Click here to Eleventh Sunday Year A 18th of June 23
St John the Evangelist: Collections First Collection GA £530.00 NGA £784.06 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £132.00 St Anthony £89.33 Sick & Retired Priests GA £695.80 NGA £528.67 Special Collection - Peter’s Pence - 25 June: This is the practice of the laity to provide financial support to the Holy See to allow the Holy Father the means to respond to those suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. Gift Aid 22-23 Claim: We received back from the Inland Revenue £21, 157.71 and £1,190.71 for Second Collections which goes to Diocese. Thank you to all those who Gift Aid. You can still sign up for Gift Aid for 23-24 A Day for life today: This year’s theme, listen to her, tells Jane’s Story of the healing a woman found through the Church and the Sacraments and a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat following the tragic circumstances of her own abortion and her long journey back to peace and light. Through it, she came to admit the reality of her abortion but also the realisation that she was given no real choice. In the end she discovered the consolation of accepting herself and her motherhood in the grace of God. For more information see Day for Life - Catholic Bishops' Conference ( Copy of Bishop John’s letter on website and facebook and on noticeboards in porch. Feast of St Jose Maria Escriva: Fr Stephen Reynolds will be Principal Celebrant at Mass this Monday, the 19th of June at 7pm to celebrate the founder of Opus Dei. He is a Priest of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. A personal prelature is a judicial structure of a secular character governed by a Prelate and erected by the Holy See to carry out specific pastoral or missionary activities. Opus Dei is a personal Prelature, international in scope, which aims to spread throughout all sectors of society a deep awareness of the universal call to sanctity and apostolate in the fulfilment of one’s ordinary job or profession. It is formed by a Prelate with his own clergy and lay people, men/women, who in virtue of a divine vocation freely join the Prelature. There will be No Morning Mass on Monday 19th at 10am St Marks Primary School Coffee Morning: This weekend and donations of home baking and raffle prizes are gratefully appreciated and can be handed into the hall before the 10am Mass. Diocesan Young Adults (18-35): A Defence of Catholic Moral Teaching, concludes on Wed 21st June. In the next talk, For the Lord is our Judge; the Lord is our Lawgiver, Mr Anthony Horan will discuss the relationship between Church and state. Please arrive at the diocesan office before 7pm. The talk will be followed by an opportunity to socialise over drinks in a local bar. Details of future talks in the series can be found on Facebook. Barrhead Food Bank: For the first time since it opened, the Food Bank is short of foodstuffs. Please give if you can. The collection point is in the porch. Dial a Mass: If you are unable to attend Mass in person and have no access to the Internet, the Diocese offers a phone Mass. Holy Mass is available to listen to from 12 noon every day. The number to call is: 0141-473 4869. Diocese of Paisley Safeguarding Thought for the Month: Safeguarding is a duty that is rooted in the message of Jesus and in the mission of the Catholic Church Fair Pay for Social Care Campaign The declaration is open for signing until the end of June after which we will present it (hopefully with a good number of signatories) at a meeting with the Scottish Government. For more information go to SSVP Youth to Lourdes Collection: To help with expenses the St Vincent de Paul will donate their box collections this weekend to those young parishoners from the parish who are going to Lourdes. We pray for those who have died recently: Bishop Maurice Taylor, Joyce Nicol and for the Anniversaries of Irene & Mark Clougherty, Freda Hanlon, Isabel Keegan, Iain Mc Kenna, Maria Minnery, Peter Mullen, Anna Sinclair. Fr. Neil Duffin, (2003) Fr. Alexander McCluskey (1987) and Fr. William Hayes, Cardinal Thomas J. Winning (2001) edit.