Twenty Eighth Sunday Year A 15th October 23
Sunday Collections First Collection GA: £364.50 NGA: £939.76 Monthly Standing Orders: £5,194.50 St Anthony’s Box: £44.82 Building Fund GA: £95.00 Second Collection Next Weekend: Next Sunday, the 22nd of October is World Mission Sunday. Pope Francis invites us to contribute to this Missio Collection which ensures that this life saving and life- giving work can continue. For those who pay tax, Gift Aid Envelopes available from the porch and there are also Mission Magazines available too. October Devotions: Rosary and Benediction at 3pm today. Funerals this week: William Fossett on Friday 20th Oct at 10.00am in St Johns and Margaret Speirs in Our Lady and St Georges, Penilee at 9.30am on Fri 20th Oct. November Lists: Envelopes and lists are now available for collection. Masses will be celebrated each day in November for the happy repose of the souls of our beloved dead. Please return your completed lists with any offerings enclosed as soon as possible in the collection box in front of the Our Lady statue or hand them in at the Sacristy or Church House. Prayers for the Middle East: The Bishops of Scotland have asked for Prayers for peace in the Middle East. You access this information along with the words of Pope Francis and information about a day of fasting here: St John’s Play and Pray Group: This a new initiative for those with young children to meet in the parish hall over a cuppa. Children can play and interact in some faith-based activities and prayer. Meeting every Tue after 10am Mass until 12.00 noon. All Welcome. Further details or questions please contact Rachel Callaghan on 07508835310 A Family Day with Mary: Join families throughout the Diocese at St John’s, Barrhead on Sunday 29th October for an afternoon of celebration and fun in honour of Mary our Mother, including prayer, activities and games for children. The day will begin with refreshments at 2pm, and conclude with Mass at 4pm celebrated by Bishop John. No 5pm Mass on this Sunday the 29th of October Stop the Assisted Dying Bill: Legalising assisted suicide is dangerous because it attacks human dignity. Implicit in assisted suicide is that an individual, in certain circumstances, can lose their value and worth. Make your voice heard by contacting your MSP on your own or as part of a group with family, friends, or in your local parish. All the information you need can be found here: Assisted Suicide – Catholic Parliamentary Office ( SPUC: Measures allowing women to self-induce medical abortions at home, without meeting with a medical professional in person, were first approved at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. In the more than three years since this “pills by post” policy has been in place, evidence of the risk it poses to women, and the difficulties of regulating it, has been mounting. Please send a postcard to end DIY Abortion to the Health secretary, available from the porch. Glasgow Torchlight Procession: The annual torchlight procession to commemorate 56 years since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, which has led to the loss of more than 10 million lives here in the UK. This is a solemn and prayerful event to pray for an end to abortion. Gather at George square for 6:30 pm with Rosary at 7:00 pm and processing to St. Andrew’s Cathedral for Mass at 7:30 pm. St Luke’s Feast Day Mass: Bishop John will celebrate Mass for the Staff & Pupils of St Luke’s High School on Friday 27th October at 9.30am. No 10.00am Mass on the 27th October. Volunteers for the Sunday Morning Coffee Bar? Anyone interested can contact me (07910266821 [email protected]). We pray for those who have died recently: Keith Fenn, William Fossett, Margaret Speirs and the 6 Months Mind of John Lafferty and for the Anniversaries of Frank Beck, Wallace Burns, Michael Conafray, Sarah Currie, Ellen Eckersley, Alison Mc Master. |