Trinity Sunday Year A 4th June 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections First Collection GA £578.00 NGA £817.40 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £88.00 St Anthony £43.51 Vocations GA £12.00 Communications GA £55.00 Mary’s Meals Collection: £1467.18 Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund. Diocesan Spred Group: We welcome our Diocesan Spred Group, Families and Catechists to our 10am Mass today. The Mass Intention is that God will bless in a very special way this group and that we will be blessed too by their presence with us. Please join us afterwards in the hall Teas/Coffees: There are teas/coffees after the 10.00am Mass this weekend and St Marks Parents and Carers Coffee morning after 10am Mass on 18th June. Donations of home baking and prizes for the raffle are gratefully appreciated and can be handed into the hall before Mass. All welcome! Fr Jonathan Presentation: Thank you to all those who came along and to all those who prepared the hall and worked on the night and who donated foodstuff. Thank you also to those who contributed to his presentation gifts of cheque and two chalice palls. Annual Thanksgiving Mass for the Legion of Mary: This will take place at Carfin Grotto today 4th of June with Holy Mass at 3 pm. The afternoon will conclude with the praying of the Rosary and Benediction. All active and auxiliary members of the Legion and their families are warmly invited to attend. East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau: Sarah Mc Bride, project adviser for Older People will meet with parishoners after the 10am Mass in the tea room this Tuesday 5th of June. She will give advice on benefits you may be entitled to claim. Tea/Coffee and an informal chat. Disability Benefits in relation to mental health: Please contact Dylan Grahame either by phone 0141 881 3660 or email Dylan. [email protected] to find out if you are entitled to claim benefits. Annual Mass for Marriage: Bishop John warmly invites all who wish to celebrate the gift of marriage, especially engaged and married couples, to the Diocese of Paisley's at 11am on Sunday 11th June in St Mirin's Cathedral. Reception in the Cathedral Hall to follow. Details of those celebrating significant anniversaries can be emailed to Rebecca Harrison at the Marriage and Family Office ([email protected]) Corpus Christi Procession: To mark the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, there will be a Blessed Sacrament procession on Sunday the 11th of June beginning at 3pm. Primary 4 children who have made their First Holy Communion recently are invited to lead the procession. A Festival of Music: The NHSGGC Choir and Barrhead Burgh Band will play in the Bourock Church on the 14th of June with doors opening at 7pm and the Concert at 7.30pm. Tickets are £2 and proceeds to Accord Hospice, Paisley. Fatima Vigils, Howwood: The next Vigil in honour of Our Lady of Fatima is on Monday the 12th of June. The facilities will be open from 7pm. Rosary Procession at 7.30pm, followed by Holy Mass, finishing with a period of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. Hall open for tea/coffee thereafter. Lourdes Hospitalite: The pre -pilgrimage meeting will be held on Sunday 11th June at 2pm in St Ninian’s, Gourock. At this meeting information will be given regarding bus pick up and what happens on pilgrimage Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: Safeguarding is a duty that is rooted in the message of Jesus and in the mission of the Catholic Church. We pray for those who have died recently: Michael Feeney, Mary Lawson and for the Anniversaries of Catherine Charlick, William Breslin Geddes, Rosina Hill, Archie Hughes, Annie Wright. Fr. Vincent Grace, (1978) Canon James Byers, (2014) Canon Ferdinand C. Tritschler, (1979) Canon John Haran (1997) and Fr. Patrick Woods (2010)