Being Catholic
The core beliefs of the Catholic faith are contained within the Nicene Creed, which is proclaimed by the congregation at Mass every Sunday. The Creed is a statement of belief that was defined in the year 325 AD to clarify the beliefs that had been held since the beginning of the Church following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in 33 AD. The Creed reiterates the faith from the Scriptures that:
- God is one yet a trinity of three persons.
- The birth of Jesus, the Son of God and Son of Mary is God's great act of love with us and for us always.
- God's Spirit is active within us and the whole of creation.
- The Church is sent into the world to continue the mission of Son and Spirit in humanity until the end of time.
The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, |
Useful linksThe following websites contain useful information for someone considering joining the Catholic Church, please use them in your discernment.
Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia
Contains a number of useful sections such as "Who is Jesus?", "Catholics & the Bible" and "Prayer" as well as an FAQ section. Catholic Online Contains a section on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process to let you know what to expect. RCIA Network The website from the RCIA network of England & Wales provides more guidance on the process and the stories of people who have begun. For a detailed commentary on the Creed, look here in the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Compendium of the CCC is a detailed document that discusses all the beliefs and traditions of the Church in a question and answer form. It is available in its entirety online via the Vatican website. |