Second Collection this weekend
Spred (Special Religious Development). This is a religious programme for Children/Adults with a learning disability. Next weekend (19th/20th) Second Collection - “Let the Children Live” Fr Peter Walters will speak about his work with street children and children from the shanty towns of Medillin, Columbia at all Masses next weekend. He will make an appeal of behalf of his Small Charity that feeds and schools and provides accommodation for these vulnerable children. Month's Mind Mass for Canon Benedict O’Keeffe This will be celebrated here in St John's this Tuesday 15th at 7pm. Monthly Pro-Life Mass This Wednesday, 16th February at 7:30pm at Holy Cross Church, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6:15pm. Diocesan Priesthood Thinking about Diocesan Priesthood in 2022? The Catholic Church in Scotland is now inviting enquiries from those considering applying for seminary. For more information please contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] SYNOD 2023 – Responses Pope Francis has invited All Catholics to express their dreams, ideas and concerns in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in 2023. The pope's invitation to discern a path forward for the church stems from his belief that the Holy Spirit inspires all members to be missionary disciples, sharing core Christian beliefs by going out to the world. The diocese wants to hear your views, and a consultation document with questions that may help direct your response can be found on . All responses to [email protected] before 8th April 2022. All responses will be acknowledged. The Parish Council will also discuss the Consultation Document. The Joy of Love - Pope Francis on Love, Marriage and Family Life Come and learn more about the beautiful vision of God's plan for human love, marriage and family life contained in Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. To participate in the special year devoted to this exhortation, a series of five evenings explaining and exploring this vision begins on Thursday 17th February in St. Mirin's Cathedral hall from 7:30pm. Specially recorded videos by Pope Francis will be followed by short presentations on the exhortation, along with opportunities for discussion and questions, and a chance to socialise over refreshments. The evening should finish around 9pm. Please register at Safeguarding Training – Part Two – Church Volunteers There will be a Part Two training session taking place on Wednesday 23rd February at 10:30am in the parish hall at St. Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley. This training session is for Church volunteers who have previously attended Safeguarding Training Part One, or Safeguarding Training Level One, more than eighteen months ago. If you would like to register for this session, please visit Eventbrite and search for Diocese of Paisley, Safeguarding Training, or type in the following link on Eventbrite. St Thomas' No Saturday Morning Mass or Confessions next Saturday the 19th February. We pray for those who have died recently: Tony Brady, Edward Cathcart, Margaret Henaghan; and for the 6 month's mind of: Kevin Markey; and the Anniversaries of: John Bennett, Ronnie Burns, Sarah Burns, James Carroll, John & Mary Dickson, John & May Ferguson, William Finnigan, Bernadette Hartley, Marjorie & William Heaney, Lucy Hughes, Patricia Hughes, William Kelly, Tommy Leckie, George Mitchell, Lucy Mitchell, Catherine Moore, Marjorie Morrison, Kathleen McCann, Bridget & William McGuire, James McLaughlin, George & Isabel McMillan, Kenny & Patricia Ross, Sadie Ross, Henry Szuster, and Rena Weldon.