oct: If interested call Cormac Smith on 07568401416 or email [email protected] Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us - ordained, professed, employed and voluntary members - to work together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm. Think Vocation: “I am the light of the world.” Could God be calling you to bring the light of Christ to others, as a priest, deacon or in consecrated life? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected]. We pray for those who have died recently: John Farren, Louisa Mc Lachlan, Nancy Mackie, Sandie Seviour, Christopher Sherlane, Margaret Sloey and for the Anniversaries of Nan Allen, Elizabeth Bonner, John Brady, Morag Cassells, Irene & Mark Clougherty, Winnie Devlin, Betty & Joe Gallacher, Pauline Gallacher, Rose Anne Greville, Charles Henry, Josephine Martin, Jack Morton, Edward Mc Gorrian, Robert O’Neill, Jim Ross, Margaret Wallis, Frank Ward, e to edit.