Second Collection Next Weekend
Monthly Building Fund. Monies to be used to upgrade parking spaces in both Parishes, and looking ahead, resurfacing the pedestrian walkway in front of St John's church. October evening for the Year of St Joseph This will take place on Wednesday 13th October at 7:00pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. This month, we pray and celebrate the work of those involved in the Arts and Professions. There will be Adoration, Benediction and Evening Prayer of the Church. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start on Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From Monday, 4th October we will again have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Oratory in St John’s after the 10:00am Mass until 9:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sign-up forms are available in both Church Porches for a new rota of Adorers willing to commit themselves to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the First Fridays of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. Pilgrimage of Healing & Hope Virtual Pilgrimage through the Holy Land with Mary Magdalene. This October we invite you to travel through the Holy Land on a pilgrimage of healing and hope. Register online Rosary for October Morning Rosary will resume Monday to Sunday from 9:25am with Silent Adoration at 9am beginning next Friday 1st October. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7’s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October – a total of 157 miles! – to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations made via this link will be split equally between the 3 schools. Thank you! Bible Timeline Course The Bible Timeline Study System, divides the whole Bible into different Periods, easy to understand and memorise. Each live-streamed session has a time of discussion with Q&A starting on Wednesday 29th September at 7pm for 8 weeks. Bible Readings and Teaching Summary notes will be available. More details and registration at Walsingham Pro-Life Pilgrimage (Saturday 23rd October) A pilgrimage of Reparation and Prayer for the Sanctity of Life. Details of the day’s programme at Please pray for those who have died recently especially Etta Archibald, Susan Brady, Michael McBride, Helen Noble (Collins), Boles Pajakowska, Maria Whyte; and the 1st Month’s Mind of Francis McAloon; and the Anniversaries of James Boyle, Frances Duffy, Margaret Gallacher, James Gillespie, Margaret Hanlan, Margaret Hewitt, Bernadette Larkin, Gerald McLaughlin, John McLaughlin. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursday
Second Collection this weekend: Sick & Retired Priests
Year of Saint Joseph Afternoon for Families An opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith from 2pm in Cathedral Halls, concluding the gathering with Mass in the Cathedral at 4:00pm Monthly Divine Mercy Mass and Adoration This is on Wednesday the 29th September at 7pm in St Mary’s Church, Paisley. Think Vocation “If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last.” Could you serve as He did, in priesthood or religious life? Speak to our diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison – email: [email protected] or Tel 0141 8895056. Marriage and family webpage The Diocese have a dedicated page on the website for Marriage and Family life. It contains a wealth of information, support and resources for many aspects of this important vocation. For more information please visit Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start on Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From Monday, 4th October we will again have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Oratory in St John’s after 10:00 am Mass until 9:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sign-up forms are available in both Church Porches for a new rota of Adorers willing to commit themselves to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the First Fridays of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. New Readers Rota Available to view in Sacristy (St John’s). If you were previously, a Reader and your name is not on the list see Fr Joe/Jonathan. St Thomas list in the porch. Bible Timeline Course The Bible Timeline Study System, divides the whole Bible into different Periods, easy to understand and memorise. This way, you will clearly see how the many characters and events in Scripture are related to each other in one unified narrative, from Adam & Eve to Jesus Christ. Each live-streamed session has a time of discussion with Q&A starting on Wed 29th September at 7pm for 8 weeks. Bible Readings and Teaching Summary notes will be available. More details and registration at Funeral in St John’s Elizabeth (Lily) Stewart on Thursday 23rd September at 10am. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Michael Curran, James Docherty, Jane Gillespie, Harry Harris, Elizabeth Stewart; and 1st Months Mind of Kevin Markay; and 6 months Mind of Brigid McGee; and the anniversaries of Jack & Isabel Barr, Irene & Mark Clougherty, Alex Costello, Mary & Patrick Devaney, Anna Gaughan, Francis Mullaney, Tommy McKenna, Anthony Quinn. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursday.
Special Collection – Vocations - 19th September
The Collection for Vocations helps to finance the training and formation of our student priests. The formation of our Priests costs approximately £100,000 per student (7 years). At present we have three men in training for the Priesthood. The monies raised from the collection also helps to pay for the assessment process of those applying to train for the Priesthood. Year of Saint Joseph Afternoon for Families Families are warmly invited on Sunday 19th September from 2pm to St Mirin's Cathedral Hall. It is an opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith and join together for some light refreshments. Bishop John will conclude with Mass in the Cathedral at 4pm. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Begins again on Tues 14th Sept in Tea-room from 1pm-2pm. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start on Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration From Monday, 4th October we will again have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Oratory in St John’s after 10am Mass until 9pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sign-up forms are available in both Church Porches for a new rota of Adorers willing to commit themselves to spending the same hour each week in the Oratory. We will also be starting all-night Vigils before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s on the First Fridays of each month. The sign-up forms can be used to express an interest in the Vigils. Think Vocation What do you say? Where is he leading you? Why not consider the call to priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life? Speak to our diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison – email: [email protected] or tel 0141 8895056. New Readers Rota Available to view in Sacristy (St John’s). If you were previously a Reader and your name is not on the list, see Fr Joe/Jonathan. St Thomas list in the porch. Monthly Pro-Life Mass This Wednesday, 15th September at 7:30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6:15pm. All welcome! The celebrant will be Fr Martin Eckersley. Funerals in St John’s Mon 13th Frank McAloon 10am Jim Docherty 12 Noon Tues 14th Mary McDonald 10am Please pray for those who have died recently especially Michael Curran, Jim Docherty, Fr Terry Donnelly, Francis McAloon, Mary McDonald, John McFadyen, Margaret McLean, Ainsley McVey, Michael Paterson; and six months mind of Peter Callender, Edward McAllister; and for the Anniversaries of Edward Balmer, Martin Cassidy, Flora Cumming, Margaret Grant, Peter McKenzie, Anna McLaughlan, Ella McLaughlin, Fr James Morrow, Selina Pearson. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursday.
Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund
Year of Saint Joseph Afternoon for Families Families are warmly invited to come together to mark the Year of St Joseph on Sunday 19th September from 2pm in St Mirin's Cathedral Hall. The event will include an opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith and join together for some light refreshments. Bishop John will conclude the gathering with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral at 4pm. St Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) The SSVP of St John’s are asking for your help to identify anyone in need and who would benefit from support by visiting or by financial assistance. You can confidentially speak to one of the current members after Holy Mass or to Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan or call the dedicated mobile number 07486 462 480. Safeguarding Webinar Sat 2nd October (11am-1pm) A key event, intended to help disseminate some important features of In GOD’s Image V2, Growing our Culture of Care. To secure a place in this webinar, click on the link Following registration, you will be sent details of how to join the webinar. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start within the next few weeks and anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan St John’s 100 Club August Winners 1st Prize £140 Wm & M Fossett (32) 2nd Prize £70 M & I Campbell (26) 3rd Prize: £35 Mgt Cassidy (10) 4th Prize £20 Mgt Sloey (136) 5th Prize £20 P & S Brady Re-launch of Adoration in Oratory The re-launch will take place with All Night Adoration in the Church on Fri the 1st of October and initially there will be Adoration in the Oratory on Mon, Wed, Fri from Mon 4th Oct. To sign up for an hour pick up a form from the porch and return to the Sacristy when completed. Think Vocation Jesus invites his disciples about their response to him. Why not consider the call to Priesthood, Diaconate or Consecrated Life? Fr. John Morrison email [email protected] or Tel 0141 889 5056. Walsingham Pro-Life Pilgrimage Saturday 23rd October The Pilgrimage commences with midday Mass in the Chapel of Reconciliation Funerals in St John’s Monday 6th Rita Connelly at 10am Friday 10th Jane Devenny at 10am Please pray for those who have died recently especially Rita Connelly, Michael Curran, Jane Devenny, Margaret Muir, Francis McAloon, Michelle McCormick, Beth McGlone, Nora McKenna, Paul O’Donnell, Cathie Pollacchi; and for the Anniversaries of Agnes & William Brennan, Jim Carroll, Margaret & Michael Docherty, John & Susan Gillan, Emma Goodwin, Michael Greville Snr, Annie Logue, Julie McCormick, Ellen McKelvie, Greta McLaughlan, Pat McLauchlan, Alison O’Kane, Elena Paternostro. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursdays. |