St Peter’s Glenburn, Paisley Of your charity, please pray for Fr Andrew Coleman who is seriously ill at this time and for his parishioners. Bishop Keenan has asked Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan to cover all Funeral Masses in St Peter’s, Glenburn in the meantime. This may cause an occasional change to our own schedules in St John's & St Thomas. Our Lady, Mother of the Clergy, pray for our priests. Stations of the Cross Today in St Johns at 3pm. Holy Week Services & Masses Monday 11th April to Easter Sunday 17th April Please find details of all our services by clicking the button below. Confessions during Holy Week
St Johns Mon-Fri 9:15am - 9:45am Mon 7pm - 8pm Holy Saturday 10:15am - 11am. St Thomas Mon & Wed, 10:30am – 10:50am Fri & Sat 10:15am - 10:45am. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting this Tuesday 12th April from 1pm-2pm in Tea-room. All welcome. Adoration in Oratory this Holy Week Adoration will finish at 6pm on Monday and 5pm on Wednesday and there will be no Adoration on Good Friday. Walk of Witness – Good Friday, 15th April The procession starts at St John’s around 10:30am and finishes at ASDA. Booklets have been prepared and there will be readings and a hymn at each of the stations. The stations after St John’s are the Council Offices, Salvation Army, Bourock Church, St Andrew’s Church, former South & Levern Church and finally ASDA. Soup, teas and coffees will then be offered in United Reform Church Hall. All welcome! 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil Today, Palm Sunday, the 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil outside of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Hardgate Road will draw to a close. The Vigil will end with its traditional Silent Candle Lit hour from 7pm till 8pm. Please consider joining the Vigil’s final hour to commemorate those whose lives have been taken or affected by abortion since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. For information email: [email protected] New Envelopes for those who pay tax (Gift Aid) Envelopes are available now to collect from the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church house. For those who pay their First Collection weekly by envelope, included are 12 x Building Fund and the 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes. Those who pay their First Collection by Standing Order, have envelopes for their Second Collection only (12 x Building Fund/ 9 x Diocesan Second Collection envelopes). If you pay tax and would like to start a Gift Aid contribution, you can speak to Fr Joe/Jonathan about how to set this up. (For every £1 you contribute, the Parish can claim 25p on your donation). Unveiling a statue of St Gianna Beretta Molla, Patron Saint of Unborn Children Join the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children as we ask for St Gianna’s intercession for the pro-life movement in the UK. St Gianna was a 20th century wife, mother, and doctor, most often remembered for her sacrificial love for her unborn daughter. She is a patron for mothers, physicians, and unborn children. The unveiling of statue will take place on Thursday 28 April at 7pm followed by Holy Mass at 7:30pm, at Carfin Grotto. We pray for those who have died recently, especially June Cooper, Gill Hughes, Jean Meanan, Kevin McGinn, Tommy Montgomery, and Margaret Walters; and for the Anniversaries of John Donnelly, Owen Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Gilmour, Theresa Haggerty, Hugh Lynch, Andrew McLaughlin, Danny McLaughlin, and Ann Miller.