29th Sunday Year C 16th October
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First CGA £420.50 NGA £795.43 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £466. NGA £417.00 Vocations GA £10.00 St Anthony £65.77 Mission Sunday 23rd October: 2nd Collection. Gift Aid Envelopes for those who pay tax only are available in the porch and side benches. Please complete all details requested. Month of the Holy Rosary. October Devotions: Each Sunday of October at 3pm, there will be Rosary & Benediction. Please come along and pray with our Blessed Mother Mary, for peace in the world and for her assistance in our own lives. Community Money Advice (CMA) This is a UK wide Christian Charity that supports Churches and Community Groups to offer a Free Debt Advice Service to those who are struggling financially. Personal debt is on the increase in the UK and this is having devastating effects on people's lives.1 in 8 Homes across the UK are struggling with unaffordable Debt. The rise in inflation is having a massive impact as well High Utility costs, forcing people to choose to Eat or Heat Many people are experiencing stress, anxiety, anger and fear about their finances More people than ever are looking for help. You can call 07990 892873 or [email protected] www.communitymoneyadvice.com National SPUC Prayer Campaign Oct 27th to 2022 April 27th 2023: 10 Million Prayers for 10 Million Lost Lives. Join SPUC and the Knights of St Columba for online Rosary on Thursday 20th & 27th of October at 7pm. Access via Microsoft Teams. www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting. Meeting ID:342 458 317 637. Passcode: pYePXx Reflection Time for Primary School Pupils: The Diocese of Paisley will be holding a Reflection afternoon for Primary School Pupils in p4-p7 (inclusive) at St. James’, 50 Greenock Road, Paisley on Sunday 23rd October 2-6pm.The day will include activities, Mass and dinner. No pre-registration is necessary, but your child will be required to bring a completed consent form. Consent forms are available from our parish communities or can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. If you require any further information please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or e-mail [email protected]. Eucharistic Adoration: We are hoping to extend Adoration in the Oratory to include Tuesdays and Thursdays. To do so we need more people to commit to one hour before the Blessed Sacrament at the same time each week. Sign-up forms are available at the entrance to the church and can be returned to the box at the Sacred Heart altar; please give this all-important devotion your serious consideration as many graces will flow to both you, your family, and the parish. St John's Primary School Shoppers Night. This takes place on 11th November at 7pm in St John's Church Hall. Entry £2, pay on door. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support. Stall: The Stall is open each week before and after the Vigil Mass and 10am Mass. It is now located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and the Church House. If you wish to pre-order Christmas Cards, please give details to one of the ladies at the stall. Packet of 10 cards @ £1.40 and Christmas Mass Bouquets Cards @ 50p each. Glasgow Torchlight Procession: To mark the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, on Thursday 27th October, the actual day on which the Act was passed, there will be Rosary at 6:30pm at George Square followed by a Procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for Holy Mass at 7:30pm. Lourdes 2023: An information evening for anyone interested in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes next year, from June 30th to July 7th 2023, will take place in St. Ninian’s Church Hall, Gourock on Monday 24 October at 7 pm. All welcome. We pray for those who have died recently Tom Currie, Cyril Crane, Joseph Finn, Mary Greenan, Adrian Higgins, Catherine Mc Cool, Anne Mc Leish, Stephen Reilly and the Anniversaries of Francis Beck, Joan Bell, Sarah Currie, John& Mary Dickson, Joseph Foy, Mary Goldie, Joseph Hughes, Bernard & Susan Mc Allister, James Mc Allister, Alison Mc Master, Canon James O’Connell, Michael Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patsy Stevenson.