St John’s Sunday 5pm Mass
This Mass will not continue until after Summertime. St Thomas Sunday 8:30am Mass This will cease after this weekend. The Year of St Joseph Our third evening will take place on Thursday 5th August in St Mirin’s cathedral at 7pm, to pray for our Clergy and Religious commending them to St. Joseph. Please use Eventbrite link to book your tickets. Alternatively call Angela to book a place on 0141 237 3584. Carfin Day The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Carfin, led by Bishop John Keenan, will take place on Sunday 29th August. Mass with the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5:30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. March for Life UK This will take place on Saturday 4th September in Central London from approx. 10am-4:30pm. The Diocese of Paisley together with SPUC Glasgow are organising an overnight coach which will leave from St. Mirin’s Cathedral at midnight on Friday 2nd September picking up at St Andrew’s Cathedral and Gretna Green. The coach will return from parliament square at approx. 5:30pm with an ETA of midnight. The cost per person will be £30. To book a seat please use our Eventbrite link More information on the days’ event is available at Home - March for Life UK For all other enquiries please contact Marianne by email at [email protected] or Louise at [email protected] thank you. Think Vocation “I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist. Could you be called to priesthood, to bring the presence and power of Jesus to his people in the sacraments? Speak to our local Vocations Director. Fr. John Morrison -email [email protected] or phone 0141 8895056. Food Bank Gents toiletries are needed. Thank you for your continued and generous support. Daily Prayer to St Joseph (Year of St Joseph 8th Dec 2020 – 8th Dec 2021) Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen. Funeral in St John’s John (Jack) Cleary on Thursday 5th August at 10am. Please pray for those who have died recently especially Charles Clark, Danny Collins, Alan Jardine, Elizabeth McCann, Jean McGauley; and the 6 months mind of George Logue; and for the Anniversaries of John Byrne, James Devenny Jnr, Nancy Goldie, Margaret Gore, Mary Elizabeth Gribbon, Isobel Finnigan, George Howell, John Hughes, Agnes Major, Margaret Mooney, Thomas McAllister, Catherine McLaughlin, Martin Walker. Please hand in all notices and anniversaries for the Bulletin by 7pm on Thursdays.