2nd Sunday of Advent: 4th December
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First C GA £426.90 NGA £879. 31 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £30.00 St Anthony £104.49 Education GA: £43.00 This weekend Second Collection: Monthly Building Fund Funerals this week: Marion Collins: Tues 6th Dec at 10.00am Rorate Masses during the Wednesdays of Advent (7am) The Rorate Mass takes its name from the opening words of the Entrance Antiphon. which come from the Prophet Isaiah 45:8: “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum, aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.”“Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour.” This Mass is a Votive Mass in honour of Our Blessed Mother Mary. The Rorate Mass begins in the darkness of early morning and lit only by candlelight as the church becomes progressively brighter with the sunrise, so the coming of the Eternal Light, Jesus, whom we await during the Advent season, illuminates our faith in him as Saviour and Light of the World. Parish Penitential Service: “Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight”. There will be an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession on Monday 19th of December at 7pm. Along with Fr Joe & Jonathan there will be other priests available to hear Confessions. Times of Christmas Masses: Vigil (24th Dec) 6pm with Children’s Nativity. Midnight Mass. Christmas Day: 10am and 11.30am. Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Readers: There is a list in the Sacristy as to your availability for the Christmas Masses. The New Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Readers Rota’s: The New Rotas are now available to view on the Sacristy Noticeboard. If you wish to be sent an electronic copy email Mary Hallan. [email protected] Christmas Cards and Catholic Art Calendars: Available now from the Stall located in the link corridor between the Sacristy and Church house. Christmas Giving Appeal: To help with families particularly in our schools who are in need, you may wish to donate Gift Vouchers. You can leave them in the box in front of the Our Lady Statue. Christmas Flowers and Poinsettias: To help defray the cost of decorating the Church this Christmastide, you may wish to donate monies. There is a Flower Box in the porch to make donations. Knights of St. Columba National Young People’s Competition: The Knights of St. Columba have organised a National competition for young people. All details can be found by clicking on the following link https://tinyurl.com/KSCYoungPeopleCompetition2023 Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month 2022: Each month we will have a safeguarding thought for the month to help us continue the focus on this important priority. The Safeguarding thought for December is: Together we will continue to ensure that our parishes are safe places where prevention is a key message. Communications Commission: The Diocesan Communications Commission (which meets every 2-3 months) is responsible for all diocesan communications, to ensure a frequent, consistent and synodal message. We wish to increase the number of representatives, especially recruiting people who are/have been engaged in media & communications. If interested or want more information, please contact Canon Danny McLoughlin at [email protected]. We pray for those who have died recently: Marion Collins, Joseph Vaz, and for the Anniversaries of George Docherty, Mary Teresa Ellis, Frank Foy, Maria Herbert, Charlie Hughes, Ian Mc Garrigle, Catherine Mc Guire, Michael Mc Guire, Mary Mc Quade, Monica Tipping.