The camera has finally been fitted to the church which means we can now have Mass each day at 10am live streamed! Obviously everything is new and there may be some teething issues but we welcome any constructive comments to improve for the future. To link in, just clink the link on this website, visit sjte.uk/live or type “St John’s Church, Barrhead” into the YouTube search box and it’ll take you to us. If you have the YouTube app on your phone, tablet, TV or other device, you can also search for us there. Remember also, if you miss Mass you can simply rewind until it started. A special word of thanks to all those who support the Ladies Nights in the parish—it was money raised at these events which has paid for the installation of the camera and licence. Thank you, ladies! We promise to support you all the more when things get back to normal! God bless. Fr Joe