Sixth Sunday Easter Year A 14th May 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £ 397.50 NGA £829.00 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £ 528.50 NGA £618.83 St Anthony £124.40 Vocations GA £44.00 Special Collection - Communications – 21st May 2022. This collection pays for our national Scottish Catholic Media Office which provides a service to the press and media with information on the activities of the Church in Scotland. The office supports two employees. A Family Day with Mary – Sunday 14th May: An afternoon of celebration in honour of Mary our Mother which includes prayer, activity and games for children. The day will begin with refreshments at 2pm, and concludes with Holy Mass at 4pm celebrated by Bishop John. No 5pm Mass on this day. Masses for Solemnity of Ascension Thursday (Holy Day of Obligation). (Wed 17th) Vigil, & (Thurs 18th) Funeral Mass: Thomas Kerr on Ascension Thursday 18th May at 10.00am. Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist & Readers. If you have not yet provided your contact details to Mary Hallan, please contact her on [email protected] or leave your contact details in the sacristy. This allows us to keep in contact with everyone. If you do not have an email address, a telephone number would suffice. All contact details are kept securely in compliance with GDPR regulations. Family Night & Meal To welcome all our new parishioners and to give all parishioners a chance to meet and enjoy good food, there will be a dinner in the hall next Friday 19th May at 7pm. The idea is that everyone brings a dish of prepared food to share. Hopefully this will lead to a mix of traditional Scottish fayre and food from other countries such as Hong Kong, Nigeria, Poland, Italy, Singapore & Spain. The parish will supply the crockery, glasses and cutlery. There will also be some haggis neeps and tatties on offer. Please bring your own drinks (byob). Volunteers needed to help set up so please give your name to Fr Joe or contact Lesley Ward for further details ([email protected] 07910266821). Please also contact Lesley (preferably by email) if you plan to attend so that we have an idea of numbers, let us know By Tuesday 16th May. Fr Jonathan Parish Presentation: This will begin with Mass on Friday 26th May at 6.30pm, followed by a presentation in the hall. There is a box in front of the Our Lady Statue to place monies for a gift from the parish. We are also looking for home baking. Teas/Coffees: There are teas/coffees after the 10.00am Mass this weekend. AGAP Theatre Presents “Oggie! Oggie! Oggie!” This is written and performed by Stephen Callaghan, one of our parishioners. A modern solo play based upon the Confessions of St Augustine will be performed in the hall on Friday 2nd June at 7.30pm as part of a summer tour on the way to the Edinburgh Fringe. Tickets £5 from and from 0749 534 7884. Suitable for age 12+ due to adult themes. (Performance 65 min + Post-show chat with tea/coffee. A limited number of tickets (30) will be available from Fr Joe Safeguarding News – Papal update to ‘Vos estis lux mundi’:On March 25, Pope Francis permanently decreed an updated version of Vos estis lux mundi, his landmark legislation to counter abuse in the Catholic Church. The decree now extends the Church’s norms for handling of abuse to cover lay leaders of international associations of the faithful recognized by the Vatican. Vos estis lux mundi (“You are the light of the world”) reaffirms an obligation to report cases of “vulnerable adult” victims of abuse, including violence against religious women by clerics and cases of harassment of adult seminarians or novices by a superior. It also includes protections for people who witness acts of abuse, in addition to those who submit reports of alleged abuse, stipulating that no “obligation of silence” may be imposed on those who report, witness, or are victims of abuse. We pray for those who have died recently: Thomas Kerr, Kathleen Kelly and for the Anniversaries of Sadie Blair, John Buchanan, Wilma Cook, Fr Andrew Coleman, Linzi Geddes, Mary Hughes, Angela Kelly, Baby Josh Maguire, Alice Mc Guire, Dan Mc Quade, Thomas Pearson. First Anniversary Mass for Fr Andrew Coleman on Thursday 18th May in St Peter’s Glenburn at 7pm.