Good Friday Collection
There will be a collection on Good Friday for the Holy Places. Stations of the Cross There will be Stations of the Cross via livestream this Sunday at 3pm and on Thursday at 9:30am before Mass. Funerals Anthony Finnigan, Tues 23rd March (St Thomas) at 10am Edward Mc Allister, Wed 24th (St Thomas) at 10am Mary McGilloway, Fri 26th March (St John's) at 10am Re-opening of Churches The Church will re-open for Holy Mass at 10:00am this Friday 26th of March. There will be no need to book for weekday Mass with Adoration at 9:30am (both parishes). Confessions on Saturday 27th after the 10:00am Mass (St John's/St Thomas) and 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John's). You will be able to book for the weekend of Palm Sunday from Tuesday 23rd online at 9am and by phone at 11am. We are allowed 50 people in the Church & another 50 in the hall at St John's and 27 in St Thomas, in line with two -meter distance. Holy Week Masses & Services Sat 27th March- 4th April (Easter Sunday)
Easter Vigil - St John's Rachel Gibson will be received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for her as she makes her final preparations. We also thank the RCIA team of Kevin & Liz New, Eileen Capaldi and Fr Jonathan for accompanying Rachel on her faith journey and giving her instruction on the Catholic Faith. First Reconciliation/Confession The pupils of St John's, St Mark's and St Thomas will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession on Mon 29th, Tues 30th and Wed 31st of March in their respective schools. Please keep all the pupils of Primary 4 in your prayers. Vocations: Fifth Sunday of Lent – 21st March 2021 Some people approach Philip to ask if they can meet Jesus. Perhaps you could be the one who introduces others to him today, especially in his word and through the sacraments. Contact Fr. J Morrison on 0141 889 5056 0r e-mail [email protected] Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). SCIAF Lenten Appeal To contribute to SCIAF this year, you can do so by either sending a cheque to SCIAF, 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PR or donating securely via their website We will not be accepting monies/coins at the Church house. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Peter Callendar, Alice Lowell, Anthony Finnigan, Neil McDade, Bridgid McGee, Mary McGilloway, Edward McAllister, Therese Scott and for those whose Anniversary occurs around this time John Devon Brown, Irene & Mark Clougherty, John Coelho, Winnie Devlin, Patricia Duffin, Betty & Joe Gallacher, Lizzy Kerr, Nancy McConachie, Dick McCormick, James McDade, Mary McDuff, Edward McGorrian, Billy McKay, Robert O’Neill, Grace Sherlock, Patricia Stewart, Charles Szuster. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays. All Anniversaries handed in should be for the forthcoming weekend. This avoids notices being lost/misplaced if the Anniversary is not intended for the forthcoming weekend but for another. ACN’s Virtual Sunday Lunch What if you could provide a hot meal for a desperate Christian family in Lebanon while you enjoy your Sunday lunch at home? Join CAN benefactors and parishes across the UK for a virtual Sunday lunch in aid of the St. John the Merciful Table, a fantastic initiative that serves daily meals to over 1,500 struggling Christians in Lebanon. The Virtual Sunday Lunch will take place on 21st March 2021 at 1pm. If you are interested in joining this event and would like more information, please visit Enjoy a full line-up of prayer, videos, music and more! Online Marriage Counselling available during Covid 19 Crisis Our diocese has a Counselling Service for Catholics Married in the Catholic Church with our dedicated Catholic Marriage Counsellor. If you are concerned about your relationship and feel you are both unable to reach a conclusion alone, it is likely that you will benefit from marriage counselling. The counsellor is there to maintain a neutral, non-judgmental position. For information or advice please email in confidence [email protected]