ACN Scotland
Aid to Church in Need would like to invite our parishes, schools and families to join ACN’s ‘1 Million Children Praying the Rosary’ campaign on 18th October 2021. The worldwide campaign is an invitation to remember the words of Our Lady of Fatima that the childlike and trusting prayer of the Rosary can truly change the world and bring peace. Pastoral Formation of Young Adults (18-30) Join us on Wednesday 27th October when Fr Jonathan Whitworth will speak about the Eucharist as 'the pearl of great price'. Afterwards there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction of the Church. Finally, we will get together over drinks. Connect with us on social media: @DoPYoungAdults (Facebook and Twitter); @rcdopya (Instagram). Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The group will start this Monday 4th October. Anyone interested in enquiring about the Catholic Church should speak with Fr Joe/Fr Jonathan. St Thomas 200 Club: T. Cloherty No 150 (£50) Kathleen Dunn No 62 (£25) St John’s 100 Club: R. Meechan No 87 (£140) John J Reilly No 100 (£70) Pat Devenny No 16 (£35) Maureen Davidson No 102 (£20) Maureen Mc Guire No 1 (£20) Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group Meeting in Tea Room on Tues 12th Oct from 1pm-2pm. Stop the latest Holyrood Parliament Assisted Suicide Efforts An Assisted Suicide Bill will be published in the Scottish Parliament this month which we urge you to actively oppose. East Renfrewshire Faith Forum An Inter-Faith Pandemic Healing & Reflection Service on Sunday 17th Oct at 3pm in the United Reform Church, Lowndes St, Barrhead. All Welcome! Evening of Reflection There will be an Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm – 10pm. ‘Lets Walk for Lockerbie!’ The P7s from St Mark’s, St John’s and St Thomas’s are walking the distance from Barrhead to Lockerbie and back throughout October (157 miles) to raise funds for their P7 residential trip next May. Donations via Thank you! Those who have died recently, especially Mother Mary Benedict, Mary Bowden, Margaret D’Arcy, Evelyn Gadd, Harry Hughes, Jim McNairney, Terry McNulty; the 1st month’s mind of Jimmy Docherty, Fr Terry Donnelly; the 6 months’ mind of Jonathan Gilmour; and the anniversaries of Maggie Boylan, Anna & Peter Hughes, John Cleary, John Dickson, Mary Dickson, Catherine & John Fearon, Matthew Fearon, Frank Gallacher, Joseph Hughes, Mary Lunday, John McGuire Snr, Patricia Milton, Rena Mooney, John McMillan, Gerry & Mary McQueenie, Catherine Quinn, and Jim Reilly. All notices and anniversaries for the bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays