New Rotas
St Patrick’s Missionary Appeal (Kiltegan Fathers)
Fr Kyran Murphy will make a Mission Appeal at all Masses this weekend (in St John's only) on behalf of St Patrick’s Missionary Society. St Patrick’s Missionary Society was founded on St Patrick’s Day 1932 and for 90 years has continued the work of spreading the Gospel. Today, they work in Brazil, Grenada, South Africa, Cameroon, Nigeria, Republic South Sudan, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe. St Johns Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Summer Programme There is Adoration in the Church from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm each weekday, Monday–Friday (excluding Thursdays). Change to weekly Mass Times for Summer St John's Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat at 10am. St Thomas' Tue & Thu at 10am. Please note this week, no Wednesday morning Mass at 10am but Mass at 7pm. St Michael the Archangel Statue A life size statue of St Michael the Archangel has been specially commissioned for a tour of Scotland. The statue will be here in St John's from this Wednesday 27th July until Wednesday the 3rd of August. There will be a Votive Mass of the Holy Angels on Wednesday Evening to welcome the statue at 7pm. We will also say a Consecration Prayer to St Michael each day after Mass. Copies available of the St Michael Prayer, Consecration Prayer and a Novena in the porch from Monday. St Thomas' Drop in Starting on Thursday 4th August, you can drop in for a tea/coffee/juice and biscuits/scones from 11am until 2pm to St Thomas' Hall. This will continue each Thursday at the same time. If you would like to know more or would like to volunteer please see one of the brothers/sisters of St Thomas SSVDP Conference. Young Adults (18-30) The diocese has organised a series of talks on the Divine Praises. The next talk of the series will be on the Eucharist by Bishop Hugh Gilbert. This will take place on Wednesday 27th July at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral and will be followed by Benediction and a BBQ and drinks. Details of all talks can be found on Facebook Think Vocation “Ask and it will be given to you; search and you shall find.” We pray with faith for vocations today. Pray too that those discerning a vocation to priesthood, diaconate or religious life will have the courage to persevere. Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr John Morrison 01418895056 | [email protected] Safe Access (Abortion Services) Scotland Bill Consultation Please see below an opportunity to take part in a consultation on the proposed bill to introduce buffer zones around healthcare facilities that provide abortion services. The consultation has been sent to us by the Scottish Government to send on to any groups or individuals who would like to comment on the proposals. You can complete the consultation online at You can also fill in the form and return via email or post. The form is found at the end of the consultation document below. Please take the time to complete this and also as individuals. There is now available an SPUC Guide to responding to this consultation. You can uplift one from the porch. We pray for those who have died recently Meabha Doohan, Freda Harkins, Patrick McDaid, and Ana Roberts; and for the Anniversaries of Jane Collins, Kelly Anne Donn, Michael Fisher, Margaret Gore, John Haldane, Agnes Hegarty, Peter Herbert, Kathleen Hughes, Christy King, Ian Meechan, Mary Munn, Thomas McAllister, Patrick McCafferty, Margaret McGuire, Alastair Thomson, Canon James J Sheehan (2008), and Fr James A O’Neill (1961).