Easter Vigil 3rd April
8pm (St John’s/St Thomas) Easter Sunday 4th April 8:30am, 10am (St Thomas) 8:30am,10am, 11:30am (St John’s), No evening Mass. Easter Vigil St John’s Rachel Gibson will be received into the Catholic Church this evening at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for her as she makes her final preparations. We also thank the RCIA team of Kevin & Liz New, Eileen Capaldi and Fr Jonathan for accompanying Rachel on her faith journey and giving her instruction on the Catholic Faith. Confessions Saturday: 10:30am- 11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturday: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) Divine Mercy Sunday Jesus said to St Faustina (Diary No 699) “My daughter tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet”. Jesus promises that the soul that’s been to Confession and receives Holy Communion will be completely wiped away of the two stains that are on our soul. Those stains are sin and the temporal punishment due to sin. The special grace promised by our Lord for Divine Mercy Sunday is nothing less than the equivalent of a complete renewal of baptismal grace in the soul. We will have at 3pm next Sunday, an afternoon of God’s Mercy with Adoration, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession. 11th April Divine Mercy Sunday No evening Mass at 5pm because of the service at 3pm. There will be a Mass at 8:30am instead. The 5pm Evening Mass will return to normal on the 18th April. Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). Thank You A big thank you from Fr Joe & Fr Jonathan to all those who helped during the Holy Week/Easter Weekend with cleaning the church and attending to the altar linens, the altar servers/sacristans, the stewards, and florists. Your assistance and commitment are very much appreciated. St Joseph Statue In this year of St Joseph we would like to place fresh flowers before the statue. To defray the cost, you may like to place a donation in the flower box in the porch or hand into the church house in an envelope. Think Vocation “The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue.” Jesus gave everything out of love for us. Are you being called to reflect the Master’s sacrifice by offering yourself as a priest, a deacon or religious? Speak to Fr. John Morrison e-mail: [email protected] or tel: 01418895056. Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Mission House for Young Adults Craig Lodge Community is offering a new opportunity to young Catholics on how to live a life of mission. Craig Lodge Mission House is a nine-month residential programme for any young adult between the ages of 18-30 who desires to become a passionate lover of Jesus and become Spirit-filled evangelisers for the renewal of the Church,” (Pope Francis). Community, prayer and studying of the Catholic faith and learning to proclaim the Good News to others”. The mission house will begin in September 2021 and applications are now being accepted. Visit the Craig Lodge website for more details. www.craiglodge.org/missionhouse Online Marriage Counselling available during Covid-19 Crisis Our diocese has a Counselling Service for Catholics Married in the Catholic Church with our dedicated Catholic Marriage Counsellor. If you are concerned about your relationship and feel you are both unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The counsellor is there to maintain a neutral, non-judgmental position. For information or advice please email in confidence [email protected] New Envelopes for Tax Year 21/21 These will be available from this Monday the 5th of April after the 10am Mass. Please collect from the Sacristy and exit along the link corridor to the church house and then through the side door. This allows us to keep our two -meter social distancing. The envelopes are only for those who pay Tax. For those that do not use Standing Orders you will receive a box of envelopes for each weekly collection and also for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Second Collections. Those who pay by Standing Order will receive a box of envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund & Second Collections. Please inform us if and when you cease to pay tax. Those, who do not pay tax can set up also a Standing Order. Funerals: Matt Mc Coll Tues 6th April at 10am (St John’s) Please pray for those who have died recently especially Matt McColl, Agnes O’ Donnell, Betty Robertson, Louise De Souza, and for those whose Anniversary occurs around this time Bridget Cloherty, Eric Coyne, Claudina Fernandes, Paul Fitzpatrick, John Hill, Josephine Hill, John & Hannah Hughes, James Kierney, Aidan Longwill, Suzy Tinsley. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays. All Anniversaries handed in, should be for the forthcoming weekend. This avoids notices being lost/misplaced if the Anniversary is not intended for the forthcoming weekend but for another.