Missio Scotland Annual Collection - This Weekend
Please support the work of the Missionary Church. Paisley Diocesan Mass for the Opening of Process of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality 2023 Holy Mass in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Sunday 31 October at 12:00 noon to inaugurate in our Diocese a consultation with the People of God, which will conclude in our diocesan pre-Synodal Gathering around March 2022. The Synodal process is a journey of the whole Church, listening to the Holy Spirit. Annual Mass at St Conval’s Cemetery Bishop John will celebrate Mass to pray for the souls of family members laid to rest in St Conval’s on Sunday 14th November at 2pm. Later date due to COP26. Sunday Mass for COP26 St Aloysius’ Church, Rose St on 7 November at 1pm. Book with the link https://mediades.co.uk/cop26/ Pastoral Formation of Young Adults (18-30) Fr Jonathan will speak about the Eucharist as 'the pearl of great price this Wednesday at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. Afterwards, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction concluding with get together over drinks. Connect @DoPYoungAdults (Facebook and Twitter); @rcdopya (Instagram). Annual Torchlight Procession Thursday 28th October. Please be at George Square, Glasgow, from 6pm, with Rosary at 6:30pm followed by the procession at 7pm to St Andrew's Cathedral, for Mass at 7:30pm. Evening of Reflection An Evening of Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in St John’s in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory commencing with Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Way of the Cross and Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 5th November 7pm – 10pm. Men on a mission: Learning from St. Joseph (Thursday 11th November) In St Mirin's Cathedral Hall, learn from the example of his life and be inspired to fulfil our mission as Catholic men, whether single/married, fathers/spiritual fathers, sons, brothers, or husbands. Find encouragement and refreshment by socialising over a drink! To register please sign up at https://rcdop.org.uk/learning-from-st-joseph (7pm-9pm) Funerals this week Mon: Isabella Fleming (St Thomas’s) Wed: Marie Tylerleigh (St John’s) Fri: Marion Malaney (St John’s) Masses all at 10am. Following week Tues (2nd Nov): Elizabeth Sim. We pray for those who have died recently, especially Michael Fitzmorris, Isabella Fleming, Stephen Harrigan, James Kane, Marion Malaney, Mary MacAfee, James O’Donnell, Michael Reilly, Elizabeth Sim, Pat Smith, Marie Tylerleigh ; and 1st months mind of Tony McLachlan; and for the Anniversaries of Chrissie & Frank Beck, Mary & Patrick Campbell, Neil Crossan, Nellie Curran, Edward Gillan, Ethna & Peter Herbert, Teresa & Willie Irwin, Stephen Lafferty, Elspeth & William McFadyen, Edward McGuire Snr, Michael McQuade, Mary O’Neill, Harry & Sadie Quinn. All notices and anniversaries for the bulletin must be handed in by 7pm on Thursday