Sixth Sunday of Easter 5th May 24
COLLECTIONS First Collection GA: £547.10 NGA £821.95 Monthly Standing Orders: £5,194. Building Fund GA: £151.00 Monthly Paya Charity Donations £ 490.00 Vocations GA £49.00 St Anthony’s Box: £75.03 Second Collection this weekend: Monthly Building Fund Second Collection Next weekend: Communications Coffee Morning Sunday 5th May: The coffee morning after the 10am Mass is to raise funds for the young adults Pilgrimage to Poland in August. All donations of home baking and raffle prizes gratefully accepted. We have two parishioners going on the Pilgrimage. Assisted Suicide: Please contact your MSPs today to stop assisted suicide becoming legal in Scotland. Use the QR code to access an online resource created by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, including guidance on contacting your MSPs. Visit suicide or email [email protected]. Copies of Bishop’s Conference letter are available in porch. Ascension Thursday Holy Day of Obligation: Vigil Mass (Wed 8th May) at 7pm and Thursday 9th at 8am & Primaries of St Johns & St Marks will attend the 10am Mass. May Devotions: Benediction and Rosary at 2pm today. Pope Francis “For all those who have no peace, let us invoke Mary, the woman who brought into the world the Prince of Peace.” Come and join with Our Blessed Mother to pray for peace, each Sunday of May. Parish First Communions: Saturday 11th of May at 10am. Please keep all the children of St John’s & St Mark’s in your prayers. Catholic Mothers Play and Pray Group: Catholic Mothers exists to connect, inspire, and equip women in the vocation of motherhood. Come join us after 10am Mass every Tuesday in St John's Parish Hall for a cuppa, chat and a fun place for the kids to play and pray with us. All mothers and children welcome! A Family Day with Mary – Sunday 12th of May: Bishop John and the Marriage, Family, and Life Commission warmly invites you to join families throughout the Diocese for an afternoon of celebration and fun in honour of Mary our Mother! The day will begin at 2pm in St John’s, Barrhead parish hall on Sunday the 12th of May and will include prayer, games, activities for children and refreshments for all. We will conclude with Holy Mass at 4pm. No 5pm Mass next Sunday Cleaners and Pass keepers: We are looking for more volunteers to clean the Church and to pass keep at weekend Masses. If interested see one of the priests. Keeping the Church tidy: Could we remind everyone to take away bulletins or return them to where they were picked up and to take away any dirty hankies, bottles/foodstuff etc. Carfin Legion of Mary: The bus will leave the church at 1.30pm and return 6pm on Sunday 26th May. Price £10.00. To book place please put name on list in the porch. Sacred Music: The Diocesan Choir presents an Evening of Sacred Choral Music on Sun 12th May at from 6-7pm in St Mirin's Cathedral. There will be a retiring collection for Cathedral funds. All welcome. Young Adults Aged 18-35: Fr Joe McGill will explore the new and eternal covenant of Christ, on Wednesday 8th May. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan office. It will end with Adoration and Benediction, followed by an opportunity to socialise in a local bar. Email Fr Joe McGill ([email protected]) for more info, and to be added to the WhatsApp group. We pray for those who have died recently: Fr Des Broderick, Jonathan Morrin, Mary Ann Murray, Teresa Mc Govern, Canon Neil Sharp and for the Anniversaries of Edward & Mary Brady, Sadie Cunningham, Edward Hone, Patrick & Susan Hone, Nancy Mitchell, John & Matilda Mc Gorrian, John McGuire, Bert Readie, Nancy Taylor, Monsignor Neil C. McGrory, Canon Daniel Horgan. |