Special Collection Holy Places: Change of date
Due to Covid-19 and the closure of our Churches, the Holy See has asked that the Diocese choose another suitable date for the collection of the Holy Places. As a diocese we have chosen the Sunday nearest “The Exaltation of the Cross” on Sunday the 12th September. This collection is for the upkeep and repair of the fifty shrines that are dear to Christians and pilgrims the world over; and for the Church’s pastoral, educational, social and cultural mission in the Holy Land, including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of Mary and Joseph’s homes in Nazareth, Peter’s house in Capernaum, the Upper Room of the Last Supper and of Pentecost and the Church of the Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre. In 2018 this collection raised £18,048 which is fully remitted to the Commissariat of the Holy Land. Stations of the Cross There will be Stations of the Cross this Sunday at 3pm in St John’s only. Holy Week Masses & Services (Book online from 9am and by phone from 11am on Monday 29th) Live stream here
Easter Vigil St John’s Rachel Gibson will be received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for her as she makes her final preparations. We also thank the RCIA team of Kevin & Liz New, Eileen Capaldi and Fr Jonathan for accompanying Rachel on her faith journey and giving her instruction on the Catholic Faith. First Reconciliation/Confession The pupils of St John’s, St Mark’s and St Thomas will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession on Mon 29th, Tues 30th and Wed 31st of March in their respective schools. Please keep all the pupils of Primary 4 in your prayers. Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). SCIAF Lenten Appeal To contribute to SCIAF this year, you can do so by either sending a cheque to SCIAF, 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PR or donating securely via their website www.sciaf.org.uk We will not be accepting monies/coins at the Church. From Diocesan Accountant St John’s, Barrhead: As you know we have been continuing to keep an eye on your account, so you are not too worried over this period. We will make sure you have enough funds in your account to see you through this present virus. We calculate the potential loss of weekly income for St John’s Barrhead is around £2,892 per week. This equates to £12,532 over the next month with restricted numbers at public masses. We can also try to advise on any ways to minimise expenditure. Your monthly standing orders from parishioners was £1,421 per month (pre-coronavirus) and have increased to £3,139 per month by February 2021 per BOS statement. St Thomas, Neilston: We calculate the potential loss of weekly income for St Thomas is around £668 per week. This equates to £2,895 over the next month with restricted numbers at public masses. Your monthly standing orders from parishioners were £1,677 per month (pre-coronavirus) and have increased to £2,415 per month by February 2021 per CB bank statement. We can also try to advise on any ways to minimise expenditure. Finally, please review your summary of loose change at the back of your 2020/21 weekly income books to see if you have reached the £8,000 limit yet. If so, please copy this summary and forward it to Claire Carballo to allow her to process your 2020/21 SDS gift aid claim of £2,000. (This was normally raised by September each year, but we are still £1,500 short, so we will not be able to get the £2,000 from the loose change 20/21 non-gift aid) New Envelopes for Tax Year 21/21 These will be available from next weekend only for those who pay Tax. Those who pay by Standing Order will receive only envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund / Second Collections and the other group of Tax payers will receive all the weekly envelopes and Building Fund/Second Collections. Those who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. Funerals Matt McColl Tuesday 6th April at 10am (St John’s) Please pray for those who have died recently especially Anne Marie Farren, Matt McColl, Willie McGee; and for those whose Anniversary occurs around this time Gavin Conafray, John Graham, Hanah & John Hughes, Walter McCready, Betty Mc Flynn, Bill McLaughlan, Lynne Naughton, Thomas Orr. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays. All Anniversaries handed in, should be for the forthcoming weekend. This avoids notices being lost/misplaced if the Anniversary is not intended for the forthcoming weekend but for another.