SCIAF & Papal & Episcopal & St. Mirin’s Fund - 14 March 2021
The proceeds of this collection are divided 75% to SCIAF and 25% to our new St Mirin’s Fund. SCIAF is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It works in sixteen countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to help the poorest in the world, regardless of religion, to work their way out of poverty. The St. Mirin’s Fund awards small grants for good causes that promote the Kingdom of God among us, with special consideration to: children and young people, the elderly, those with disabilities and special needs, or suffering from poverty, mental illness, homelessness or refugees. In 2018 this collection raised £28,013, which represents 110% of our expenditure of £25,389 resulting in a small fund surplus of £2,624. The Papal & Episcopal Fund also contributed £15,000 from reserves to the SPRED Fund. Monthly St Anthony’s Monies St John's: £65.00 sent to Benedictine Sisters, Largs. St Thomas: £55.00 sent to Benedictine Sisters, Largs. Church services during lockdown – live stream here Holy Mass: Daily @ 10am (Sunday also @ 11:30am) Adoration: Daily @ 9am Rosary: Daily @ 9:30am Divine Mercy: Fridays @ 3pm Stations of the Cross There will be Stations of the Cross via livestream each Sunday of Lent at 3pm and this Friday at 9:30am before Mass. Dial a Mass For those who have no Internet access, you can listen to Mass each day on a free line 0141 473 4869 (Fr Jonathan on Thursdays/Fr Joe on Fridays). Adult Education Talks You are invited to our next talk on Monday 15th March at 6:30pm on The Social Doctrine of the Church by Mgr. Gerry Gallagher. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 435655 Think Vocation “We are preaching a crucified Christ.” Why not consider the call to preach the Gospel of the crucified and risen Christ as a Diocesan priest or permanent deacon? Speak to Fr. John Morrison tel: 0141 8895056 or e-mail [email protected] SCIAF Lenten Appeal To contribute to SCIAF this year, you can do so by either sending a cheque to SCIAF, 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PR or donating securely via their website We will not be accepting monies/coins at the Church house. Solemnity of St Joseph Thursday 19th March Bishop John has asked parishes to pray for all those who have died due to the Covid pandemic, on the Solemnity of St Joseph. This was the day when churches closed for the first-time last year. Parishioners are invited to send names of those who have died due to Covid to their parishes. These names will be remembered on St Joseph’s Feast Day. Novena to St Joseph We invite you to join in a Novena to St Joseph beginning on Wednesday 10th March until 18th March, in time to celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph on the 19th at 7pm. You can view the Novena and prayers to St Joseph on the parish website/facebook. Moodie's Funeral Directors A big thank you to Moodie's Funeral Directors who gave a donation to St John's/St Thomas towards the cost of supplying hand sanitiser and also for the personal donation they give to the parish after each funeral. New Gift Aid Envelopes (St John’s) Because of the Lockdown many Gift Aid envelopes and Non-Gift Aid envelopes were not collected. Given the present circumstances, extra care and attention must be given to the Parish budget. It costs the parish £800 each year to buy envelopes for collections. To aid our budgeting this year the following changes will have to be made. Envelopes will be ordered for the following groups only:
ACN’s Virtual Sunday Lunch What if you could provide a hot meal for a desperate Christian family in Lebanon while you enjoy your Sunday lunch at home? Join ACN benefactors and parishes across the UK for a virtual Sunday lunch in aid of the St. John the Merciful Table, a fantastic initiative that serves daily meals to over 1,500 struggling Christians in Lebanon. The Virtual Sunday Lunch will take place on 21st March 2021 at 1pm. If you are interested in joining this event and would like more information, please visit Enjoy a full line-up of prayer, videos, music and more! St Thomas 200 Club draw (1st prize £60 & 2nd £30). January
Please pray for those who have died recently especially Susan Chalmers, Eileen Gordon, and 6 Months mind of Patricia McLaughlan, and for the Anniversaries of Sean Carlin, Anju Fernandes, Mary Gourlay, Stephen Hickey, Mary Hughes, Teresa Leckie, Frank Monaghan, Marion Rose McDermott, Gerard & Maria McGuire, James & Mary MacSorley, Mary Traynor, Mary Wilson. Can we remind everyone that Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays. All Anniversaries handed in, should be for the forthcoming weekend. This avoids notices being lost/misplaced if the Anniversary is not intended for the forthcoming weekend but for another.