First: Gift Aid £375.00, Non-Gift Aid £451.78 Monthly Standing Orders: £2,823. Building Fund GA: £10.00 St Anthony’s Box: £4.86 Special Collection: Education 21st/ 22nd November 2020 This collection supports the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) which promotes and protects our Catholic schools in issues of national significance, and supports our schools, parishes and dioceses. The national office supports three employees. In 2019 this collection a raised £18,530, which represents 50% of our expenditure of £37,340, resulting in a shortfall of £18,810. Level 4 Lockdown (St John's) Mass numbers have been reduced to 20 people per Mass. For weekday Masses, 15 can be booked through Eventbrite and 5 by phone. You can only book after 11am for Mass for the next day by Eventbrite and phone. For Sunday Masses you can book on Tuesdays online from 9am (15 places) and by phone on Tuesdays from 11am (5 places). Please give everyone a chance to attend Mass and do not book multiple Masses. You cannot not attend Mass without prior booking. You have to speak with Fr Joe/Jonathan or Eileen the housekeeper to confirm a place by phone. Messages left on the answer machine should not be regarded as a booked place. Level 4 Lockdown (St Thomas) For Sunday Masses you can book online (15 places) after the last Sunday Mass (11am) for the following weekend. By phone, 5 places are available. You do not have to book for weekday Masses, however if people abuse this, we will change to online booking. You have to speak with Fr Joe/Jonathan or Eileen the housekeeper to confirm a place by phone. Messages left on the answer machine should not be regarded as a booked place. Rorate Masses in Advent This is a Votive Mass in honour of Our Blessed Lady and is celebrated before dawn in candlelit. By the end of Mass, the sun is starting to rise, it is the dawn of a new day. This is a clear reminder of the True Light, which is Christ, who banishes the darkness of sin and death. In Advent we prepare with Our Blessed Mother to receive Christ, the light of the world once again in our lives at Christmas. The Rorate Masses will be on Tuesdays at 7:30am in Advent and is an additional Mass to the 10am weekday morning Masses. The first is Tuesday the 1st of December. Advent Confessions As well as the Saturday morning Confessions in St John's and St Thomas after the 10am Mass, there will be Confessions each Wednesday of Advent in St Johns from 7pm until 8pm. The first Wednesday of Advent is the 2nd of December. Feast of the Immaculate Conception 8th December: St John's There will be three Masses on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at 7:30am, 10am and 7pm. We will consecrate the Parish of St John's at all these Masses. You can bring along water, salt and religious articles (Rosaries, Scapulars, statues etc) which we will bless at the end of each Mass. St Thomas’s Annual Consecration to Our Blessed Mother will take place as per usual on the 1st of January, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Jesse Tree appeal for Christmas: (St John's/St Thomas) For the past few years the Parishes and the Mini Vinnies have very generously given wrapped gifts for families in our schools and to Our Lady of the Wayside Centre. This year due to infection control we cannot give wrapped gifts, but the need to help families is greater than usual. We would like to give gift tokens to families in need in Barrhead & Neilston. If you are able to give, please give gift tokens, either from Silverburn or the Post Office, preferably ones which can be used in different shops. Gift tokens should be in envelopes with the amount marked on the outside so that they can be fairly distributed. Please hand tokens in at Mass or post them through the parish house letterbox. (both parishes). Funerals in St Johns this week at 10am Mass Mon 23rd Nov: Josephine Allen Sat 28th Nov: Andrew McCann Vocations “I shall look after my flock myself… I myself will pasture my sheep.” Is the Lord asking you to share in his pastoral love for his people, perhaps in diocesan priesthood, diaconate or religious life? Contact Fr. John Morrison phone: 0141 8895056 or email [email protected] ACN Scotland National RedWednesday Event, Sponsored by John Mason MSP We invite you to our ACN Scotland National RedWednesday Event on Wednesday 25th November at 7:30pm. ‘ACN’s #Red Wednesday Event is an evening for the people of Scotland to stand together to raise the profile of what is happening to Christians and all those persecuted for their peacefully held beliefs around the world.’ Speakers: John Pontifex, ACN’s Head of Press and Media, Jamie Kerr, Specialist on Immigration Law and a Minister of the Scottish Parliament TBC. The event will be live streamed via our Crowdcast platform, please follow the link below prior to the event and click the ‘Save my spot’ button to gain access on the evening of the event. Crowdcast Link: Scottish RedWednesday Digital Showreel In addition to the mini events that will take place in schools and parishes on RedWednesday, ACN in Scotland have created a digital showreel which captures the spirit of our RedWednesday Campaign in Scotland. MSP’s, Faith Leaders, Students, Teachers and Benefactors will share what our campaign means to them and highlight why it is important to make a stand for Religious Freedom. Please follow the link to view > Aid to the Church in Need ‘Set You Captives Free Petition Over the last five years our #RedWednesday campaign has been hugely successful in drawing attention to the human rights tragedy of Christian and other religious persecution. Now a global initiative, endorsed by the UK government, it is time to make #RedWednesday a campaign that can really change lives. Raped, forced to marry and convert, and now facing death threats, Christian girl Maira Shahbaz, 14, from Pakistan, urgently needs asylum. Maira and her family are in hiding from extremists who accuse her of apostasy and want her dead. We invite you to sign the ACN petition calling on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to grant UK asylum to Maira and her family> Cardinal Winning Lecture 2020 This will be given by Dr Rebekah Lamb, Lecturer in Theology and Arts School of Divinity in St Andrew’s University. The lecture is on St Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church for our times. It is on the 28th November, online via zoom. Register Safeguarding ‘Thought for the Month’ - November 2020 The Catholic Church is committed to respecting, protecting and nurturing the dignity of all people. Keyholders Would all those with Church keys please return to Fathers Joe & Jonathan so that we can update for the alarm company all Keyholders and also for Insurance purposes. Once we have updated the list they will be returned to those who require them. We pray for those who have died recently especially Josephine Allen, Margaret Davidones, Richard Fulllarton, Connie Fraser, John Hutchison, Patricia MacAvoy, Andrew McCann, Alex McDade, Alex Taylor and for the Anniversaries of James Connolly, Martin Cuddihy, Kevin Fitzgerald, Annetta Furie, John Gormlie, John Hearns, May Lafferty, Willie Martin, Marie McGuire, Gerard McGuire, Mary MacSorley, James MacSorley, Charles Shields. Reminder: All must receive Holy Communion in the hand and not on the tongue. Please leave the Church after receiving Holy Communion by the one-way system, following the directions and instructions of the stewards. Thank you for your co-operation in keeping others and yourself safe.