Easter 2020
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St John’s,
As we enter into the holiest week of the church’s year-- the week which commemorates the betrayal of our Lord, his Last Supper with his Disciples, his Passion and Crucifixion, culminating in the great events of that first Easter Sunday, the effects of the Coronavirus are truly hitting home to us in a dramatic and poignant way.
As you know, we would normally gather in very large numbers to remember and celebrate these wondrous events, joining with our brothers and sisters throughout the world as they do the same in every country on the face of the earth. However, this year we find our churches closed due to the worldwide pandemic engulfing us all with no idea when this will come to an end and normality resume. More than ever we need to place our trust in God, believing He is watching over all of us and that He will always bring about His good, even from the darkest of situations. Fundamentally, as Christians and especially as Catholics, we are people of HOPE. This hope is not ill-founded or a mere pipe dream but rooted in the very real victory of the Resurrection of the Lord and His defeat of the powers of darkness. This victory reminds us of the ultimate power of God and that, as His children, it is a victory won for all of us. This assures us that no matter what we are going through, including this horrid virus and its effects upon us, our society and world, we know it will not last forever, that His light will always conquer the darkness and that goodness and truth will always prevail.
We may not be able to gather in the usual large numbers but please join with your brothers and sisters in the Faith here in St John’s, Paisley Diocese and indeed the world, as we journey through this week. Where possible, attend the Masses and services via television or internet. (Due to technical difficulties, it has not been possible to get a live-streaming service set up from St John’s but there is a full list on our diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and also our parliamentary office website www.rcpolitics.org.uk of all services in Scotland and Rome being live-streamed throughout Holy Week). If it is not possible to get online or follow Masses on television, please still join in prayer each day from your home. As Father Laurent and I celebrate the Masses and services in private in our church, be with us in prayer: walk with the cheering crowd welcoming the Lord into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; sit at the table with the Apostles on Holy Thursday and receive a spiritual communion from the Lord; stand with our patron Saint John at the foot of the cross on Good Friday; wait with them in the upper room on Holy Saturday. Share their joy and profound cheer of seeing the victorious Lord risen from the dead on Easter Sunday!!
Parishioners and friends, Father Laurent and I miss seeing you and leading you in prayer and praise of God but please know you are in our hearts and intentions at Holy Mass every day. Keep up the prayers for ALL effected by this virus and pray it will come to an end quickly. Remember also those who were due to be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil all over the world, especially Karen and Stephen from our own parish. We live in the definite hope and the sure knowledge that this time will pass and we will again be able to join together at Holy Mass!
May God bless you all through the intercession of Saint John!
Fr Joe
As we enter into the holiest week of the church’s year-- the week which commemorates the betrayal of our Lord, his Last Supper with his Disciples, his Passion and Crucifixion, culminating in the great events of that first Easter Sunday, the effects of the Coronavirus are truly hitting home to us in a dramatic and poignant way.
As you know, we would normally gather in very large numbers to remember and celebrate these wondrous events, joining with our brothers and sisters throughout the world as they do the same in every country on the face of the earth. However, this year we find our churches closed due to the worldwide pandemic engulfing us all with no idea when this will come to an end and normality resume. More than ever we need to place our trust in God, believing He is watching over all of us and that He will always bring about His good, even from the darkest of situations. Fundamentally, as Christians and especially as Catholics, we are people of HOPE. This hope is not ill-founded or a mere pipe dream but rooted in the very real victory of the Resurrection of the Lord and His defeat of the powers of darkness. This victory reminds us of the ultimate power of God and that, as His children, it is a victory won for all of us. This assures us that no matter what we are going through, including this horrid virus and its effects upon us, our society and world, we know it will not last forever, that His light will always conquer the darkness and that goodness and truth will always prevail.
We may not be able to gather in the usual large numbers but please join with your brothers and sisters in the Faith here in St John’s, Paisley Diocese and indeed the world, as we journey through this week. Where possible, attend the Masses and services via television or internet. (Due to technical difficulties, it has not been possible to get a live-streaming service set up from St John’s but there is a full list on our diocesan website www.rcdop.org.uk and also our parliamentary office website www.rcpolitics.org.uk of all services in Scotland and Rome being live-streamed throughout Holy Week). If it is not possible to get online or follow Masses on television, please still join in prayer each day from your home. As Father Laurent and I celebrate the Masses and services in private in our church, be with us in prayer: walk with the cheering crowd welcoming the Lord into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; sit at the table with the Apostles on Holy Thursday and receive a spiritual communion from the Lord; stand with our patron Saint John at the foot of the cross on Good Friday; wait with them in the upper room on Holy Saturday. Share their joy and profound cheer of seeing the victorious Lord risen from the dead on Easter Sunday!!
Parishioners and friends, Father Laurent and I miss seeing you and leading you in prayer and praise of God but please know you are in our hearts and intentions at Holy Mass every day. Keep up the prayers for ALL effected by this virus and pray it will come to an end quickly. Remember also those who were due to be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil all over the world, especially Karen and Stephen from our own parish. We live in the definite hope and the sure knowledge that this time will pass and we will again be able to join together at Holy Mass!
May God bless you all through the intercession of Saint John!
Fr Joe