Third Sunday of Year A 22nd January 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £371.70 NGA £903.93 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £19.50 St Anthony £64.37 Justice & Peace GA £42.00 This weekend Special Collection - Sick and Retired Clergy: We remember our Sick & Retired Priests of the diocese with great love and affection. We have thirteen retired priests, still active in prayer and witness: one living in Rome, five in houses throughout the diocese, three in parish presbyteries, and two at the Residence of the Little Sisters and two in Chile. We thank God for the gift of these priests and keep them in our prayers. In 2021 our two special collections and Friends Campaign raised £47,513 which represents 33% of our expenditure of £144,938 i.e. a shortfall of £97,425, which was met by the Sick & Retired Priests Investment income. Annual White Flower SPUC Collection: Retiring Collection next weekend of 28th/29th January Funerals this week: Peter Mc Gilloway Fri 27th Jan at 10.00am. SYNOD 2021-2024: The document for the Continental Stage has now been published and is available on the diocesan website homepage. This will be the focus of the European Assembly in February 2023. Please send any comments to [email protected] Diocesan Office for Pastoral Formation of Young Adults Pilgrimage to Lourdes: This will coincide with the Diocesan/ Youth to Lourdes Pilgrimage from 30th June to 7th July 23. The cost is £500 per person. If you’re aged 18-35 and would like to know more, or if you would like to register your interest, please email ([email protected]) ([email protected]). Deposits of £100 should be paid before the end of January 2023. Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: The Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others” Pope Francis Food Bank Donations: As a Parish we contributed 520 Kilogrammes of food. Thank you for your generosity. Divine Mercy Monthly Devotions: Divine Mercy Mass at 7 p.m. followed by Adoration on Wednesday 25th January 2023. The Mass will take place at St Mary’s Church, 163 George Street, Paisley PA1 2UN. Next Sunday Coffee/Tea Morning: This will be on Sunday the 29th January after the 10.00am Mass in the hall. Next Children’s Rosary: Friday 3rd February at 6.30pm. White Mass: Mass for Catholic Healthcare Professionals and the intention of healthcare work in Scotland will take place on Sunday 12th February 2023 at 11am in St. Mirin’s Cathedral, and will be celebrated by Bishop John. Following Mass reception in the Diocesan office foyer. Please RSVP if attending the Reception and for more details please email: [email protected] St Margaret’s Children & Family Care Society: This is the only Catholic Adoption Society in the U.K. They are very much dependent on the Crib Donations. The Crib will remain on the Altar until 2nd February, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Reconciliation and Healing Service: There will be a Reconciliation and Healing Service at St Columbkille's Parish Hall, Kirkwood Street Rutherglen G73 at 2.30pm on Sunday 5th February. Speakers, Rev Jonathan Whitworth and Joe Livingston. The Theme - Finding Forgiveness. All welcome. We pray for those who have died recently: Esther Flynn, Peter Mc Gilloway, Desmond Henaghan, Alan Hickey, Elizabeth Mc Guinness, Catherine Mc Lachlan, Liam Mc Laughlin, Monsignor Richard Mohan, Betty Taylor and for the Anniversaries of Patrick Brady, Leonard Bradley, Mary Buchanan, Jim Casey, Elizabeth Conelly, Mary Forsyth, Rose Gormley, Maria Hannigan, Sylvia Harris, Agnes Kelly, John & Rose Mc Goldrick, Agnes & Peter Mc Goldrick, Kathleen Veronica Mc Laughlan, Betty & Billy Mc Shane, Gordon Roy, Lex Shields,