Second Sunday of Year A 15th January 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £386.80 NGA £1042.16 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £125.00 St Anthony £78.80 Justice & Peace GA £352.26 NGA £506.55 Christmas £60.00 Special Collection - Sick and Retired Clergy 22nd January: We remember our Sick & Retired Priests of the diocese with great love and affection. We have thirteen retired priests, still active in prayer and witness: one living in Rome, five in houses throughout the diocese, three in parish presbyteries, and two at the Residence of the Little Sisters and two in Chile. We thank God for the gift of these priests and keep them in our prayers. In 2021 our two special collections and Friends Campaign raised £47,513 which represents 33% of our expenditure of £144,938 i.e. a shortfall of £97,425, which was met by the Sick & Retired Priests Investment income. Annual White Flower SPUC Collection: Retiring Collection on the weekend of 28th/29th January Monthly Pro-Life Mass: The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 18th January at 7.30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6.15pm. Tea in the hall afterwards – all welcome. The celebrant will be Fr Douglas Green. Valentine’s Retreat 2023: This free half-day retreat offers couples a chance to reflect on their love and commitment to each other, to God and to their community. It will be led by Annette and Paul O’Beirne, of Equipes Notre-Dame - Teams of Our Lady, which supports married couples in their vocation. They will share some of the stories and tools gathered over their 42 years together. The retreat takes place from 2-5pm on Saturday 11 February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB (free parking onsite). Register at Catholic Art Calendars: Available now from the Stall located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and Church ho at £1.00 Funerals this week: Mon 16th John Patrick Gaynor. Wed 18th Cornelius Mc Gettigan (Woodside Crematorium only @ 11am). Fri 20th Elizabeth Thomson. SYNOD 2021-2024: The Papal Synod timeline has now been extended, by a year, to 2024. The document for the Continental Stage has now been published and is available on the diocesan website homepage. This will be the focus of the European Assembly in February 2023. Please send any comments to [email protected] Diocesan Office for Pastoral Formation of Young Adults Pilgrimage to Lourdes: This will coincide with the Diocesan/ Youth to Lourdes Pilgrimage from 30th June to 7th July 23. The cost is £500 per person. If you’re aged 18-35 and would like to know more, or if you would like to register your interest, please email ([email protected]) ([email protected]). Deposits of £100 should be paid before the end of January 2023. Think Vocation: Where is God’s light leading you? Or are you called to be a guiding light to others in their search, as a priest or religious? Speak to our Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418892602 or email [email protected] Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: The Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others” Pope Francis 100 Club Winners January: 1st Rosaleen Reilly No 12. 2nd Gerald Morrow No 4. 3rd Maureen Mc Cready No 45. 4th John Joe Reilly No 100. 5th J & M Trainor No 146. We pray for those who have died recently: Edward Dowling, John Patrick Gaynor, Peter Mc Gilloway, Cornelius Mc Gettigan, Daniel Mc Sorley, Neil O’Neil, Elizabeth Thomson, Jennifer Tan, and for the Anniversaries of Jim Brown, Desmond & Jane Coleman, Annie Docherty, Ethna Herbert, Robert Gribbon, Charles Mc Aleavy, Jean Mc Allister, Dominic Mc Cue, David Mc Donald, Jean Mc Fadyen, Sarah Anne Mc Grath, Maria & Tommy O’Hara, Annie Mc Quade, Alec, Nan & Sandra Wylie,