Second Collection this weekend 24th/25th April: Vocations & Ecclesiastical Students
This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. Currently we have four students whose seminary fees are £20,000 per year. As well as supporting them this collection goes to the upkeep of our Scots College in Rome that welcomes many visitors from Scotland as a place of hospitality for Scots in Rome. In 2018 this collection and our Friends Campaign raised £28,845 which represents 43% of our expenditure of £66,030, resulting in a shortfall of £37,185, which was funded from general diocesan reserves. New Envelopes for Tax Year April 21/22 These are nowavailable after all the weekend Masses. Please collect themfrom the link corridor to the church house and then exitthrough the side door. The box contains envelopes for each week and also the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Those who pay their weekly donation by Standing Order also receive a Box of envelopes but only for the 12 Monthly Parish Building Fund & Diocesan Second Collections. Please inform us if you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am- 9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass). Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confirmations St Mark’s Primary: Tue 27th April & Wed 28th April at 7pm St John’s Primary: Tue 4th May & Wed 5th May at 7pm St Thomas Primary: Mon 10th May at 7pm in St John’s Please keep the pupils, parents and sponsors in your prayers. May, the Month of Mary During the Sundays of May at 3pm, we will pray the Rosary, have a short talk on Our Lady and conclude with Benediction.The Vatican has announced a rosary initiative dedicating the month of May to prayer for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, said April 21 that “for the deep desire of the Holy Father, the month of May will be dedicated to a prayer marathon with the theme ‘Prayer to God went up incessantly from the whole Church.’” St Joseph Statue In this year of St Joseph we would like to place fresh flowers before the statue. To defray the cost, you may like to place a donation in the flower box in the porch or hand into the church house in an envelope. Funeral this week Thursday 29th April at 10am for Michael Ahearne. R.I.P St Anthony’s Box £109.35 from St John’s & £186.40 from St Thomas was sent to the Benedictine Sisters in Largs. On the 18th of April the Sisters prayed especially for our Parishes. Fourth Sunday of Easter – 25th April 2021 Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for those discerning a call to priesthood or religious life. Is that you? Speak to our Vocations Director, Fr. John Morrison tel: 0141 8895056 or e-mail [email protected] The Scottish Parliamentary Elections As you begin considering how to vote please check out our Scottish Bishops Election Resource link: Scottish Parliament Election 2021 – Catholic Parliamentary Office ( It lets you know where political parties stand on issues that impinge upon our Catholic faith and life and is also being updated with particular candidates’ positions on these matters. Care Not Killing 'We need to improve how we care for people, not kill them.' Please contact your election candidates via this website to ask them to support palliative care for the dying. East Renfrewshire Food Bank The Food Bank are asking for donations of tinned rice, coffee and washing powder.There is a box in the Church & Hall to place your donations (St John’s). Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). Scripture and Spirituality Conference 10th – 11th July 2021 John of the Cross and the experience of transforming love. This years’ conference focuses on St. John of the Cross and his life changing teachings of how love can transform each and every one of us. Through six thought provoking talks, each of us can learn how to become beacons of light to greater reflect Christ and offer hope to a world in much need of healing. This year, we have been blessed with six renowned speakers, authors and experts, who will bring St. John’s teachings to life and transform how we grow in our love and spirituality. For more information or contact [email protected] Tel: 07849 596 572 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures 25-27 May 2021 Attached is some information for this year’s PluscardenPentecost Lectures. It is now looking very unlikely that the Lectures will, for the second year running, be hosted in the usual venue of St Scholastica’s Guesthouse, PluscardenAbbey. It is also looking less possible that our Lecturer, Fr Thomas Joseph White OP, will be permitted to travel from Rome to Pluscarden. However, provisional plans have been made to live stream his talks, probably directly from Rome, at the usual times from the Tuesday to Thursday after Pentecost. For those unable to tune in at these times, recordings will be available on the Abbey website: Further information is available from Prior Benedict Hardy OSB: [email protected] Please pray for those who have died recently especially Michael Ahearne, Kathleen Curran, Helen Farrell, Evelyn Gallacher, Jonathan Gilmour, David Hutchinson and for the Anniversaries of James Bisland, Margaret Carr, Desmond Coleman, Grace & Robert Collins, Margaret Ellis, John Marshall, Barbara Mc Aleavy, Peggy MacMillan, William McMaster, Fr John McNamara, Anne Richardson, Cathie Szuster. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays.