First: Gift Aid £329, Non-Gift Aid £604.60 Monthly Standing Orders: £2,823.00 Education: Gift Aid £20.00 St Anthony’s Box: £2.50 Building Fund: Gift Aid £157.00, Non-Gift Aid £110.59 Rorate Masses in Advent in St John’s This is a Votive Mass in honour of Our Blessed Lady and is celebrated before dawn in candlelight. By the end of Mass, the sun is starting to rise, it is the dawn of a new day. This is a clear reminder of the True Light, which is Christ, who banishes the darkness of sin and death. In Advent we prepare with Our Blessed Mother to receive Christ, the light of the world once again in our lives at Christmas. The Rorate Masses will be on Tuesdays at 7:30am in Adventand is an additional Mass to the 10am weekday morning Masses. Advent Confessions As well as the Saturday morning Confessions in St John’s and St Thomas after the 10am Mass and Confessions from 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) there will be Confessions each Wednesday of Advent in St John’s from 7pm until 8pm. Jesse Tree appeal for Christmas (St Thomas) We intend to distribute the Gift tokens on Monday the 14th of December. Please hand in any Gift Tokens by Sunday 13th of December. Thank you for your generous response. Flowers for Christmastide During the Season of Christmastide, we wish to adorn the Church with fresh flowers, fitting for this joyful season. Monetary donations for the purchasing of flowers can be handed into the Church house or into the donations buckets in envelopes marked Flowers. Thank you for your continued generosity in keeping our parishes beautiful and worthy for the Sacred Liturgy. Vocations “I shall look after my flock myself… I myself will pasture my sheep.” Is the Lord asking you to share in his pastoral love for his people, perhaps in diocesan priesthood, diaconate or religious life? Contact Fr. John Morrison phone: 0141 8895056 or email [email protected] St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society – Virtual Crib Catholic Adoption Agency, St Margaret's Children and Family Care Society, which supports some of Scotland's most vulnerable children, is hosting a 'Virtual Crib' this Advent. Due to congregation sizes being limited due to Covid19 restrictions the charity could lose out on up to £100k in donations made each year by the Catholic community to its Crib Appeal collection boxes. St Margaret’s Virtual Crib is a peaceful, animated crib scene accompanied by a full Christmas Carol Concert from the St Andrew's Cathedral Choir. St Margaret's Virtual Crib will be live until the Feast of the Epiphany on their website at Donations can be made via the St Margaret’s website or by cheque posted to the charity’s office at 26 Newton Place, Glasgow, G3 7PY. Funerals this week Mary Dixon: Mon 14th Dec 10am (St John’s) Sharon Knox: Thurs 17th Dec 10am (St Thomas) Adult Education Talks You are invited to our next talk on Monday 21st December at 6:30pm on The New Testament by Canon Michael McMahon. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 741595 Online Marriage Counselling available during Covid 19 Crisis Our diocese has a Counselling Service for Catholics Married in the Catholic Church with our dedicated Catholic Marriage Counsellor. If you are concerned about your relationship and feel you are both unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The counsellor is there to maintain a neutral, non-judgmental position. For information or advice please email in confidence [email protected] New Dawn Scotland Healing Service New Dawn in Scotland invites you to a healing service at Clare Priory, Clare, Suffolk. Led by the Augustine Friars. To join in the evening click on the link below: For further details go to The Cloister Blog – St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education has launched a brand -new blog called The Cloisters. The aim is to stimulate discussion, debate and collaboration in the area of Catholic Religious Education and Catholic Education more widely. Contributions to the blog are invited from academics, teachers, alumni, students, parents, clergy, and all interested in the mission of Catholic Education. The blog can be found at St Andrews Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education There is a public lecture by Bob Davis, Professor of Cultural and Religious Education on “The Star of Bethlehem, rediscovering Christmas in the year of Covid”. It is on Mon 14th Dec from 7pm-8pm and you can register by email [email protected] We pray for those who have died recently especially Jane Balmer, Mary Dixon, John Hannigan, Sharon Knox, Bridgit Turner, Edith Young and the Months Mind of Charlie Shields and also for the Anniversaries of John Boyle, Margaret Carroll, Amelia Clarke, Gerard Ellis, William Ellis, John & Rose Farrell, Thomas Hughes, Margaret Janetta, Margaret Jardine, Robert Minnery, Winnifred Minnery, Bernard, James & Susan Mc Allister, Kathleen McCreadie, Carol O’Donnell, Lex Shields, Mark Smith, Monica Tipping, Thomas Wood Snr. Reminder: All must receive Holy Communion in the hand and not on the tongue. Please leave the Church immediately after receiving Holy Communion by the one-way system, following the directions and instructions of the stewards. Please keep your Face Mask on during the entire Mass unless you have an exemption. Thank you for your co-operation in keeping others and yourself safe.