Divine Mercy Sunday A 16th April 2023
St John the Evangelist: Collections: First Collection GA £ 484.00 NGA £1202.87 Monthly Standing Orders: £3,818.00 Building Fund GA £ 109.00. St Anthony £67.01 Holy Places: £971.16 St Anthony’s Box March: £341.74 was raised throughout March and the first week of April and has been sent to Mary’s Meals. Eastertide Flowers: If you would like to defray the expenses of the Eastertide flowers, you can place monies into the flower box in the porch. New Gift Aid Weekly & Second Collection Envelopes for 23-24: These are now available from the link corridor for those who pay tax. For those who pay by Standing Order on the First Collection, there are Gift Aid envelopes for the 12 Monthly Building Fund and Diocesan Special Collections (9). St. Conval’s Cemetery Mass: The Cemetery Mass will take place this Sunday 16th April at 2pm, celebrated by Bishop John. All welcome. There will be a link available to be able to watch from home if you cannot participate in person. Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration Sunday 16 April 2023 4 p.m. – St Mary’s Church, Paisley: There will be a Holy Hour at 4 p.m. led by Fr Michael Kane. Confessions will be available during the Holy Hour and then Holy Mass will be celebrated after the Holy Hour by Bishop Keenan at 5 p.m. In one of the most extraordinary homilies of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II repeated three times that St Faustina is "God's gift to our time, the "bridge to the third millennium Funeral this week: John (Ian) Grady on Thursday 20th April at 10.00am. SPUC Pro-Life Chain: We will peacefully witness to over 10 million lives lost to abortion in this country since the Abortion Act came into effect in 1968. This takes place on Saturday 22 April at Lothian Road, Edinburgh from 11:00 – 13:00 There will be a Rosary offered by Archbishop Leo Cushley at 10:00 in Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, ahead of the chain. Refreshments will be available after the event. Rethink Abortion Interactive Training Day: To learn to have more productive conversations on abortion and get equipped to deal with real life scenarios. Clarify your own beliefs and become more effective in your pro-life communication. Sat 13th May from 10am-5pm in Turnbull Hall Catholic Chaplaincy, 15 Southpark Terrace. For more info or to book a place go to https://www.marchforlife.co.uk/rethink-abortion/ Tickets are £25 with lunch included. Sacred Heart Companions Prayer Group: Next meeting this Tuesday 18th April from 1pm-2pm in Oratory. "First Communicant Retreat Day: This will be held next Sunday 23 April 9am - 15.30pm. This retreat aims to give the children a chance to encounter Jesus in an intimate way before their First Holy Communion. It will include catechism, meditation and Mass. Please bring a packed lunch for the children attending the retreat. Diocesan Young Adults (18-35) Our series of talks, In God's Image: A Defence of Catholic Moral Teaching, continues on Wed 26th April. In the next talk, Male and Female He Created Them, Fr Emmet O’Dowd will discuss the Catholic understanding of the human person and some contemporary ideological challenges. Please arrive at the diocesan office before 7pm. The talk will be followed by an opportunity to socialise over drinks in a local bar. Details of future talks in the series can be found on Facebook. Film Cross Mountain: One night only at Cineworld Cinema, Parkhead on Tues 25th April @7.30pm. Buy tickets at TicketSource CrossMountain. Film is about 8 young adults who go on Pilgrimage to Cross Mountain, Medugorje that completely transformed their lives. We pray for those who have died recently: John (Ian) Grady, Anne Kelly, John Lafferty and for the Anniversaries of John Bentley, Nan Brady, Margaret Conafray, Eamon Delaney, John Delaney, Marietta Felletti, Sharon Giblin, Christopher Lunday, Robin Millar, Helen Mullaney, Thomas Mc Allister, David, Robert & Susan Mc Carthy. k here to edit.