Peter’s Pence - 26th/27 June
This is the practice of the laity to provide financial support to the Holy See to allow the Holy Father the means to respond to those suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. Catholics around the world contribute roughly £70M annually through this collection. The US is the biggest contributor at 30%, followed by Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Brazil and South Korea. You can donate easily to this collection by visiting our Diocesan website and clicking on the ‘Online Parish Offertory’. This allows you to donate to any of the causes or parishes of your choice. Many thanks Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:25am-9:55am (both parishes before the 10am Mass). Both Churches open at 9:15am. Confessions Saturdays: 10:30am-11am (St John’s/St Thomas) Saturdays: 3:15pm-3:45pm (St John’s) Evening Prayer and Benediction for the Year of St Joseph Bishop John invites all parishioners to join him in the first of our monthly devotions to St Joseph in this special Jubilee Year, dedicated to the patron saint of workers. This takes place at St Mirin’s Cathedral in Thursday 24th June at 7pm. All welcome to attend this monthly devotion. During our first evening we will pray for all our health workers, and those under their care. Come along and show your support and thanks for the incredible job they have done, and commend them to St Joseph for their continued good work. Please use the Eventbrite link to book your tickets. Alternatively, call St Margaret’s Church, Johnstone to book by phone on 01505320198. Second evening for the Year of St Joseph This will take place on Monday 12th July at 7pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral. This will be to pray for all our parish volunteers, workers and those involved in our SSVP, Legion of Mary and other organisations. All welcome to attend this devotion. Please use the Eventbrite link to book your tickets. Alternatively, call St Margaret’s Church, Johnstone to book by phone on 01505320198 St John’s Parish Fabric/Finance Group Next meeting is on Wednesday 23rd June at 7pm at the Church House. Think Vocation “Even the wind and the sea obey him.” Jesus brings calm when storms threated to overwhelm us. Could you bring his calming, restoring presence to others and inspire faith in times of anxiety? Speak to Fr. John Morrison, our Vocations Director, email [email protected] or phone 0141 889 5056. Bulletins We will resume the Bulletins next weekend, which will be handed out to you as you leave the Church. Reception of Holy Communion As from this Wednesday the 23rd of June, this will return to normal time after the Priest’s Communion (St John’s only). In order to avoid climbing/squeezing by others in the pew, could all leave their seats regardless of receiving Communion or not. Readers Anyone who was previously a reader please make yourself known to Fr Joe/Jonathan. Groups in the Parish Could any group leaders e.g. Legion of Mary, SVDP, Children’s Liturgy, Choir, Prayer Groups please see Fr Joe/Jonathan to speak about moving things forward with regard to meeting up. Altar Servers All previous Altar Servers and anyone wishing to become one should see Fr Joe/Jonathan along with their parent/guardian as soon as possible. Caritas Commission – ‘Improving the Cancer Journey’ The Caritas permanent commission would like to promote the work of ‘Improving the Cancer Journey’ within East Renfrewshire Council. Contact Lisa MacLeod - East Renfrewshire Macmillan Money Advice Team Telephone: 0141 577 8420 Email [email protected] Course to Qualify as RE Specialist Are you a qualified teacher, at secondary or primary level, interested in an advanced qualification as a RE specialist? The University of Glasgow is offering an ATQ in RE this coming academic year (21/22). Please sign up for this online information evening on Thursday 10 June at 6.00pm. To obtain the zoom link please contact [email protected] This qualification fulfils the requirement for applying to the GTCS for Professional Registration as a specialist Religious Education teacher in the Catholic Secondary school. Please find all the details, including teaching dates and cost, here: ATQRE: GTCS PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: Ordination of Rev Joseph Mc Gill: St Mirin’s Cathedral 6th July We pray for Deacon Joe McGill, soon to be ordained a Priest in our Diocese. We pray that Joe and all those preparing for ministerial priesthood may be ever conformed to Jesus, the High Priest. May they preach the Gospel with pure heart and clear conscience. May the Lord let them be shepherds according to His heart, single minded in service to God and the Church. Visitations to the Housebound & Sick Fr Joe & Jonathan have been visiting the Housebound & Sick but our list is incomplete. If you would like to be added to the List please inform the Parish. We need permission of the Housebound/Sick person themselves. (GDPR requirement). Please pray for those who have died recently, especially Angela Sawers, Anne Marie Smith and for the Anniversaries of Irene & Mark Clougherty, John Hughes, Maria Minery, Renee McCallum, Anthony McGowan, Patrick McGowan, Joseph McKay, Iain McKenna, Isobel McLean, William McQuarrie, Dr Frances Nicholson, Beatrice O’Neill, Jim Patterson, Cath Speirs. Anniversaries and all notices for the e-Bulletin should be handed in by 7pm on Thursdays.