Sunday Collections May we take this opportunity to thank all those parishioners who have continued to support the parish financially each week during the lockdown through their Standing orders and those who have handed in their weekly offerings at Mass or into the Church house. May we also thank all those who have started new standing orders and also those who have become new gift aiders. With people being furloughed and some unfortunately losing jobs we have dispensed with the Legacy collections in St Johns as from the last weekend in October. Once again thank you for your generosity. Next Diocesan Second Collection for Education: Weekend 21st/22nd November
Annual Holy Mass - Hawkhead Cemetery Father Joe Burke will celebrate in St Mirin’s Cathedral the Annual Holy Mass for the souls of the faithful departed of Hawkhead Cemetery this Sunday the 8th November at 12:00pm. Unfortunately, due to Covid, the Mass will not be in the cemetery itself this year. All those with loved ones resting there are invited to join him online or in church through Eventbrite booking. Mass is livestreamed at: November, Month of the Holy Souls Mass each day in November is offered for the Souls in Purgatory. They are assured of heaven but judged at the moment of death to be in need of further purification, for the sins they committed and that they made inadequate reparation for them while on earth. November lists are available as you leave the Church please and return with your offering for Masses as soon as possible. All the lists of names will be placed before the Altar during November. Remembrance Sunday Remembrance Sunday is very much different this year because of the Pandemic. Fathers Joe & Jonathan have taken part via video this year as they cannot be physically present due to restrictions. On Sunday these videos will be posted on the Councils social media platforms of Facebook and Twitter at 11am and also on the Parish website of St John’s and St Thomas’s. Scottish Interfaith week 8-15 November “Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.” (Fratelli Tutti 8). Today is the beginning of Scottish Interfaith week. It is an opportunity for Catholics to follow the example set by our Holy Father Pope Francis to reach out to our neighbours and to recognise all people of faith as our brothers and sisters. Take the opportunity this week to pray that people of faith might work together for peace in our world and in our country. Interfaith Scotland’s website gives notification of the many interfaith events happening throughout the country this week if you would like to get involved. Community Circle of Prayer Every Friday evening people gather on line at 7pm for The Community Circle of Prayer. This half hour event simply consists of a little music, some readings and the opportunity to share our prayer petitions and support others in theirs. Why not spend half an hour with us this Friday in community and fellowship? You would be most welcome! To join please use the Zoom link Adult Education Talks This series of talks continues on Monday 16th November on Zoom at 6:30pm with Mgr. Denis Carlin on the theme of Liturgy. Register through the link below. Passcode: 058852 Adult Education Future talks These will take place on Monday 21st December with Canon Michael McMahon & Fr. Ryan Black on the theme of the New Testament and on Monday 18th January, Bishop John on the theme of the Teachings of Saint John Paul II. 100 Club Winners
Thank you to all those who have continued to support the Parish through the 100 Club. September and October’s winners are on the noticeboard. Please collect winnings from the Sacristy and with permission of the winner. for those unable to attend Mass, place collect on their behalf.
Jesse Tree appeal for Christmas For the past few years the parish has very generously chosen and wrapped gifts for families in our schools who struggle to have a good Christmas. As you know those most severely affected by Covid 19 are workers on furlough. This year due to infection control we cannot give wrapped gifts, but the need to help families is greater than usual. We would like to give gift tokens to families in need for parents to buy Christmas gifts. If you are able to give, please give gift tokens, either from Silverburn or the Post Office, preferably ones which can be used in different shops. Gift tokens should be in envelopes with the amount marked on the outside so that they can be fairly distributed. Please hand tokens in at Mass or post them through the parish house letterbox Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Service: National Safeguarding Webinar The Webinar will focus safeguarding and online risks in the pandemic both internationally and locally here in Scotland. This will take place on Saturday 14th November 11:00-13:30. Secure booking has been open since Monday 12th October. Any questions at this point, please email: [email protected] Safeguarding ‘Thought for the Month’ - November 2020 The Catholic Church is committed to respecting, protecting and nurturing the dignity of all people. Marriage Matters ( Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Wis 6:12-16 1 Thess 4:13-18 Matt 2:1-13) Always be ready. Jesus said we must always be ready for His second coming, ready to meet Him. Being ‘ready’ doesn’t mean spending all the time doing religious things. For married couples, being ‘ready’ means being ready to listen to each other, sharing thoughts and feelings. Keep your ‘love tank’ full by thinking of ways he or she can be surprised by love. Cardinal Winning Lecture 2020: This will be given by Dr Rebekah Lamb, Lecturer in Theology and Arts School of Divinity in St Andrew’s University. The lecture is on St Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church for our times. It is on the 28th November, online via zoom. Register here Thank you to John Anderson A grateful thanks to John Anderson who has retired as Gardener of our Parish Gardens. We thank him for his many years of dedicated and faithful service looking after the grounds. We wish him a happy and well- deserved retirement. Keyholders Would all those with Church keys please return to Fathers Joe & Jonathan so that we can update for the alarm company all Keyholders and also for Insurance purposes. Once we have updated the list they will be returned to those who require them. Alpha Course in the Catholic Context – Diocese of Paisley Evangelisation Commission Dear friends of Paisley diocese, the mission of the Church is to "Go, make disciples of all nations..." Matt 28. Alpha's mission is like it - we equip and serve the Church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. Jesus calls us to faithfulness to his mission regardless of the time and place we live. We know that 2020 has been a particularly challenging year due to the Covid-19 pandemic: lots of parishes are struggling financially; limitations on Mass attendance; parish ministries have had to reduce or stop altogether; continued social distancing has left priests and parishioners feeling disconnected and isolated; many priests feel overwhelmed and under resourced at this time. The idea of doing anything new can feel daunting, if not impossible. That's why, at Alpha, we want to help lighten that burden and equip parishes to raise leaders, share the good news of Jesus, connect people with each other and with God, and create community with other parishes. The team at Alpha - Catholic Context UK have developed new training for parishes in your diocese. This is a unique opportunity to be trained directly by the Alpha UK team to get up and running with Alpha Online. To register for training on Saturday 14th November 10am-1pm please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Roche at [email protected]. We can't wait to see you in November for the Alpha Online training! We pray for those who have died recently especially Danny O’Neil, Martha Sproul, Ann Redmond, Susanne White and Six Months Mind of Stuart Millar and for the Anniversaries of Leo Burns, Paul Cloherty, Ann & Vincent Costello, George & Jean Docherty, Billy Geddes, George Harris, Catherine Kelly, Jenny Monaghan, Mary Monaghan, Maureen Monaghan, William Munn, Mary McGilp, Annie & John McGowan, Noreen McGowan. Plenary Indulgence during month of November Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the need to avoid large groups from forming where prohibited, the Plenary Indulgence applicable to the deceased by those who visit a cemetery has been extended beyond the normal dates of 1st to 8th November. This year, the indulgence can be obtained by anyone who visits a cemetery, even if only mentally, on any day in November, and devoutly prays for the faithful departed. The Plenary Indulgence for the Feast of All Souls’ Day (2nd November) can be obtained this year not only on the preceding or succeeding Sunday, or on the actual Feast day, but on any other day of the month chosen by each member of the faithful. In this case, the indulgence is obtained by “devoutly visiting a church or an oratory”, along with the recitation of the Our Father and the Creed, and the other requirements associated with a Plenary Indulgence. The homebound: For anyone who cannot leave their home for various reasons, including anti-Covid restrictions, they too can obtain the Plenary Indulgence by “uniting themselves spiritually to other members of the faithful”. In this case, the condition of being “completely detached from sin” and the intention of completing the other requirements for obtaining a Plenary Indulgence remain. These conditions are Sacramental Confession, reception of Holy Communion and a prayer for the Holy Father’s intentions. The Decree suggests that such prayer take place before an “image of Jesus or the Blessed Virgin Mary”. Among the various prayers that are recommended are “prayers for the deceased, Morning or Evening Prayer from the Office of the Dead, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, meditating on various Gospel passages proposed for the liturgy of the Dead, or completing a work of mercy by offering to God the suffering and discomforts of one’s own life”. Reminder from the Diocese: All must receive Holy Communion in the hand and not on the tongue.