Twenty Fourth Sunday Year A 17th September 23
Sunday Collections First Collection GA: £443.00 NGA: £779.49 Monthly Standing Orders: £5,194.50 St Anthony’s Box: £38.14 Vocations GA £576.50 NGA £487.44 Building Fund GA: £102.50 Bishop John Pastoral Visit to Parish: This weekend Bishop John will celebrate the Vigil and Sunday Masses with us here in St Johns. I am sure you will give him a very warm Barrhead welcome and he will join us for tea/coffee in the hall after the 10am Mass. Diamond Jubilee: Monsignor Charles Cavanagh celebrates his Diamond Jubilee this Thursday 21st September in St Mary's, Greenock. All who know him from his various parish assignments over the last 60 years are invited to join the parish community for the joyous occasion. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 7pm Workers Mass: Begins again this Wednesday at 7.30am. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Meeting this Tuesday at 7pm in the Church house for all those interested in enquiring about becoming a Catholic. Parish Garden: A big thank you to John Gillan, Tom Sproul, Ian Ross for looking after the Parish Gardens all year round and for the many hours spent in keeping it in such pristine conditions. Marriage Counsellor Sought: The Diocese of Paisley is looking for an experienced counsellor to assist its excellent marriage counselling team. visit: Massive threat to Religious Freedom- please contact your MSPS: The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill, will introduce so-called buffer zones around abortion clinics. It bans prayer in certain areas, a massive attack on religious freedom and removes a lifeline for women who want to keep their babies but feel they have no other choice than abortion. Please contact your Member of the Scottish Parliament to make your views known. You can go to https:// . This webtool helps you edit the email template and submit to your MSP. Stop the Assisted Dying Bill: Legalising assisted suicide is dangerous because it attacks human dignity. Implicit in assisted suicide is that an individual, in certain circumstances, can lose their value and worth. Make your voice heard by contacting your MSP on your own or as part of a group with family, friends, or in your local parish. All the information you need can be found here: Assisted Suicide – Catholic Parliamentary Office ( National Safeguarding Conference: This year's conference is an in-person event. It will take place on Sat 18th Nov from 9.30am until 4pm, at University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD. Registration costs £25, which covers refreshments, lunch and resources. The conference is open to all clergy, religious, PSCs and all who have safeguarding responsibilities in Catholic parishes, religious communities and lay organisations in Scotland. To register, visit Anyone who has mobility difficulties can inform the organisers during registration. Alternatively, they can contact the SCSSA Office Administrator Mary Stein by calling 0141 332 7177. Lourdes Re-union 23rd Sunday 8th October. The Re-union will begin with Marian Devotions in the Church at 2 pm at St. Ninians’ Gourock.PA19 1PW.This will be followed afterwards but Tea etc in the Church Hall and a chance to catch up. Parish Hall: Teas & Coffees in the hall after the 10am Mass. We pray for those who have died recently: Helena Brannan, Joseph Finnigan, John Soutar and for the Anniversaries of Irene & Mark Clougherty, Alex Costello, Charlie Dunne, Harry Harris, Meta Mullen, Selina Pearson, Fr. Donald Bonnar (1972) and Canon James Morrow (2010) |